update module schema

This commit is contained in:
DieMyst 2020-12-01 14:03:25 +03:00
parent b028804ea1
commit 9102ed6282
8 changed files with 53 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module AirScripts.DiscoverPeers exposing (..)
import Air exposing (Air, callBI, fold, next, par, relayEvent, seq, set)
import Json.Encode as Encode
air : String -> String -> Air
air peerId relayId =
@ -27,4 +28,4 @@ air peerId relayId =
(relayIdSet <| clientIdSet <| airScript)
relayIdSet <| clientIdSet <| airScript

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ viewInstance : Instance -> Html msg
viewInstance instance =
tr [ classes "stripe-dark" ]
[ td [ classes "pa3" ] [ text instance.name ]
, td [ ] [ a [attribute "href" ("/service/" ++ instance.instance), classes "pa3 link dim hide-child"] [text instance.instance] ]
, td [] [ a [ attribute "href" ("/service/" ++ instance.instance), classes "pa3 link dim hide-child" ] [ text instance.instance ] ]
, td [ classes "pa3" ] [ text instance.peerId ]
, td [ classes "pa3" ] [ text instance.ip ]

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ limitations under the License.
import Blueprints.Model exposing (Blueprint)
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Modules.Model exposing (Module)
import Nodes.Model exposing (Identify, emptyIdentify)
import Services.Model exposing (Service)
import Url
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ type Route
type alias PeerData =
{ identify : Identify
, services : List Service
, modules : List String
, modules : List Module
, blueprints : List Blueprint

View File

@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
module Modules.Model exposing (..)
import Services.Model exposing (Interface)
type alias Module =
{ name : String
, interface : Interface
type alias ModuleShortInfo =
{ name : String
{ moduleInfo : Module
, instanceNumber : Int

View File

@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (Html, div, p, span, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute)
import Model exposing (Model, PeerData)
import Modules.Model exposing (ModuleShortInfo)
import Modules.Model exposing (Module, ModuleShortInfo)
import Palette exposing (classes)
import Utils.Utils exposing (instancesText)
getModuleShortInfo : Model -> List ModuleShortInfo
getModuleShortInfo model =
getAllModules model.discoveredPeers |> Dict.toList |> List.map (\( moduleName, peers ) -> { name = moduleName, instanceNumber = List.length peers })
getAllModules model.discoveredPeers |> Dict.toList |> List.map (\( moduleName, ( moduleInfo, peers ) ) -> { moduleInfo = moduleInfo, instanceNumber = List.length peers })
getAllModules : Dict String PeerData -> Dict String (List String)
getAllModules : Dict String PeerData -> Dict String ( Module, List String )
getAllModules peerData =
peerDatas =
@ -29,9 +29,20 @@ getAllModules peerData =
updateDict : ( String, String ) -> Dict String (List String) -> Dict String (List String)
updateDict ( peer, moduleName ) dict =
dict |> Dict.update moduleName (\oldM -> oldM |> Maybe.map (List.append [ peer ]) |> Maybe.withDefault [ peer ] |> Just)
-- group by module name and append peers
updateDict : ( String, Module ) -> Dict String ( Module, List String ) -> Dict String ( Module, List String )
updateDict ( peer, moduleInfo ) dict =
|> Dict.update moduleInfo.name
(\oldM ->
|> Maybe.map (\( info, peers ) -> ( info, List.append [ peer ] peers ))
|> Maybe.withDefault ( moduleInfo, [ peer ] )
|> Just
view : Model -> Html msg
@ -44,9 +55,9 @@ view modules =
viewService : ModuleShortInfo -> Html msg
viewService service =
viewService moduleInfo =
div [ classes "fl w-third-ns pa2" ]
[ div [ attribute "href" "#", classes "fl w-100 link dim black mw5 dt hide-child ba b-black pa4 br2 solid" ]
[ p [ classes "tl di" ] [ span [ classes "b pl2" ] [ text service.name ], span [ classes "di fr pr2" ] [ instancesText service.instanceNumber ] ]
[ p [ classes "tl di" ] [ span [ classes "b pl2" ] [ text moduleInfo.moduleInfo.name ], span [ classes "di fr pr2" ] [ instancesText moduleInfo.instanceNumber ] ]

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Air exposing (Air(..))
import Blueprints.Model exposing (Blueprint)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Encode exposing (Value)
import Modules.Model exposing (Module)
import Nodes.Model exposing (Identify)
import Services.Model exposing (Service)
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ type alias SendParticle =
type alias ReceiveEvent =
{ name : String, peer : String, peers : Maybe (List String), identify : Maybe Identify, services : Maybe (List Service), modules : Maybe (List String), blueprints : Maybe (List Blueprint) }
{ name : String, peer : String, peers : Maybe (List String), identify : Maybe Identify, services : Maybe (List Service), modules : Maybe (List Module), blueprints : Maybe (List Blueprint) }
port sendParticle : SendParticle -> Cmd msg

View File

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ parse url =
routeView : Model -> Route -> Html msg
routeView model route =
_ = Debug.log "page" route
_ =
Debug.log "page" route
case route of
Page page ->
@ -57,10 +58,10 @@ routeCommand m r =
sendAir (DiscoverPeers.air m.peerId m.relayId)
Peer _ ->
sendAir (DiscoverPeers.air m.peerId m.relayId)
Service string ->
sendAir (DiscoverPeers.air m.peerId m.relayId)
Module string ->
sendAir (DiscoverPeers.air m.peerId m.relayId)

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Maybe exposing (withDefault)
import Model exposing (Model, PeerData, emptyPeerData)
import Modules.Model exposing (Module)
import Msg exposing (..)
import Nodes.Model exposing (Identify)
import Port exposing (sendAir)
@ -67,8 +68,16 @@ update msg model =
updatedDict =
Dict.union model.discoveredPeers newDict
emptyPeers =
Dict.toList updatedDict
|> List.filter (\( p, data ) -> List.isEmpty data.identify.external_addresses)
|> List.map Tuple.first
_ =
Debug.log "empty peers" (List.length emptyPeers)
( { model | discoveredPeers = updatedDict }, Cmd.none )
( { model | discoveredPeers = updatedDict }, sendAir (AirScripts.GetAll.air model.peerId model.relayId emptyPeers) )
"all_info" ->
@ -77,12 +86,6 @@ update msg model =
updatedModel =
withDefault model updated
byBp =
peersByBlueprintId model.discoveredPeers "623c6d14-2204-43c4-84d5-a237bcd19874"
_ =
Debug.log "by blueprint id" byBp
( updatedModel, Cmd.none )
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ update msg model =
( { model | relayId = relayId }, Cmd.none )
updateModel : Model -> String -> Identify -> List Service -> List String -> List Blueprint -> Model
updateModel : Model -> String -> Identify -> List Service -> List Module -> List Blueprint -> Model
updateModel model peer identify services modules blueprints =
data =
@ -150,9 +153,9 @@ peersByModule peerData moduleId =
existsByModule : String -> List String -> Bool
existsByModule : String -> List Module -> Bool
existsByModule moduleId modules =
modules |> List.any (\m -> m == moduleId)
modules |> List.any (\m -> m.name == moduleId)
peersByBlueprintId : Dict String PeerData -> String -> List String