This is still code to rework in order to use agreement to obtain a new
configEpoch when a slot is migrated, however this commit handles the
special case that happens when the nodes are just started and everybody
has a configEpoch of 0. In this special condition to have the maximum
configEpoch is not enough as the special epoch 0 is not unique (all the
others are).
This does not fixes the intrinsic race condition of a failover happening
while we are resharding, that will be addressed later.
used_memory_peak only updates in serverCron every server.hz,
but Redis can use more memory and a user can request memory
INFO before used_memory_peak gets updated in the next
cron run.
This patch updates used_memory_peak to the current
memory usage if the current memory usage is higher
than the recorded used_memory_peak value.
(And it only calls zmalloc_used_memory() once instead of
twice as it was doing before.)
With the new behavior it is possible to specify just the start in the
range (the end will be assumed to be the first byte), or it is possible
to specify both start and end.
This is useful to change the behavior of the command when looking for
zeros inside a string.
1) If the user specifies both start and end, and no 0 is found inside
the range, the command returns -1.
2) If instead no range is specified, or just the start is given, even
if in the actual string no 0 bit is found, the command returns the
first bit on the right after the end of the string.
So for example if the string stored at key foo is "\xff\xff":
BITPOS foo (returns 16)
BITPOS foo 0 -1 (returns -1)
BITPOS foo 0 (returns 16)
The idea is that when no end is given the user is just looking for the
first bit that is zero and can be set to 1 with SETBIT, as it is
"available". Instead when a specific range is given, we just look for a
zero within the boundaries of the range.
It was verified in practice that this test is able to stress much more
the implementation by introducing errors that were only trivially to
detect with different offsets but impossible to detect starting always
at zero and counting bits the full length of the string.
This commit changes the findBigKeys() function in redis-cli.c to use the new
SCAN command for iterating the keyspace, rather than RANDOMKEY. Because we
can know when we're done using SCAN, it will exit after exhausting the keyspace.
The computation is just something to take the CPU busy, no need to use a
specific type. Since stdint.h was not included this prevented
compilation on certain systems.
An unit can abort in the middle for an error. The next unit should not
assume that the instances are in a clean state, and must restart what
was left killed.
Sentinel tests are designed to be dependent on the previous tests in the
same unit, so usually we can't continue with the next test in the same
unit if a previous test failed.
The test was previously performed by removing the master from the
Sentinel monitored masters. The test with the Sentinels crashed is
more similar to real-world partitions / failures.
The area a number of mandatory tests to craete a stable setup for
testing that is not too sensitive to timing issues. All those tests
moved to includes/init-tests, and marked as (init).
Now that we have a runtime configuration system, it is very important to
be able to log how the Sentinel configuration changes over time because
of API calls.
This error was conceived for the older version of Sentinel that worked
via master redirection and that was not able to get configuration
updates from other Sentinels via the Pub/Sub channel of masters or
This reply does not make sense today, every Sentinel should reply with
the best information it has currently. The error will make even more
sense in the future since the plan is to allow Sentinels to update the
configuration of other Sentinels via gossip with a direct chat without
the prerequisite that they have at least a monitored instance in common.
It is now possible to kill and restart sentinel or redis instances for
more real-world testing.
The 01 unit tests the capability of Sentinel to update the configuration
of Sentinels rejoining the cluster, however the test is pretty trivial
and more tests should be added.
If you launch redis with `redis-server --sentinel` then
in a ps, your output only says "redis-server IP:Port" — this
patch changes the proc title to include [sentinel] or
[cluster] depending on the current server mode:
e.g. "redis-server IP:Port [sentinel]"
"redis-server IP:Port [cluster]"