2019-03-05 23:48:27 +09:00

4.6 KiB


JsonPath Rust 구현


To enjoy Rust


With Javascript (WebAssembly)

jsonpath-wasm 라이브리러

(not yet published jsonpath-wasm)

import * as jsonpath from "jsonpath-wasm";

read 함수

jsonpath.read(JSON.parse("{\"a\" : 1}"), "$.a");
jsonpath.read("{\"a\" : 1}", "$.a");

JsonPath 재사용

let template = jsonpath.compile("$.a");

// 1. read json string
template("{\"a\" : 1}")

// 2. read as json object
template(JSON.parse("{\"a\" : 1}"));

Json 재사용

// 1. read json string
let reader1 = jsonpath.reader("{\"a\" : 1}");

// 2. read as json object
let reader2 = jsonpath.reader(JSON.parse("{\"a\" : 1}"));


Demo: https://freestrings.github.io/jsonpath/

json 데이터 (참고 사이트: https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath)

    "store": {
        "book": [
                "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "price": 8.95
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
                "title": "Sword of Honour",
                "price": 12.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Herman Melville",
                "title": "Moby Dick",
                "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
                "price": 8.99
                "category": "fiction",
                "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
                "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
                "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
                "price": 22.99
        "bicycle": {
            "color": "red",
            "price": 19.95
    "expensive": 10
JsonPath (click link to try) Result
$.store.book[*].author The authors of all books
$..author All authors
$.store.* All things, both books and bicycles
$.store..price The price of everything
$..book[2] The third book
$..book[-2] The second to last book
$..book[0,1] The first two books
$..book[:2] All books from index 0 (inclusive) until index 2 (exclusive)
$..book[1:2] All books from index 1 (inclusive) until index 2 (exclusive)
$..book[-2:] Last two books
$..book[2:] Book number two from tail
$..book[?(@.isbn)] All books with an ISBN number
$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)] All books in store cheaper than 10
$..book[?(@.price <= $['expensive'])] (not yet supported) All books in store that are not "expensive"
$..book[?(@.author =~ /.*REES/i)] (not yet supported) All books matching regex (ignore case)
$..* Give me every thing
$..book.length() (not yet supported) The number of books

With Rust (as library)

With AWS API Gateway
