Test: check sorted set elements order after union.

This is not a regression but issue #1786 showed the need for this test.
This commit is contained in:
antirez 2014-07-22 17:52:04 +02:00
parent d74e422b5e
commit b9bb7e2d4a

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@ -588,6 +588,28 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
r zrange to_here 0 -1
} {100}
test {ZUNIONSTORE result is sorted} {
# Create two sets with common and not common elements, perform
# the UNION, check that elements are still sorted.
r del one two dest
set cmd1 [list r zadd one]
set cmd2 [list r zadd two]
for {set j 0} {$j < 1000} {incr j} {
lappend cmd1 [expr rand()] [randomInt 1000]
lappend cmd2 [expr rand()] [randomInt 1000]
assert {[r zcard one] > 100}
assert {[r zcard two] > 100}
r zunionstore dest 2 one two
set oldscore 0
foreach {ele score} [r zrange dest 0 -1 withscores] {
assert {$score >= $oldscore}
set oldscore $score
proc stressers {encoding} {
if {$encoding == "ziplist"} {
# Little extra to allow proper fuzzing in the sorting stresser