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//! The tiering module supports switching between code compiled with different optimization levels
//! as runtime.
use crate::backend::{Backend, Compiler, CompilerConfig};
use crate::compile_with_config;
use crate::fault::{
catch_unsafe_unwind, ensure_sighandler, pop_code_version, push_code_version, with_ctx,
use crate::fault::{set_wasm_interrupt_on_ctx, was_sigint_triggered_fault};
use crate::import::ImportObject;
use crate::instance::Instance;
use crate::module::{Module, ModuleInfo};
use crate::state::{x64::invoke_call_return_on_stack, CodeVersion, InstanceImage};
use crate::vm::Ctx;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
struct Defer<F: FnOnce()>(Option<F>);
impl<F: FnOnce()> Drop for Defer<F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(f) = self.0.take() {
/// Kind of shell exit operation.
pub enum ShellExitOperation {
/// Operation to continue with an instance image.
/// Context for an interactive shell.
pub struct InteractiveShellContext {
/// Optional instance image.
pub image: Option<InstanceImage>,
/// Flag to indicate patching.
pub patched: bool,
struct OptimizationState {
outcome: Mutex<Option<OptimizationOutcome>>,
struct OptimizationOutcome {
backend_id: Backend,
module: Module,
struct CtxWrapper(*mut Ctx);
unsafe impl Send for CtxWrapper {}
unsafe impl Sync for CtxWrapper {}
unsafe fn do_optimize(
binary: &[u8],
backend_id: Backend,
compiler: Box<dyn Compiler>,
ctx: &Mutex<CtxWrapper>,
state: &OptimizationState,
) {
let module = match compile_with_config(
CompilerConfig {
symbol_map: None,
track_state: true,
) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => return,
let ctx_inner = ctx.lock().unwrap();
if !ctx_inner.0.is_null() {
*state.outcome.lock().unwrap() = Some(OptimizationOutcome { backend_id, module });
/// Runs an instance with tiering.
pub unsafe fn run_tiering<F: Fn(InteractiveShellContext) -> ShellExitOperation>(
module_info: &ModuleInfo,
wasm_binary: &[u8],
mut resume_image: Option<InstanceImage>,
import_object: &ImportObject,
start_raw: extern "C" fn(&mut Ctx),
baseline: &mut Instance,
baseline_backend: Backend,
optimized_backends: Vec<(Backend, Box<dyn Fn() -> Box<dyn Compiler> + Send>)>,
interactive_shell: F,
) -> Result<(), String> {
let ctx_box = Arc::new(Mutex::new(CtxWrapper(baseline.context_mut() as *mut _)));
// Ensure that the ctx pointer's lifetime is not longer than Instance's.
let _deferred_ctx_box_cleanup: Defer<_> = {
let ctx_box = ctx_box.clone();
Defer(Some(move || {
ctx_box.lock().unwrap().0 = ::std::ptr::null_mut();
let opt_state = Arc::new(OptimizationState {
outcome: Mutex::new(None),
let wasm_binary = wasm_binary.to_vec();
let ctx_box = ctx_box.clone();
let opt_state = opt_state.clone();
::std::thread::spawn(move || {
for (backend_id, backend) in optimized_backends {
if !ctx_box.lock().unwrap().0.is_null() {
do_optimize(&wasm_binary, backend_id, backend(), &ctx_box, &opt_state);
let mut optimized_instances: Vec<Instance> = vec![];
push_code_version(CodeVersion {
baseline: true,
msm: baseline
base: baseline.module.runnable_module.get_code().unwrap().as_ptr() as usize,
backend: baseline_backend,
let n_versions: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(1);
let _deferred_pop_versions = Defer(Some(|| {
for _ in 0..n_versions.get() {
loop {
let new_optimized: Option<(Backend, &mut Instance)> = {
let mut outcome = opt_state.outcome.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(x) = outcome.take() {
let instance = x
.map_err(|e| format!("Can't instantiate module: {:?}", e))?;
// Keep the optimized code alive.
optimized_instances.last_mut().map(|y| (x.backend_id, y))
} else {
if let Some((backend_id, optimized)) = new_optimized {
let base = module_info.imported_functions.len();
let code_ptr = optimized
.as_ptr() as usize;
let target_addresses: Vec<usize> = optimized
.map(|x| code_ptr + x)
assert_eq!(target_addresses.len(), module_info.func_assoc.len() - base);
for i in base..module_info.func_assoc.len() {
.patch_local_function(i - base, target_addresses[i - base]);
push_code_version(CodeVersion {
baseline: false,
msm: optimized
base: optimized
.as_ptr() as usize,
backend: backend_id,
n_versions.set(n_versions.get() + 1);
baseline.context_mut().local_functions = optimized.context_mut().local_functions;
// Assuming we do not want to do breakpoint-based debugging on optimized backends.
let breakpoints = baseline.module.runnable_module.get_breakpoints();
let ctx = baseline.context_mut() as *mut _;
let ret = with_ctx(ctx, || {
if let Some(image) = resume_image.take() {
let msm = baseline
let code_base =
baseline.module.runnable_module.get_code().unwrap().as_ptr() as usize;
.map(|_| ())
} else {
catch_unsafe_unwind(|| start_raw(baseline.context_mut()), breakpoints.clone())
if let Err(e) = ret {
if let Ok(new_image) = e.downcast::<InstanceImage>() {
// Tier switch event
if !was_sigint_triggered_fault() && opt_state.outcome.lock().unwrap().is_some() {
resume_image = Some(*new_image);
let op = interactive_shell(InteractiveShellContext {
image: Some(*new_image),
patched: n_versions.get() > 1,
match op {
ShellExitOperation::ContinueWith(new_image) => {
resume_image = Some(new_image);
} else {
return Err("Error while executing WebAssembly".into());
} else {
return Ok(());