Basically: test to make sure we can load cmsgpack
and do some sanity checks to make sure pack/unpack works
properly. We also have a bonus test for circular encoding
and decoding because I was curious how it worked.
A few people have written custom C commands because bit
manipulation isn't exposed through Lua. Let's give
them Mike Pall's bitop.
This adds bitop 1.0.2 (2012-05-08) from
bitop is imported as "bit" into the global namespace.
New Lua commands: bit.tobit, bit.tohex, bit.bnot,, bit.bor, bit.bxor,
bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift, bit.rol, bit.ror, bit.bswap
Verification of working (the asserts would abort on error, so (nil) is correct):> eval "assert(bit.tobit(1) == 1); assert( == 1); assert(bit.bxor(1,2) == 3); assert(bit.bor(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128) == 255)" 0
(nil)> eval 'assert(0x7fffffff == 2147483647, "broken hex literals"); assert(0xffffffff == -1 or 0xffffffff == 2^32-1, "broken hex literals"); assert(tostring(-1) == "-1", "broken tostring()"); assert(tostring(0xffffffff) == "-1" or tostring(0xffffffff) == "4294967295", "broken tostring()")' 0
Tests also integrated into the scripting tests and can be run with:
./runtest --single unit/scripting
Tests are excerpted from `bittest.lua` included in the bitop distribution.
When aof-load-truncated option was introduced, with a default of "yes",
the past behavior of the server to abort with trunncated AOF changed, so
we need to explicitly configure the tests to abort with truncated AOF
by setting the option to no.
Previously, "MOVE key somestring" would move the key to
DB 0 which is just unexpected and wrong.
String as DB == error.
Test added too.
Modified by @antirez in order to use the getLongLongFromObject() API
instead of strtol().
Also adds test for numsub — due to tcl being tcl,
it doesn't capture the "numberness" of the fix,
but now we at least have one test case for numsub.
We only want to use the last STORE key, but we have to record
we actually found a STORE key so we can increment the final return
key count.
Test added to prevent further regression.
Closes#1883, #1645, #1647
Previously the end was casted to a smaller type
which resulted in a wrong check and failed
with values larger than handled by unsigned.
Closes#1847, #1844
In the test we use WAIT when the master and slave are up, and only later the
partition is created killing the master, so we are sure we don't incur
in failure modes that may lose writes in this test: the goal here is to
make sure that the elected slave was replicating correctly with the