Changes to leadership handling.
Now the leader gets selected by every Sentinel, for a specified epoch,
when the SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr is sent.
This command now includes the runid and the currentEpoch of the instance
seeking for a vote. The Sentinel only votes a single time in a given
Still a work in progress, does not even compile at this stage.
Sentinel state now includes the idea of current epoch and config epoch.
In the Hello message, that is now published both on masters and slaves,
a Sentinel no longer just advertises itself but also broadcasts its
current view of the configuration: the master name / ip / port and its
current epoch.
Sentinels receiving such information switch to the new master if the
configuration epoch received is newer and the ip / port of the master
are indeed different compared to the previos ones.
AUTH and SCRIPT KILL were sent without incrementing the pending commands
counter. Clearly this needs some kind of wrapper doing it for the caller
in order to be less bug prone.
This change makes Sentinel less fragile about a number of failure modes.
This commit also fixes a different bug as a side effect, SLAVEOF command
was sent multiple times without incrementing the pending commands count.
Actaully the string is modified in-place and a reallocation is never
needed, so there is no need to return the new sds string pointer as
return value of the function, that is now just "void".
This has been done by exposing the anetSockName() function anet.c
to be used when the sentinel is publishing its existence to the masters.
This implementation is very unintelligent as it will likely break if used
with IPv6 as the nested colons will break any parsing of the PUBLISH string
by the master.
Sentinel was not able to detect slaves when connected to a very recent
version of Redis master since a previos non-backward compatible change
to INFO broken the parsing of the slaves ip:port INFO output.
This fixes issue #1164
Tilt mode was too aggressive (not processing INFO output), this
resulted in a few problems:
1) Redirections were not followed when in tilt mode. This opened a
window to misinform clients about the current master when a Sentinel
was in tilt mode and a fail over happened during the time it was not
able to update the state.
2) It was possible for a Sentinel exiting tilt mode to detect a false
fail over start, if a slave rebooted with a wrong configuration
about at the same time. This used to happen since in tilt mode we
lose the information that the runid changed (reboot).
Now instead the Sentinel in tilt mode will still remove the instance
from the list of slaves if it changes state AND runid at the same
Both are edge conditions but the changes should overall improve the
reliability of Sentinel.
We used to always turn a master into a slave if the DEMOTE flag was set,
as this was a resurrecting master instance.
However the following race condition is possible for a Sentinel that
got partitioned or internal issues (tilt mode), and was not able to
refresh the state in the meantime:
1) Sentinel X is running, master is instance "A".
3) "A" fails, sentinels will promote slave "B" as master.
2) Sentinel X goes down because of a network partition.
4) "A" returns available, Sentinels will demote it as a slave.
5) "B" fails, other Sentinels will promote slave "A" as master.
6) At this point Sentinel X comes back.
When "X" comes back he thinks that:
"B" is the master.
"A" is the slave to demote.
We want to avoid that Sentinel "X" will demote "A" into a slave.
We also want that Sentinel "X" will detect that the conditions changed
and will reconfigure itself to monitor the right master.
There are two main ways for the Sentinel to reconfigure itself after
this event:
1) If "B" is reachable and already configured as a slave by other
sentinels, "X" will perform a redirection to "A".
2) If there are not the conditions to demote "A", the fact that "A"
reports to be a master will trigger a failover detection in "X", that
will end into a reconfiguraiton to monitor "A".
However if the Sentinel was not reachable, its state may not be updated,
so in case it titled, or was partiitoned from the master instance of the
slave to demote, the new implementation waits some time (enough to
guarantee we can detect the new INFO, and new DOWN conditions).
If after some time still there are not the right condiitons to demote
the instance, the DEMOTE flag is cleared.
Sentinel redirected to the master if the instance changed runid or it
was the first time we got INFO, and a role change was detected from
master to slave.
While this is a good idea in case of slave->master, since otherwise we
could detect a failover without good reasons just after a reboot with a
slave with a wrong configuration, in the case of master->slave
transition is much better to always perform the redirection for the
following reasons:
1) A Sentinel may go down for some time. When it is back online there is
no other way to understand there was a failover.
2) Pointing clients to a slave seems to be always the wrong thing to do.
3) There is no good rationale about handling things differently once an
instance is rebooted (runid change) in that case.
If we don't have any clue about a master since it never replied to INFO
so far, reply with an -IDONTKNOW error to SENTINEL
get-master-addr-by-name requests.
Before this commit Sentienl used to redirect master ip/addr if the
current instance reported to be a slave only if this was the first INFO
output received, and the role was found to be slave.
Now instead also if we find that the runid is different, and the
reported role is slave, we also redirect to the reported master ip/addr.
This unifies the behavior of Sentinel in the case of a reboot (where it
will see the first INFO output with the wrong role and will perform the
redirection), with the behavior of Sentinel in the case of a change in
what it sees in the INFO output of the master.
The slave priority that is now published by Redis in INFO output is
now used by Sentinel in order to select the slave with minimum priority
for promotion, and in order to consider slaves with priority set to 0 as
not able to play the role of master (they will never be promoted by
The "slave-priority" field is now one of the fileds that Sentinel
publishes when describing an instance via the SENTINEL commands such as
"SENTINEL slaves mastername".
From the point of view of Redis an instance replying -BUSY is down,
since it is effectively not able to reply to user requests. However
a looping script is a recoverable condition in Redis if the script still
did not performed any write to the dataset. In that case performing a
fail over is not optimal, so Sentinel now tries to restore the normal server
condition killing the script with a SCRIPT KILL command.
If the script already performed some write before entering an infinite
(or long enough to timeout) loop, SCRIPT KILL will not work and the
fail over will be triggered anyway.
This command can be used in order to force a Sentinel instance to start
a failover for the specified master, as leader, forcing the failover
even if the master is up.
The commit also adds some minor refactoring and other improvements to
functions already implemented that make them able to work when the
master is not in SDOWN condition. For instance slave selection
assumed that we ask INFO every second to every slave, this is true
only when the master is in SDOWN condition, so slave selection did not
worked when the master was not in SDOWN condition.