* Allow a module to have a different signature registry than the process-specific * Add core ability to build compiled code caches * Remove timing printouts * Serialize/Deserialize memories to reduce copies * Work more on api * Relocate local functions relatively before external functions * Fix incorrect definition in test * merge errors caused by merge * Fix emscripten compile * Fix review comments
Wasmer is a Standalone JIT WebAssembly runtime, aiming to be fully compatible with Emscripten, Rust and Go.
Install Wasmer with:
curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh
NEW ✨: Now you can also embed Wasmer in your Rust application, check our example repo to see how to do it!
can execute both the standard binary format (.wasm
) and the text
format defined by the WebAssembly reference interpreter (.wat
Once installed, you will be able to run any WebAssembly files (including Nginx, and Lua!):
# Run Lua
wasmer run examples/lua.wasm
# Run Nginx
wasmer run examples/nginx/nginx.wasm -- -p examples/nginx -c nginx.conf
Code Structure
Wasmer is structured into different directories:
: code related to the wasmer excutable binary itselflib
: modularized libraries that Wasmer uses under the hoodexamples
: some useful examples to getting started with wasmer
Building wasmer requires rustup.
To install on Windows, download and run rustup-init.exe
then follow the onscreen instructions.
To install on other systems, run:
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Other dependencies
Please select your operating system:
If you have homebrew installed:
brew install cmake
Or, in case you have ports:
sudo port install cmake
Debian-based Linuxes
sudo apt install cmake
Windows (MSVC)
Right now Windows support is highly experimental. We are working on this so Wasmer can soon be released for Windows.
Install Python for Windows (https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2714/). The Windows x86-64 MSI installer is fine. You should change the installation to install the "Add python.exe to Path" feature.
Install Git for Windows (https://git-scm.com/download/win). DO allow it to add git.exe to the PATH (default settings for the installer are fine).
Wasmer is built with Cargo, the Rust package manager.
# checkout code
git clone https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer.git
cd wasmer
# install tools
# make sure that `python` is accessible.
cargo install --path .
Thanks to spectests we can assure 100% compatibility with the WebAssembly spec test suite.
Tests can be run with:
make test
If you need to re-generate the Rust tests from the spectests you can run:
make spectests
You can also run integration tests with:
make integration-tests
Wasmer is an open project guided by strong principles, aiming to be modular, flexible and fast. It is open to the community to help set its direction.
Below are some of the goals (written with order) of this project:
- It should be 100% compatible with the WebAssembly Spectest
- It should be fast (partially achieved)
- Support Emscripten calls (in the works)
- Support Rust ABI calls
- Support GO ABI calls
If you would like to know how Wasmer works under the hood, please visit our ARCHITECTURE document.