Mitra Ardron 30077716a3 Docs
2018-04-27 11:52:16 +10:00

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General transport library for Decentralized Web handles multiple underlying transports.


This library is part of a general project at the Internet Archive (archive.org) to support the decentralized web.


  • to allow a single API that can be used for most basic interactions with decentralized transports.
  • to support multiple URLs, on different transports, so that the (current) underlying unreliability is hidden.

Node Installation

  • Clone this repo.
  • Until this is in npm, add the line "dweb-transports": "git+https://git@github.com/internetarchive/dweb-transports.git", to your package.json file in the dependencies section.
  • npm install dweb-transports will install the dependencies including IPFS & WebTorrent

const DwebTransports = require(dweb-transport) will add all Transports to a Javascript file.

  • TODO writeup how to require only some of the transports.
  • Then see usage API below

Installation and usage in the Browser

  • Install npm & node
  • Clone this repo and cd to it.
  • npm bundle will create dist/dweb_transports_bundle.js
  • Add <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="dweb_transports_bundle.js"></SCRIPT> to your <HEAD>

Then code like this should work.

async function main(url) {
    try {
        // and if not found will use the defaulttransports specified here.
        await DwebTransports.p_connect({
            statuselement: document.getElementById("statuselement"),    // Where to build status indicator
            defaulttransports: ["HTTP","IPFS"],                         // Default transports if not specified
            transports: searchparams.getAll("transport")    // Allow override default from URL parameters
        }, verbose);                                        // Pass verbose global parameter from command line
        // Any code you want to run after connected to transports goes here.
    } catch(err) {
        console.log("App Error:", err);
var searchparams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
// Allow specifying ?verbose=true in URL to get debugging, and transport=HTTP etc
var verbose = searchparams.get("verbose") || false;

See example_block.html for an example of connecting, storing and retrieving.

See API.md for the detailed API.

##See related:


  • dweb-transports: Common API to underlying transports (http, webtorrent, ipfs, yjs)
  • dweb-objects: Object model for Dweb inc Lists, Authentication, Key/Value, Naming
  • dweb-serviceworker: Run Transports in ServiceWorker (experimental)
  • dweb-archive: Decentralized Archive webpage and bootstrapping
  • dweb-transport: Original Repo, still includes examples but being split into smaller repos