If someone asks for SYNC or PSYNC from redis-cli,
automatically enter slaveMode (as if they ran
redis-cli --slave) and continue printing the replication
stream until either they Ctrl-C or the master gets disconnected.
Currently this is marginally useful, only to make sure two keys are in
the same hash slot when the cluster is stable (no rehashing in
In the future it is possible that support will be added to run
mutli-keys operations with keys in the same hash slot.
Sometime an osx master with a Linux server over a slow link caused
a strange error where osx called the writable function for
the socket but actually apparently there was no room in the socket
buffer to accept the write: write(2) call returned an EAGAIN error,
that was not checked, so we considered write(2) == 0 always as a connection
reset, which was unfortunate since the bulk transfer has to start again.
Also more errors are logged with the WARNING level in the same code path
When a slave requests masters vote for a manual failover, the
REQUEST_AUTH message is flagged in a special way in order to force the
masters to give the authorization even if the master is not marked as
The API is one of the bulding blocks of CLUSTER FAILOVER command that
executes a manual failover in Redis Cluster. However exposed as a
command that the user can call directly, it makes much simpler to
upgrade a standalone Redis instance using a slave in a safer way.
The commands works like that:
CLIENT PAUSE <milliesconds>
All the clients that are not slaves and not in MONITOR state are paused
for the specified number of milliesconds. This means that slaves are
normally served in the meantime.
At the end of the specified amount of time all the clients are unblocked
and will continue operations normally. This command has no effects on
the population of the slow log, since clients are not blocked in the
middle of operations but only when there is to process new data.
Note that while the clients are unblocked, still new commands are
accepted and queued in the client buffer, so clients will likely not
block while writing to the server while the pause is active.
Keys expiring in the middle of the execution of Lua scripts are to
create inconsistencies in masters and / or AOF files. See the following
if redis.call("exists",KEYS[1]) == 1
if redis.call("exists",KEYS[1]) == 1
return redis.call("incr","mycounter")
The script executes two times the same *if key exists then incrementcounter*
logic. However the two executions will work differently in the master and
the slaves, provided some unlucky timing happens.
In the master the first time the key may still exist, while the second time
the key may no longer exist. This will result in the key incremented just one
time. However as a side effect the master will generate a synthetic
`DEL` command in the replication channel in order to force the slaves to
expire the key (given that key expiration is master-driven).
When the same script will run in the slave, the key will no longer be
there, so the script will not increment the key.
The key idea used to implement the expire-at-first-lookup semantics was
provided by Marc Gravell.
server.lua_time_start is expressed in milliseconds. Use mstime_t instead
of long long, and populate it with mstime() instead of ustime()/1000.
Functionally identical but more natural.
The Redis test uses a server-clients model in order to parallelize the
execution of different tests. However in recent versions of osx not
setting the channel to a binary encoding caused issues even if AFAIK no
binary data is really sent via this channel. However now the channels
are deliberately set to a binary encoding and this solves the issue.
The exact issue was the test not terminating and giving the impression
of running forever, since test clients or servers were unable to
exchange the messages to continue.
In high RPS environments, the default listen backlog is not sufficient, so
giving users the power to configure it is the right approach, especially
since it requires only minor modifications to the code.
The check was placed in a way that conflicted with the continue
statements used by the node hearth beat code later that needs to skip
the current node sometimes. Moved at the start of the function so that's
always executed.
This feature allows slaves to migrate to orphaned masters (masters
without working slaves), as long as a set of conditions are met,
including the fact that the migrating slave needs to be in a
master-slaves ring with at least another slave working.
When we schedule a failover, broadcast a PONG to the slaves.
The other slaves that plan to get elected will do the same too, this way
it is likely that every slave will have a good picture of its own rank.
Note that this is N*N messages where N is the number of slaves for the
failing master, however usually even large clusters have many master
nodes but a limited number of replicas per node, so this is harmless.
Note that when we compute the initial delay, there are probably still
more up to date information to receive from slaves with new offsets, so
the delay is recomputed when new data is available.
Return the number of slaves for the same master having a better
replication offset of the current slave, that is, the slave "rank" used
to pick a delay before the request for election.
Accessing to the 'myself' node, the node representing the currently
running instance, is handy without the need to type
server.cluster->myself every time.
The two fields are used in order to remember the latest known
replication offset and the time we received it from other slave nodes.
This will be used by slaves in order to start the election procedure
with a delay that is proportional to the rank of the slave among the
other slaves for this master, when sorted for replication offset.
Usually this allows the slave with the most updated offset to win the
election and replace the failing master in the cluster.
Incremental flushing in rio.c is only used to avoid huge kernel buffers
synched to slow disks creating big latency spikes, so this fix has no
durability implications, however it is certainly more correct to make
sure that the FILE buffers are flushed to the kernel before calling
fsync on the file descriptor.
Thanks to Li Shao Kai for reporting this issue in the Redis mailing
One of the simple heuristics used by Redis Cluster in order to avoid
losing data in the typical failure modes created by the asynchronous
replication with the slaves (a master is unable, when accepting a
write, to immediately tell if it should be really accepted or refused
because of a configuration change), is to wait some time before to
rejoin the cluster after being partitioned away from the majority of
A similar condition happens when a master is restarted. It does not know
if it was already failed over, nor if all the clients have already an
updated configuration about the cluster map, so it is possible that
clients will try to write to stale masters that were restarted.
In a similar way this commit changes masters behavior so they wait
2000 milliseconds before accepting writes after a reboot. There is
nothing special about 2 seconds if not to be a value supposedly larger
a few orders of magnitude compared to the cluster bus communication