2020-03-27 13:25:51 -07:00

219 lines
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/// Helper macro to create a new `Func` object using the provided function pointer.
/// # Usage
/// Function pointers or closures are supported. Closures can capture
/// their environment (with `move`). The first parameter is likely to
/// be of kind `vm::Ctx`, though it can be optional.
/// ```
/// # use wasmer_runtime_core::{imports, func};
/// # use wasmer_runtime_core::vm;
/// // A function that has access to `vm::Ctx`.
/// fn func_with_vmctx(_: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32) -> i32 {
/// n
/// }
/// // A function that cannot access `vm::Ctx`.
/// fn func(n: i32) -> i32 {
/// n
/// }
/// let i = 7;
/// let import_object = imports! {
/// "env" => {
/// "foo" => func!(func_with_vmctx),
/// "bar" => func!(func),
/// // A closure with a captured environment, and an access to `vm::Ctx`.
/// "baz" => func!(move |_: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32| -> i32 {
/// n + i
/// }),
/// // A closure without a captured environment, and no access to `vm::Ctx`.
/// "qux" => func!(|n: i32| -> i32 {
/// n
/// }),
/// },
/// };
/// ```
macro_rules! func {
($func:expr) => {{
/// Generate an [`ImportObject`] safely.
/// [`ImportObject`]: struct.ImportObject.html
/// # Note
/// The `import` macro currently only supports
/// importing functions.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use wasmer_runtime_core::{imports, func};
/// # use wasmer_runtime_core::vm::Ctx;
/// let import_object = imports! {
/// "env" => {
/// "foo" => func!(foo),
/// },
/// };
/// let imports_with_state = imports! {
/// || (0 as _, |_a| {}),
/// "env" => {
/// "foo" => func!(foo),
/// },
/// };
/// fn foo(_: &mut Ctx, n: i32) -> i32 {
/// n
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! imports {
( $( $ns_name:expr => $ns:tt ),* $(,)? ) => {{
use $crate::{
import::{ImportObject, Namespace},
let mut import_object = ImportObject::new();
let ns = $crate::__imports_internal!($ns);
import_object.register($ns_name, ns);
($state_gen:expr, $( $ns_name:expr => $ns:tt ),* $(,)? ) => {{
use $crate::{
import::{ImportObject, Namespace},
let mut import_object = ImportObject::new_with_data($state_gen);
let ns = $crate::__imports_internal!($ns);
import_object.register($ns_name, ns);
macro_rules! __imports_internal {
( { $( $imp_name:expr => $import_item:expr ),* $(,)? } ) => {{
let mut ns = Namespace::new();
ns.insert($imp_name, $import_item);
($ns:ident) => {
macro_rules! namespace {
( $( $imp_name:expr => $import_item:expr ),* $(,)? ) => {{
let mut ns = $crate::import::Namespace::new();
ns.insert($imp_name, $import_item);
mod test {
fn func(arg: i32) -> i32 {
arg + 1
fn imports_macro_allows_trailing_comma_and_none() {
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func" => func!(func),
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func" => func!(func),
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func" => func!(func),
"abc" => {
"def" => func!(func),
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func" => func!(func)
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func" => func!(func)
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func1" => func!(func),
"func2" => func!(func)
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func1" => func!(func),
"func2" => func!(func),
fn imports_macro_allows_trailing_comma_and_none_with_state() {
use std::{ffi, ptr};
fn dtor(_arg: *mut ffi::c_void) {}
fn state_creator() -> (*mut ffi::c_void, fn(*mut ffi::c_void)) {
(ptr::null_mut() as *mut ffi::c_void, dtor)
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func1" => func!(func),
"func2" => func!(func),
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func1" => func!(func),
"func2" => func!(func)
let _ = imports! {
"env" => {
"func1" => func!(func),
"func2" => func!(func),