Sentinel test: restart instances left killed by previous unit.

An unit can abort in the middle for an error. The next unit should not
assume that the instances are in a clean state, and must restart what
was left killed.
This commit is contained in:
antirez 2014-02-25 08:48:46 +01:00
parent a9360c62e8
commit 386467acfb

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@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
# Initialization tests -- most units will start including this.
test "(init) Restart killed instances" {
foreach type {redis sentinel} {
foreach_${type}_id id {
if {[get_instance_attrib $type $id pid] == -1} {
puts -nonewline "$type/$id "
flush stdout
restart_instance $type $id
set redis_slaves 4
test "(init) Create a master-slaves cluster of [expr $redis_slaves+1] instances" {
create_redis_master_slave_cluster [expr {$redis_slaves+1}]