This commit is contained in:
antirez 2009-11-28 18:19:11 +01:00
parent c74e7c7757
commit 5b1207c63f

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@ -1024,6 +1024,45 @@ proc main {server port} {
$r zrangebyscore zset 2 4 $r zrangebyscore zset 2 4
} {b c d} } {b c d}
test {ZRANGEBYSCORE fuzzy test, 100 ranges in 1000 elements sorted set} {
set err {}
$r del zset
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
$r zadd zset [expr rand()] $i
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
set min [expr rand()]
set max [expr rand()]
if {$min > $max} {
set aux $min
set min $max
set max $aux
set low [$r zrangebyscore zset -inf $min]
set ok [$r zrangebyscore zset $min $max]
set high [$r zrangebyscore zset $max +inf]
foreach x $low {
set score [$r zscore zset $x]
if {$score > $min} {
append err "Error, score for $x is $score > $min\n"
foreach x $ok {
set score [$r zscore zset $x]
if {$score < $min || $score > $max} {
append err "Error, score for $x is $score outside $min-$max range\n"
foreach x $high {
set score [$r zscore zset $x]
if {$score < $max} {
append err "Error, score for $x is $score < $max\n"
set _ $err
} {}
test {Sorted sets +inf and -inf handling} { test {Sorted sets +inf and -inf handling} {
$r del zset $r del zset
$r zadd zset -100 a $r zadd zset -100 a