Yaron Wittenstein 6ca5812798 When deterministic feature will be enabled (turned-off by default) it'll guarantee deterministic
execution of wasm programs across different hardware/circumstances.
This is very useful for Blockchain projects having wasm smart-contracts

This is critical for Blockchain projects that require execution to be deterministic
in order to reach a consensus of the state transition of each smart-contract transaction.
2019-10-07 16:58:58 +03:00
2019-09-30 22:50:04 -07:00

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Wasmer singlepass backend

Wasmer is a standalone JIT WebAssembly runtime, aiming to be fully compatible with Emscripten, Rust and Go. Learn more.

This crate represents the Singlepass backend integration for Wasmer.


Usage in Wasmer Standalone

If you are using the wasmer CLI, you can specify the backend with:

wasmer run program.wasm --backend=singlepass

Usage in Wasmer Embedded

If you are using Wasmer Embedded, you can specify the LLVM backend to the compile_with function:

use wasmer_singlepass_backend::SinglepassCompiler;

// ...
let module = wasmer_runtime_core::compile_with(&wasm_binary[..], &SinglepassCompiler::new());