ZRANGEBYSCORE memory leak fixed, ZRANGEBYSCORE initial test added

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2009-11-28 18:03:09 +01:00
parent 1c85b79fef
commit c74e7c7757
2 changed files with 22 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4587,6 +4587,7 @@ static void zrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
* it later */
lenobj = createObject(REDIS_STRING,NULL);
while(ln && ln->score <= max) {
ele = ln->obj;

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@ -1014,6 +1014,27 @@ proc main {server port} {
list $v1 $v2 [$r zscore zset foo] [$r zscore zset bar]
} {{bar foo} {foo bar} -2 6}
test {ZRANGEBYSCORE basics} {
$r del zset
$r zadd zset 1 a
$r zadd zset 2 b
$r zadd zset 3 c
$r zadd zset 4 d
$r zadd zset 5 e
$r zrangebyscore zset 2 4
} {b c d}
test {Sorted sets +inf and -inf handling} {
$r del zset
$r zadd zset -100 a
$r zadd zset 200 b
$r zadd zset -300 c
$r zadd zset 1000000 d
$r zadd zset +inf max
$r zadd zset -inf min
$r zrange zset 0 -1
} {min c a b d max}
test {EXPIRE - don't set timeouts multiple times} {
$r set x foobar
set v1 [$r expire x 5]