mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 04:01:03 +00:00
update main model schema
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"elm-community/graph": "6.0.0",
"elm-community/intdict": "3.0.0",
"elm-community/list-extra": "8.2.4",
"elm-community/maybe-extra": "5.2.0",
"ivadzy/bbase64": "1.1.1",
"lukewestby/elm-string-interpolate": "1.0.4",
"mpizenberg/elm-pointer-events": "4.0.2",
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Instances.View exposing (..)
import Blueprints.Model exposing (Blueprint)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (Html, a, div, table, tbody, td, text, th, thead, tr)
import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute)
@ -10,11 +11,11 @@ import Palette exposing (classes)
import Services.Model exposing (Service)
toInstance : String -> Identify -> Dict String String -> Service -> Instance
toInstance : String -> Identify -> Dict String Blueprint -> Service -> Instance
toInstance peerId identify blueprints service =
name =
blueprints |> Dict.get service.blueprint_id |> Maybe.withDefault "unknown"
blueprints |> Dict.get service.blueprint_id |> Maybe.map .name |> Maybe.withDefault "unknown"
ip =
List.head identify.external_addresses |> Maybe.map (String.split "/") |> Maybe.map (List.drop 2) |> Maybe.andThen List.head |> Maybe.withDefault "unknown"
@ -25,18 +26,12 @@ toInstance peerId identify blueprints service =
view : Model -> Html msg
view model =
bps =
Dict.values model.discoveredPeers |> List.map (\data -> data.blueprints |> List.map (\b -> ( b.id, b.name )))
bpsDict =
List.concat bps |> Dict.fromList
instances =
Dict.toList model.discoveredPeers
|> List.map
(\( peer, data ) ->
|> List.map (toInstance peer data.identify bpsDict)
|> List.map (toInstance peer data.identify model.blueprints)
|> List.concat
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ init flags url key =
, key = key
, page = r
, discoveredPeers = Dict.empty
, modules = Dict.empty
, blueprints = Dict.empty
( emptyModel, Route.routeCommand emptyModel r )
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ type Route
type alias PeerData =
{ identify : Identify
, services : List Service
, modules : List Module
, blueprints : List Blueprint
, modules : List String
, blueprints : List String
@ -52,4 +52,6 @@ type alias Model =
, url : Url.Url
, page : Route
, discoveredPeers : Dict String PeerData
, modules : Dict String Module
, blueprints : Dict String Blueprint
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Modules.View exposing (..)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (Html, div, p, span, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute)
import Maybe.Extra
import Model exposing (Model, PeerData)
import Modules.Model exposing (Module, ModuleShortInfo)
import Palette exposing (classes)
@ -11,20 +12,20 @@ import Utils.Utils exposing (instancesText)
getModuleShortInfo : Model -> List ModuleShortInfo
getModuleShortInfo model =
getAllModules model.discoveredPeers |> Dict.toList |> List.map (\( moduleName, ( moduleInfo, peers ) ) -> { moduleInfo = moduleInfo, instanceNumber = List.length peers })
getAllModules model.modules model.discoveredPeers |> Dict.toList |> List.map (\( moduleName, ( moduleInfo, peers ) ) -> { moduleInfo = moduleInfo, instanceNumber = List.length peers })
getAllModules : Dict String PeerData -> Dict String ( Module, List String )
getAllModules peerData =
getAllModules : Dict String Module -> Dict String PeerData -> Dict String ( Module, List String )
getAllModules modules peerData =
peerDatas =
Dict.toList peerData
allModules =
allModulesByPeers =
peerDatas |> List.map (\( peer, pd ) -> pd.modules |> List.map (\ms -> ( peer, ms ))) |> List.concat
peersByModuleName =
allModules |> List.foldr updateDict Dict.empty
allModulesByPeers |> List.foldr (updateDict modules) Dict.empty
@ -33,23 +34,25 @@ getAllModules peerData =
-- group by module name and append peers
updateDict : ( String, Module ) -> Dict String ( Module, List String ) -> Dict String ( Module, List String )
updateDict ( peer, moduleInfo ) dict =
updateDict : Dict String Module -> ( String, String ) -> Dict String ( Module, List String ) -> Dict String ( Module, List String )
updateDict modules ( peer, moduleName ) dict =
|> Dict.update moduleInfo.name
|> Dict.update moduleName
(\oldM ->
|> Maybe.map (\( info, peers ) -> ( info, List.append [ peer ] peers ))
|> Maybe.withDefault ( moduleInfo, [ peer ] )
|> Just
(oldM |> Maybe.map (\( info, peers ) -> ( info, List.append [ peer ] peers )))
(Dict.get moduleName modules |> Maybe.map (\m -> ( m, [ peer ] )))
view : Model -> Html msg
view modules =
info =
getModuleShortInfo modules
modulesView =
List.map viewService (getModuleShortInfo modules)
List.map viewService info
div [ classes "cf ph2-ns" ] modulesView
@ -39,14 +39,11 @@ modelToServiceInfo model id =
services =
datas |> List.map (\( peer, data ) -> data.services |> List.map (\s -> ( peer, s ))) |> List.concat
blueprints =
datas |> List.map (\( _, data ) -> data.blueprints) |> List.concat |> List.map (\bp -> ( bp.id, bp.name )) |> Dict.fromList
service =
services |> List.Extra.find (\( _, s ) -> s.service_id == id)
name =
service |> Maybe.andThen (\( _, s ) -> blueprints |> Dict.get s.blueprint_id) |> Maybe.withDefault "unknown"
service |> Maybe.andThen (\( _, s ) -> model.blueprints |> Dict.get s.blueprint_id |> Maybe.map .name) |> Maybe.withDefault "unknown"
info =
@ -66,14 +63,14 @@ modelToServiceInfo model id =
viewInfo : ServiceInfo -> Html msg
viewInfo moduleInfo =
viewInfo serviceInfo =
article [ classes "cf" ]
[ div [ classes "fl w-30 gray mv1" ] [ text "AUTHOR" ]
, div [ classes "fl w-70 mv1" ] [ span [ classes "fl w-100 black b" ] [ text moduleInfo.author ], span [ classes "fl w-100 black" ] [ text moduleInfo.authorPeerId ] ]
, div [ classes "fl w-70 mv1" ] [ span [ classes "fl w-100 black b" ] [ text serviceInfo.author ], span [ classes "fl w-100 black" ] [ text serviceInfo.authorPeerId ] ]
, div [ classes "fl w-30 gray mv1" ] [ text "DESCRIPTION" ]
, div [ classes "fl w-70 mv1" ] [ span [ classes "fl w-100 black" ] [ text moduleInfo.description ] ]
, div [ classes "fl w-70 mv1" ] [ span [ classes "fl w-100 black" ] [ text serviceInfo.description ] ]
, div [ classes "fl w-30 gray mv1" ] [ text "INTERFACE" ]
, div [ classes "fl w-70 mv1" ] [ span [ classes "fl w-100 black" ] (recordsView moduleInfo.service.interface.record_types ++ signaturesView moduleInfo.service.interface.function_signatures) ]
, div [ classes "fl w-70 mv1" ] [ span [ classes "fl w-100 black" ] (recordsView serviceInfo.service.interface.record_types ++ signaturesView serviceInfo.service.interface.function_signatures) ]
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ view : Model -> Html msg
view model =
allBps =
getBlueprintsToServices model.discoveredPeers
getBlueprintsToServices model.blueprints model.discoveredPeers
info =
Dict.values allBps |> List.map (\( bp, servicesByPeers ) -> { name = bp.name, author = "Fluence Labs", instanceNumber = List.length (servicesByPeers |> List.map (\( _, s ) -> s) |> List.concat) })
@ -40,14 +40,11 @@ viewService service =
-- bpId peerId
getBlueprintsToServices : Dict String PeerData -> Dict String ( Blueprint, List ( String, List Service ) )
getBlueprintsToServices peerData =
getBlueprintsToServices : Dict String Blueprint -> Dict String PeerData -> Dict String ( Blueprint, List ( String, List Service ) )
getBlueprintsToServices blueprints peerData =
peerDatas =
Dict.toList peerData
allBlueprints =
peerDatas |> List.map (\( _, pd ) -> pd.blueprints |> List.map (\bp -> bp)) |> List.concat
Dict.values blueprints
bpsToServices =
allBlueprints |> List.map (\bp -> ( bp.id, ( bp, getServicesByBlueprintId peerData bp.id ) )) |> Dict.fromList
@ -89,22 +89,6 @@ update msg model =
( updatedModel, Cmd.none )
"modules_discovered" ->
newModules =
Maybe.withDefault [] modules
empty =
up =
\old -> Just (Maybe.withDefault { empty | modules = newModules } (Maybe.map (\o -> { o | modules = newModules }) old))
updatedDict =
Dict.update peer up model.discoveredPeers
( { model | discoveredPeers = updatedDict }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
_ =
@ -132,44 +116,22 @@ updateModel model peer identify services modules blueprints =
data =
Maybe.withDefault emptyPeerData (Dict.get peer model.discoveredPeers)
moduleDict =
modules |> List.map (\m -> ( m.name, m )) |> Dict.fromList
blueprintDict =
blueprints |> List.map (\b -> ( b.name, b )) |> Dict.fromList
updatedModules =
Dict.union moduleDict model.modules
updatedBlueprints =
Dict.union blueprintDict model.blueprints
newData =
{ data | identify = identify, services = services, modules = modules, blueprints = blueprints }
{ data | identify = identify, services = services, modules = Dict.keys moduleDict, blueprints = Dict.keys blueprintDict }
updated =
Dict.insert peer newData model.discoveredPeers
{ model | discoveredPeers = updated }
peersByModule : Dict String PeerData -> String -> List String
peersByModule peerData moduleId =
list =
Dict.toList peerData
found =
list |> List.filter (\( _, pd ) -> existsByModule moduleId pd.modules) |> List.map (\( peer, _ ) -> peer)
existsByModule : String -> List Module -> Bool
existsByModule moduleId modules =
modules |> List.any (\m -> m.name == moduleId)
peersByBlueprintId : Dict String PeerData -> String -> List String
peersByBlueprintId peerData blueprintId =
list =
Dict.toList peerData
found =
list |> List.filter (\( _, pd ) -> existsByBlueprintId blueprintId pd.blueprints) |> List.map (\( peer, _ ) -> peer)
existsByBlueprintId : String -> List Blueprint -> Bool
existsByBlueprintId id bps =
bps |> List.any (\b -> b.id == id)
{ model | discoveredPeers = updated, modules = updatedModules, blueprints = updatedBlueprints }
Reference in New Issue
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