Brandon Fish 74875ed554 Library restructure (#104)
* Move wasmer-runtime to wasmer-runtime-core

* Add the runtime library

* Fix issue with macros using wasmer_runtime, fmt

* Make default compiler dependency optional

* Add instantiate and validate functions
2019-01-22 11:02:06 -08:00

199 lines
6.3 KiB

;; Functions
(module (func) (export "a" (func 0)))
(module (func) (export "a" (func 0)) (export "b" (func 0)))
(module (func) (func) (export "a" (func 0)) (export "b" (func 1)))
(module (func (export "a")))
(module (func (export "a") (export "b") (export "c")))
(module (func (export "a") (export "b") (param i32)))
(module (func) (export "a" (func 0)))
(module (func $a (export "a")))
(module (func $a) (export "a" (func $a)))
(module (export "a" (func 0)) (func))
(module (export "a" (func $a)) (func $a))
(module $Func
(export "e" (func $f))
(func $f (param $n i32) (result i32)
(return (i32.add (get_local $n) (i32.const 1)))
(assert_return (invoke "e" (i32.const 42)) (i32.const 43))
(assert_return (invoke $Func "e" (i32.const 42)) (i32.const 43))
;; (module)
;; (module $Other1)
;; (assert_return (invoke $Func "e" (i32.const 42)) (i32.const 43))
(module (func) (export "a" (func 1)))
"unknown function"
(module (func) (export "a" (func 0)) (export "a" (func 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (func) (func) (export "a" (func 0)) (export "a" (func 1)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (func) (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (func 0)) (export "a" (global 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (func) (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (func 0)) (export "a" (table 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (func) (memory 0) (export "a" (func 0)) (export "a" (memory 0)))
"duplicate export name"
;; Globals
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 0)))
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "b" (global 0)))
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "b" (global 1)))
(module (global (export "a") i32 (i32.const 0)))
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 0)))
(module (global $a (export "a") i32 (i32.const 0)))
(module (global $a i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global $a)))
(module (export "a" (global 0)) (global i32 (i32.const 0)))
(module (export "a" (global $a)) (global $a i32 (i32.const 0)))
(module $Global
(export "e" (global $g))
(global $g i32 (i32.const 42))
(assert_return (get "e") (i32.const 42))
(assert_return (get $Global "e") (i32.const 42))
;; (module)
;; (module $Other2)
;; (assert_return (get $Global "e") (i32.const 42))
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 1)))
"unknown global"
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "a" (global 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "a" (global 1)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (func) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "a" (func 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "a" (table 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (memory 0) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "a" (memory 0)))
"duplicate export name"
;; Tables
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 0)))
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 0)) (export "b" (table 0)))
;; No multiple tables yet.
;; (module (table 0 anyfunc) (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 0)) (export "b" (table 1)))
(module (table (export "a") 0 anyfunc))
(module (table (export "a") 0 1 anyfunc))
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 0)))
(module (table 0 1 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 0)))
(module (table $a (export "a") 0 anyfunc))
(module (table $a (export "a") 0 1 anyfunc))
(module (table $a 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table $a)))
(module (table $a 0 1 anyfunc) (export "a" (table $a)))
(module (export "a" (table 0)) (table 0 anyfunc))
(module (export "a" (table 0)) (table 0 1 anyfunc))
(module (export "a" (table $a)) (table $a 0 anyfunc))
(module (export "a" (table $a)) (table $a 0 1 anyfunc))
(; TODO: access table ;)
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 1)))
"unknown table"
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 0)) (export "a" (table 0)))
"duplicate export name"
;; No multiple tables yet.
;; (assert_invalid
;; (module (table 0 anyfunc) (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (table 0)) (export "a" (table 1)))
;; "duplicate export name"
;; )
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (func) (export "a" (table 0)) (export "a" (func 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (table 0)) (export "a" (global 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (table 0 anyfunc) (memory 0) (export "a" (table 0)) (export "a" (memory 0)))
"duplicate export name"
;; Memories
(module (memory 0) (export "a" (memory 0)))
(module (memory 0) (export "a" (memory 0)) (export "b" (memory 0)))
;; No multiple memories yet.
;; (module (memory 0) (memory 0) (export "a" (memory 0)) (export "b" (memory 1)))
(module (memory (export "a") 0))
(module (memory (export "a") 0 1))
(module (memory 0) (export "a" (memory 0)))
(module (memory 0 1) (export "a" (memory 0)))
(module (memory $a (export "a") 0))
(module (memory $a (export "a") 0 1))
(module (memory $a 0) (export "a" (memory $a)))
(module (memory $a 0 1) (export "a" (memory $a)))
(module (export "a" (memory 0)) (memory 0))
(module (export "a" (memory 0)) (memory 0 1))
(module (export "a" (memory $a)) (memory $a 0))
(module (export "a" (memory $a)) (memory $a 0 1))
(; TODO: access memory ;)
(module (memory 0) (export "a" (memory 1)))
"unknown memory"
(module (memory 0) (export "a" (memory 0)) (export "a" (memory 0)))
"duplicate export name"
;; No multiple memories yet.
;; (assert_invalid
;; (module (memory 0) (memory 0) (export "a" (memory 0)) (export "a" (memory 1)))
;; "duplicate export name"
;; )
(module (memory 0) (func) (export "a" (memory 0)) (export "a" (func 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (memory 0) (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (memory 0)) (export "a" (global 0)))
"duplicate export name"
(module (memory 0) (table 0 anyfunc) (export "a" (memory 0)) (export "a" (table 0)))
"duplicate export name"