Cluster test: less console-spammy resharding test.

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2014-10-08 10:12:40 +02:00
parent 034ca98678
commit 5b47783d77
2 changed files with 19 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -53,13 +53,16 @@ test "Cluster consistency during live resharding" {
puts -nonewline "...Starting resharding..."
flush stdout
set target [dict get [get_myself [randomInt 5]] id]
set tribpid [exec \
set tribpid [lindex [exec \
../../../src/redis-trib.rb reshard \
--from all \
--to $target \
--slots 100 \
--yes \[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] &][get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
| [info nameofexecutable] \
../tests/helpers/onlydots.tcl \
&] 0]
# Write random data to random list.

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Read the standard input and only shows dots in the output, filtering out
# all the other characters. Designed to avoid bufferization so that when
# we get the output of redis-trib and want to show just the dots, we'll see
# the dots as soon as redis-trib will output them.
fconfigure stdin -buffering none
while 1 {
set c [read stdin 1]
if {$c eq {.}} {
puts -nonewline .
flush stdout