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Writing a custom lexer

Let's say we want to parse the Whitespace language, so we've put together a grammar like the following:

pub Program = <Statement*>;

Statement: ast::Stmt = {
    " " <StackOp>,
    "\t" " " <MathOp>,
    "\t" "\t" <HeapOp>,
    "\n" <FlowCtrl>,
    "\t" "\n" <Io>,

StackOp: ast::Stmt = {
    " " <Number> => ast::Stmt::Push(<>),
    "\n" " " => ast::Stmt::Dup,
    "\n" "\t" => ast::Stmt::Swap,
    "\n" "\n" => ast::Stmt::Discard,

MathOp: ast::Stmt = {
    " " " " => ast::Stmt::Add,
    " " "\t" => ast::Stmt::Sub,
    " " "\n" => ast::Stmt::Mul,
    "\t" " " => ast::Stmt::Div,
    "\t" "\t" => ast::Stmt::Mod,

// Remainder omitted

Naturally, it doesn't work. By default, LALRPOP generates a tokenizer that skips all whitespace -- including newlines. What we want is to capture whitespace characters and ignore the rest as comments, and LALRPOP does the opposite of that.

At the moment, LALRPOP doesn't allow you to configure the default tokenizer. In the future it will become quite flexible, but for now we have to write our own.

Let's start by defining the stream format. The parser will accept an iterator where each item in the stream has the following structure:

pub type Spanned<Tok, Loc, Error> = Result<(Loc, Tok, Loc), Error>;

Loc is typically just a usize, representing a byte offset into the input string. Each token is accompanied by two of them, marking the start and end positions where it was found. Error can be pretty much anything you choose. And of course Tok is the meat of the stream, defining what possible values the tokens themselves can have. Following the conventions of Rust iterators, we'll signal a valid token with Some(Ok(...)), an error with Some(Err(...)), and EOF with None.

(Note that the term "tokenizer" normally refers to a piece of code that simply splits up the stream, whereas a "lexer" also tags each token with its lexical category. What we're writing is the latter.)

Whitespace is a simple language from a lexical standpoint, with only three valid tokens:

pub enum Tok {

Everything else is a comment. There are no invalid lexes, so we'll define our own error type, a void enum:

pub enum LexicalError {
    // Not possible

Now for the lexer itself. We'll take a string slice as its input. For each token we process, we'll want to know the character value, and the byte offset in the string where it begins. We can do that by wrapping the CharIndices iterator, which yields tuples of (usize, char) representing exactly that information.

use std::str::CharIndices;

pub struct Lexer<'input> {
    chars: CharIndices<'input>,

impl<'input> Lexer<'input> {
    pub fn new(input: &'input str) -> Self {
        Lexer { chars: input.char_indices() }

(The lifetime parameter 'input indicates that the Lexer cannot outlive the string it's trying to parse.)

Let's review our rules:

  • For a space character, we output Tok::Space.
  • For a tab character, we output Tok::Tab.
  • For a linefeed (newline) character, we output Tok::Linefeed.
  • We skip all other characters.
  • If we've reached the end of the string, we'll return None to signal EOF.

Writing a lexer for a language with multi-character tokens can get very complicated, but this is so straightforward, we can translate it directly into code without thinking very hard. Here's our Iterator implementation:

impl<'input> Iterator for Lexer<'input> {
    type Item = Spanned<Tok, usize, LexicalError>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            match {
                Some((i, ' ')) => return Some(Ok((i, Tok::Space, i+1))),
                Some((i, '\t')) => return Some(Ok((i, Tok::Tab, i+1))),
                Some((i, '\n')) => return Some(Ok((i, Tok::Linefeed, i+1))),

                None => return None, // End of file
                _ => continue, // Comment; skip this character

That's it. That's all we need.

Updating the parser

To use this with LALRPOP, we need to expose its API to the parser. It's pretty easy to do, but also somewhat magical, so pay close attention. Pick a convenient place in the grammar file (I chose the bottom) and insert an extern block:

extern {
    // ...

Now we tell LALRPOP about the Location and Error types, as if we're writing a trait:

extern {
    type Location = usize;
    type Error = lexer::LexicalError;
    // ...

We expose the Tok type by kinda sorta redeclaring it:

extern {
    type Location = usize;
    type Error = lexer::LexicalError;

    enum lexer::Tok {
        // ...

Now we have to declare each of our terminals. For each variant of Tok, we pick what name the parser will see, and write a pattern of the form name => lexer::Tok::Variant, similar to how action code works in grammar rules. The name can be an identifier, or a string literal. We'll use the latter.

Here's the whole thing:

extern {
    type Location = usize;
    type Error = lexer::LexicalError;

    enum lexer::Tok {
        " " => lexer::Tok::Space,
        "\t" => lexer::Tok::Tab,
        "\n" => lexer::Tok::Linefeed,

From now on, the parser will take a Lexer as its input instead of a string slice, like so:

    let lexer = lexer::Lexer::new("\n\n\n");
    match parser::parse_Program(lexer) {

And any time we write a string literal in the grammar, it'll substitute a variant of our Tok enum. This means we don't have to change any of the rules we already wrote! This will work as-is:

FlowCtrl: ast::Stmt = {
    " " " " <Label> => ast::Stmt::Mark(<>),
    " " "\t" <Label> => ast::Stmt::Call(<>),
    " " "\n" <Label> => ast::Stmt::Jump(<>),
    "\t" " " <Label> => ast::Stmt::Jz(<>),
    "\t" "\t" <Label> => ast::Stmt::Js(<>),
    "\t" "\n" => ast::Stmt::Return,
    "\n" "\n" => ast::Stmt::Exit,

The complete grammar is available in whitespace/src/parser.lalrpop.

Where to go from here

Things to try that apply to lexers in general:

  • Longer tokens
  • Tokens that require tracking internal lexer state

Things to try that are LALRPOP-specific:

  • Persuade a lexer generator to output the Spanned format
  • Make this tutorial better