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synced 2025-03-23 03:20:50 +00:00
By exposing the target information through `CompilerConfig`, compiler(only LLVM at the moment) could create a machine with different CPU feature flags other than current host, which makes it capable to "cross compile" to some degree. Update #959
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371 lines
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//! The codegen module provides common functions and data structures used by multiple backends
//! during the code generation process.
use crate::{
backend::{Backend, CacheGen, Compiler, CompilerConfig, Features, Token},
cache::{Artifact, Error as CacheError},
error::{CompileError, CompileResult},
module::{ModuleInfo, ModuleInner},
types::{FuncIndex, FuncSig, SigIndex},
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use wasmparser::{self, WasmDecoder};
use wasmparser::{Operator, Type as WpType};
/// A type that defines a function pointer, which is called when breakpoints occur.
pub type BreakpointHandler =
Box<dyn Fn(BreakpointInfo) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Any>> + Send + Sync + 'static>;
/// Maps instruction pointers to their breakpoint handlers.
pub type BreakpointMap = Arc<HashMap<usize, BreakpointHandler>>;
/// An event generated during parsing of a wasm binary
pub enum Event<'a, 'b> {
/// An internal event created by the parser used to provide hooks during code generation.
/// An event generated by parsing a wasm operator
Wasm(&'b Operator<'a>),
/// An event generated by parsing a wasm operator that contains an owned `Operator`
/// Kinds of `InternalEvent`s created during parsing.
pub enum InternalEvent {
/// A function parse is about to begin.
/// A function parsing has just completed.
/// A breakpoint emitted during parsing.
/// Indicates setting an internal field.
/// Indicates getting an internal field.
impl fmt::Debug for InternalEvent {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
InternalEvent::FunctionBegin(_) => write!(f, "FunctionBegin"),
InternalEvent::FunctionEnd => write!(f, "FunctionEnd"),
InternalEvent::Breakpoint(_) => write!(f, "Breakpoint"),
InternalEvent::SetInternal(_) => write!(f, "SetInternal"),
InternalEvent::GetInternal(_) => write!(f, "GetInternal"),
/// Information for a breakpoint
pub struct BreakpointInfo<'a> {
/// Fault.
pub fault: Option<&'a dyn Any>,
/// A trait that represents the functions needed to be implemented to generate code for a module.
pub trait ModuleCodeGenerator<FCG: FunctionCodeGenerator<E>, RM: RunnableModule, E: Debug> {
/// Creates a new module code generator.
fn new() -> Self;
/// Creates a new module code generator for specified target.
fn new_with_target(
triple: Option<String>,
cpu_name: Option<String>,
cpu_features: Option<String>,
) -> Self;
/// Returns the backend id associated with this MCG.
fn backend_id() -> Backend;
/// Feeds the compiler config.
fn feed_compiler_config(&mut self, _config: &CompilerConfig) -> Result<(), E> {
/// Adds an import function.
fn feed_import_function(&mut self) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Sets the signatures.
fn feed_signatures(&mut self, signatures: Map<SigIndex, FuncSig>) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Sets function signatures.
fn feed_function_signatures(&mut self, assoc: Map<FuncIndex, SigIndex>) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Checks the precondition for a module.
fn check_precondition(&mut self, module_info: &ModuleInfo) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Creates a new function and returns the function-scope code generator for it.
fn next_function(&mut self, module_info: Arc<RwLock<ModuleInfo>>) -> Result<&mut FCG, E>;
/// Finalizes this module.
fn finalize(self, module_info: &ModuleInfo) -> Result<(RM, Box<dyn CacheGen>), E>;
/// Creates a module from cache.
unsafe fn from_cache(cache: Artifact, _: Token) -> Result<ModuleInner, CacheError>;
/// A streaming compiler which is designed to generated code for a module based on a stream
/// of wasm parser events.
pub struct StreamingCompiler<
MCG: ModuleCodeGenerator<FCG, RM, E>,
FCG: FunctionCodeGenerator<E>,
RM: RunnableModule + 'static,
E: Debug,
CGEN: Fn() -> MiddlewareChain,
> {
middleware_chain_generator: CGEN,
_phantom_mcg: PhantomData<MCG>,
_phantom_fcg: PhantomData<FCG>,
_phantom_rm: PhantomData<RM>,
_phantom_e: PhantomData<E>,
/// A simple generator for a `StreamingCompiler`.
pub struct SimpleStreamingCompilerGen<
MCG: ModuleCodeGenerator<FCG, RM, E>,
FCG: FunctionCodeGenerator<E>,
RM: RunnableModule + 'static,
E: Debug,
> {
_phantom_mcg: PhantomData<MCG>,
_phantom_fcg: PhantomData<FCG>,
_phantom_rm: PhantomData<RM>,
_phantom_e: PhantomData<E>,
MCG: ModuleCodeGenerator<FCG, RM, E>,
FCG: FunctionCodeGenerator<E>,
RM: RunnableModule + 'static,
E: Debug,
> SimpleStreamingCompilerGen<MCG, FCG, RM, E>
/// Create a new `StreamingCompiler`.
pub fn new() -> StreamingCompiler<MCG, FCG, RM, E, impl Fn() -> MiddlewareChain> {
StreamingCompiler::new(|| MiddlewareChain::new())
MCG: ModuleCodeGenerator<FCG, RM, E>,
FCG: FunctionCodeGenerator<E>,
RM: RunnableModule + 'static,
E: Debug,
CGEN: Fn() -> MiddlewareChain,
> StreamingCompiler<MCG, FCG, RM, E, CGEN>
/// Create a new `StreamingCompiler` with the given `MiddlewareChain`.
pub fn new(chain_gen: CGEN) -> Self {
Self {
middleware_chain_generator: chain_gen,
_phantom_mcg: PhantomData,
_phantom_fcg: PhantomData,
_phantom_rm: PhantomData,
_phantom_e: PhantomData,
/// Create a new `ValidatingParserConfig` with the given features.
pub fn validating_parser_config(features: &Features) -> wasmparser::ValidatingParserConfig {
wasmparser::ValidatingParserConfig {
operator_config: wasmparser::OperatorValidatorConfig {
enable_threads: features.threads,
enable_reference_types: false,
enable_simd: features.simd,
enable_bulk_memory: false,
enable_multi_value: false,
fn validate_with_features(bytes: &[u8], features: &Features) -> CompileResult<()> {
let mut parser =
wasmparser::ValidatingParser::new(bytes, Some(validating_parser_config(features)));
loop {
let state = parser.read();
match *state {
wasmparser::ParserState::EndWasm => break Ok(()),
wasmparser::ParserState::Error(err) => Err(CompileError::ValidationError {
msg: err.message.to_string(),
_ => {}
MCG: ModuleCodeGenerator<FCG, RM, E>,
FCG: FunctionCodeGenerator<E>,
RM: RunnableModule + 'static,
E: Debug,
CGEN: Fn() -> MiddlewareChain,
> Compiler for StreamingCompiler<MCG, FCG, RM, E, CGEN>
fn compile(
wasm: &[u8],
compiler_config: CompilerConfig,
_: Token,
) -> CompileResult<ModuleInner> {
if requires_pre_validation(MCG::backend_id()) {
validate_with_features(wasm, &compiler_config.features)?;
let mut mcg = match MCG::backend_id() {
Backend::LLVM => MCG::new_with_target(
_ => MCG::new(),
let mut chain = (self.middleware_chain_generator)();
let info = crate::parse::read_module(
&mut mcg,
&mut chain,
let (exec_context, cache_gen) =
.map_err(|x| CompileError::InternalError {
msg: format!("{:?}", x),
Ok(ModuleInner {
runnable_module: Box::new(exec_context),
info: Arc::try_unwrap(info).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap(),
unsafe fn from_cache(
artifact: Artifact,
token: Token,
) -> Result<ModuleInner, CacheError> {
MCG::from_cache(artifact, token)
fn requires_pre_validation(backend: Backend) -> bool {
match backend {
Backend::Cranelift => true,
Backend::LLVM => false,
Backend::Singlepass => false,
/// A sink for parse events.
pub struct EventSink<'a, 'b> {
buffer: SmallVec<[Event<'a, 'b>; 2]>,
impl<'a, 'b> EventSink<'a, 'b> {
/// Push a new `Event` to this sink.
pub fn push(&mut self, ev: Event<'a, 'b>) {
/// A container for a chain of middlewares.
pub struct MiddlewareChain {
chain: Vec<Box<dyn GenericFunctionMiddleware>>,
impl MiddlewareChain {
/// Create a new empty `MiddlewareChain`.
pub fn new() -> MiddlewareChain {
MiddlewareChain { chain: vec![] }
/// Push a new `FunctionMiddleware` to this `MiddlewareChain`.
pub fn push<M: FunctionMiddleware + 'static>(&mut self, m: M) {
/// Run this chain with the provided function code generator, event and module info.
pub(crate) fn run<E: Debug, FCG: FunctionCodeGenerator<E>>(
&mut self,
fcg: Option<&mut FCG>,
ev: Event,
module_info: &ModuleInfo,
) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut sink = EventSink {
buffer: SmallVec::new(),
for m in &mut self.chain {
let prev: SmallVec<[Event; 2]> = sink.buffer.drain().collect();
for ev in prev {
m.feed_event(ev, module_info, &mut sink)?;
if let Some(fcg) = fcg {
for ev in sink.buffer {
fcg.feed_event(ev, module_info)
.map_err(|x| format!("{:?}", x))?;
/// A trait that represents the signature required to implement middleware for a function.
pub trait FunctionMiddleware {
/// The error type for this middleware's functions.
type Error: Debug;
/// Processes the given event, module info and sink.
fn feed_event<'a, 'b: 'a>(
&mut self,
op: Event<'a, 'b>,
module_info: &ModuleInfo,
sink: &mut EventSink<'a, 'b>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
pub(crate) trait GenericFunctionMiddleware {
fn feed_event<'a, 'b: 'a>(
&mut self,
op: Event<'a, 'b>,
module_info: &ModuleInfo,
sink: &mut EventSink<'a, 'b>,
) -> Result<(), String>;
impl<E: Debug, T: FunctionMiddleware<Error = E>> GenericFunctionMiddleware for T {
fn feed_event<'a, 'b: 'a>(
&mut self,
op: Event<'a, 'b>,
module_info: &ModuleInfo,
sink: &mut EventSink<'a, 'b>,
) -> Result<(), String> {
<Self as FunctionMiddleware>::feed_event(self, op, module_info, sink)
.map_err(|x| format!("{:?}", x))
/// The function-scope code generator trait.
pub trait FunctionCodeGenerator<E: Debug> {
/// Sets the return type.
fn feed_return(&mut self, ty: WpType) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Adds a parameter to the function.
fn feed_param(&mut self, ty: WpType) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Adds `n` locals to the function.
fn feed_local(&mut self, ty: WpType, n: usize) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Called before the first call to `feed_opcode`.
fn begin_body(&mut self, module_info: &ModuleInfo) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Called for each operator.
fn feed_event(&mut self, op: Event, module_info: &ModuleInfo) -> Result<(), E>;
/// Finalizes the function.
fn finalize(&mut self) -> Result<(), E>;