Sentinel: readd slaves back after a master reset.

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2013-11-13 13:01:11 +01:00
parent 6bd4f6bffe
commit ae35b7e240

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@ -443,6 +443,11 @@ void releaseSentinelAddr(sentinelAddr *sa) {
/* Return non-zero if two addresses are equal. */
int sentinelAddrIsEqual(sentinelAddr *a, sentinelAddr *b) {
return a->port == b->port && !strcasecmp(a->ip,b->ip);
/* =========================== Events notification ========================== */
/* Send an event to log, pub/sub, user notification script.
@ -1142,15 +1147,54 @@ int sentinelResetMastersByPattern(char *pattern, int flags) {
* reason. Otherwise REDIS_OK is returned. */
int sentinelResetMasterAndChangeAddress(sentinelRedisInstance *master, char *ip, int port) {
sentinelAddr *oldaddr, *newaddr;
sentinelAddr **slaves = NULL;
int numslaves = 0, j;
dictIterator *di;
dictEntry *de;
newaddr = createSentinelAddr(ip,port);
if (newaddr == NULL) return REDIS_ERR;
/* Make a list of slaves to add back after the reset.
* Don't include the one having the address we are switching to. */
di = dictGetIterator(master->slaves);
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
sentinelRedisInstance *slave = dictGetVal(de);
if (sentinelAddrIsEqual(slave->addr,newaddr)) continue;
slaves = zrealloc(slaves,sizeof(sentinelAddr*)*(numslaves+1));
slaves[numslaves++] = createSentinelAddr(slave->addr->ip,
/* If we are switching to a different address, include the old address
* as a slave as well, so that we'll be able to sense / reconfigure
* the old master. */
if (!sentinelAddrIsEqual(newaddr,master->addr)) {
slaves = zrealloc(slaves,sizeof(sentinelAddr*)*(numslaves+1));
slaves[numslaves++] = createSentinelAddr(master->addr->ip,
/* Reset and switch address. */
oldaddr = master->addr;
master->addr = newaddr;
master->o_down_since_time = 0;
master->s_down_since_time = 0;
/* Add slaves back. */
for (j = 0; j < numslaves; j++) {
sentinelRedisInstance *slave;
slave = createSentinelRedisInstance(NULL,SRI_SLAVE,slaves[j]->ip,
slaves[j]->port, master->quorum, master);
if (slave) sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+slave",slave,"%@");
/* Release the old address at the end so we are safe even if the function
* gets the master->addr->ip and master->addr->port as arguments. */