Wasmer Libraries

Wasmer is modularized into different libraries, separated into three main sections:


The core of Wasmer is the runtime. It provides the necessary abstractions on top of the WebAssembly specification.

We separated the runtime into two main libraries:

  • runtime-core: The main implementation of the runtime
  • runtime: Easy-to-use wrappers on top of runtime-core


The integrations are separated implementations in top of our runtime, that let Wasmer run more WebAssembly files.

Wasmer intends to support different integrations:

  • emscripten: it let us run emscripten-generated WebAssembly files, such as lua or Nginx.
  • Go ABI: we will work on this soon! Would you like to help us? 💪
  • Blazor: researching period, see tracking issue


The backends let Wasmer generate code from WebAssembly files, in a way that is abstracted from the IR library itself.