mirror of https://github.com/fluencelabs/wasmer synced 2025-03-31 15:01:03 +00:00
2020-01-20 15:59:30 +01:00

1130 lines
41 KiB

#if !defined(WASMER_H_MACROS)
// Define the `ARCH_X86_X64` constant.
#if defined(MSVC) && defined(_M_AMD64)
# define ARCH_X86_64
#elif (defined(GCC) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) && defined(__x86_64__)
# define ARCH_X86_64
// Compatibility with non-Clang compilers.
#if !defined(__has_attribute)
# define __has_attribute(x) 0
// Compatibility with non-Clang compilers.
#if !defined(__has_declspec_attribute)
# define __has_declspec_attribute(x) 0
// Define the `DEPRECATED` macro.
#if defined(GCC) || defined(__GNUC__) || __has_attribute(deprecated)
# define DEPRECATED(message) __attribute__((deprecated(message)))
#elif defined(MSVC) || __has_declspec_attribute(deprecated)
# define DEPRECATED(message) __declspec(deprecated(message))
#ifndef WASMER_H
#define WASMER_H
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <new>
enum class Version : uint8_t {
/// Version cannot be detected or is unknown.
Unknown = 0,
/// Latest version. See `wasmer_wasi::WasiVersion::Latest` to
/// learn more.
Latest = 1,
/// `wasi_unstable`.
Snapshot0 = 2,
/// `wasi_snapshot_preview1`.
Snapshot1 = 3,
/// List of export/import kinds.
enum class wasmer_import_export_kind : uint32_t {
/// The export/import is a function.
/// The export/import is a global.
/// The export/import is a memory.
/// The export/import is a table.
/// The `wasmer_result_t` struct is a type that represents either a
/// success, or a failure.
enum class wasmer_result_t {
/// Represents a success.
/// Represents a failure.
enum class wasmer_value_tag : uint32_t {
struct wasmer_module_t {
/// Opaque pointer to a `wasmer_runtime::Instance` value in Rust.
/// A `wasmer_runtime::Instance` represents a WebAssembly instance. It
/// is generally generated by the `wasmer_instantiate()` function, or by
/// the `wasmer_module_instantiate()` function for the most common paths.
struct wasmer_instance_t {
struct wasmer_byte_array {
const uint8_t *bytes;
uint32_t bytes_len;
/// Type used to construct an import_object_t with Emscripten imports.
struct wasmer_emscripten_globals_t {
struct wasmer_import_object_t {
/// Opaque pointer to `NamedExportDescriptor`.
struct wasmer_export_descriptor_t {
/// Opaque pointer to `NamedExportDescriptors`.
struct wasmer_export_descriptors_t {
/// Opaque pointer to `wasmer_export_t`.
struct wasmer_export_func_t {
union wasmer_value {
int32_t I32;
int64_t I64;
float F32;
double F64;
struct wasmer_value_t {
wasmer_value_tag tag;
wasmer_value value;
/// Opaque pointer to `NamedExport`.
struct wasmer_export_t {
struct wasmer_memory_t {
/// Opaque pointer to the opaque structure `crate::NamedExports`,
/// which is a wrapper around a vector of the opaque structure
/// `crate::NamedExport`.
/// Check the `wasmer_instance_exports()` function to learn more.
struct wasmer_exports_t {
struct wasmer_global_t {
struct wasmer_global_descriptor_t {
bool mutable_;
wasmer_value_tag kind;
struct wasmer_import_descriptor_t {
struct wasmer_import_descriptors_t {
struct wasmer_import_func_t {
struct wasmer_table_t {
/// Union of import/export value.
union wasmer_import_export_value {
const wasmer_import_func_t *func;
const wasmer_table_t *table;
const wasmer_memory_t *memory;
const wasmer_global_t *global;
struct wasmer_import_t {
wasmer_byte_array module_name;
wasmer_byte_array import_name;
wasmer_import_export_kind tag;
wasmer_import_export_value value;
struct wasmer_import_object_iter_t {
/// Opaque pointer to a `wasmer_runtime::Ctx` value in Rust.
/// An instance context is passed to any host function (aka imported
/// function) as the first argument. It is necessary to read the
/// instance data or the memory, respectively with the
/// `wasmer_instance_context_data_get()` function, and the
/// `wasmer_instance_context_memory()` function.
/// It is also possible to get the instance context outside a host
/// function by using the `wasmer_instance_context_get()`
/// function. See also `wasmer_instance_context_data_set()` to set the
/// instance context data.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// // A host function that prints data from the WebAssembly memory to
/// // the standard output.
/// void print(wasmer_instance_context_t *context, int32_t pointer, int32_t length) {
/// // Use `wasmer_instance_context` to get back the first instance memory.
/// const wasmer_memory_t *memory = wasmer_instance_context_memory(context, 0);
/// // Continue…
/// }
/// ```
struct wasmer_instance_context_t {
struct wasmer_limit_option_t {
bool has_some;
uint32_t some;
struct wasmer_limits_t {
uint32_t min;
wasmer_limit_option_t max;
struct wasmer_serialized_module_t {
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
struct wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_t {
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
struct wasmer_trampoline_callable_t {
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
struct wasmer_trampoline_buffer_t {
/// Opens a directory that's visible to the WASI module as `alias` but
/// is backed by the host file at `host_file_path`
struct wasmer_wasi_map_dir_entry_t {
/// What the WASI module will see in its virtual root
wasmer_byte_array alias;
/// The backing file that the WASI module will interact with via the alias
wasmer_byte_array host_file_path;
extern "C" {
/// Creates a new Module from the given wasm bytes.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_compile(wasmer_module_t **module,
uint8_t *wasm_bytes,
uint32_t wasm_bytes_len);
/// Convenience function for setting up arguments and calling the Emscripten
/// main function.
/// Do not call this function on untrusted code when operating without
/// additional sandboxing in place.
/// Emscripten has access to many host system calls and therefore may do very
/// bad things.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_emscripten_call_main(wasmer_instance_t *instance,
const wasmer_byte_array *args,
unsigned int args_len);
/// Destroy `wasmer_emscrpten_globals_t` created by
/// `wasmer_emscripten_get_emscripten_globals`.
void wasmer_emscripten_destroy_globals(wasmer_emscripten_globals_t *globals);
/// Create a `wasmer_import_object_t` with Emscripten imports, use
/// `wasmer_emscripten_get_emscripten_globals` to get a
/// `wasmer_emscripten_globals_t` from a `wasmer_module_t`.
/// This `import_object_t` contains thin-wrappers around host system calls.
/// Do not use this to execute untrusted code without additional sandboxing.
wasmer_import_object_t *wasmer_emscripten_generate_import_object(wasmer_emscripten_globals_t *globals);
/// Create a `wasmer_emscripten_globals_t` from a Wasm module.
wasmer_emscripten_globals_t *wasmer_emscripten_get_globals(const wasmer_module_t *module);
/// Execute global constructors (required if the module is compiled from C++)
/// and sets up the internal environment.
/// This function sets the data pointer in the same way that
/// [`wasmer_instance_context_data_set`] does.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_emscripten_set_up(wasmer_instance_t *instance,
wasmer_emscripten_globals_t *globals);
/// Gets export descriptor kind
wasmer_import_export_kind wasmer_export_descriptor_kind(wasmer_export_descriptor_t *export_);
/// Gets name for the export descriptor
wasmer_byte_array wasmer_export_descriptor_name(wasmer_export_descriptor_t *export_descriptor);
/// Gets export descriptors for the given module
/// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_export_descriptors_destroy` to free it.
void wasmer_export_descriptors(const wasmer_module_t *module,
wasmer_export_descriptors_t **export_descriptors);
/// Frees the memory for the given export descriptors
void wasmer_export_descriptors_destroy(wasmer_export_descriptors_t *export_descriptors);
/// Gets export descriptor by index
wasmer_export_descriptor_t *wasmer_export_descriptors_get(wasmer_export_descriptors_t *export_descriptors,
int idx);
/// Gets the length of the export descriptors
int wasmer_export_descriptors_len(wasmer_export_descriptors_t *exports);
/// Calls a `func` with the provided parameters.
/// Results are set using the provided `results` pointer.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_export_func_call(const wasmer_export_func_t *func,
const wasmer_value_t *params,
unsigned int params_len,
wasmer_value_t *results,
unsigned int results_len);
/// Sets the params buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_export_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_export_func_params(const wasmer_export_func_t *func,
wasmer_value_tag *params,
uint32_t params_len);
/// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the params of the wasmer_export_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_export_func_params_arity(const wasmer_export_func_t *func, uint32_t *result);
/// Sets the returns buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_export_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_export_func_returns(const wasmer_export_func_t *func,
wasmer_value_tag *returns,
uint32_t returns_len);
/// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the returns of the wasmer_export_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_export_func_returns_arity(const wasmer_export_func_t *func,
uint32_t *result);
/// Gets wasmer_export kind
wasmer_import_export_kind wasmer_export_kind(wasmer_export_t *export_);
/// Gets name from wasmer_export
wasmer_byte_array wasmer_export_name(wasmer_export_t *export_);
/// Gets export func from export
const wasmer_export_func_t *wasmer_export_to_func(const wasmer_export_t *export_);
/// Gets a memory pointer from an export pointer.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_export_to_memory(const wasmer_export_t *export_, wasmer_memory_t **memory);
/// Frees the memory for the given exports.
/// Check the `wasmer_instance_exports()` function to get a complete
/// example.
/// If `exports` is a null pointer, this function does nothing.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// // Get some exports.
/// wasmer_exports_t *exports = NULL;
/// wasmer_instance_exports(instance, &exports);
/// // Destroy the exports.
/// wasmer_exports_destroy(exports);
/// ```
void wasmer_exports_destroy(wasmer_exports_t *exports);
/// Gets wasmer_export by index
wasmer_export_t *wasmer_exports_get(wasmer_exports_t *exports, int idx);
/// Gets the length of the exports
int wasmer_exports_len(wasmer_exports_t *exports);
/// Frees memory for the given Global
void wasmer_global_destroy(wasmer_global_t *global);
/// Gets the value stored by the given Global
wasmer_value_t wasmer_global_get(wasmer_global_t *global);
/// Returns a descriptor (type, mutability) of the given Global
wasmer_global_descriptor_t wasmer_global_get_descriptor(wasmer_global_t *global);
/// Creates a new Global and returns a pointer to it.
/// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_global_destroy` to free it.
wasmer_global_t *wasmer_global_new(wasmer_value_t value, bool mutable_);
/// Sets the value stored by the given Global
void wasmer_global_set(wasmer_global_t *global, wasmer_value_t value);
/// Gets export descriptor kind
wasmer_import_export_kind wasmer_import_descriptor_kind(wasmer_import_descriptor_t *export_);
/// Gets module name for the import descriptor
wasmer_byte_array wasmer_import_descriptor_module_name(wasmer_import_descriptor_t *import_descriptor);
/// Gets name for the import descriptor
wasmer_byte_array wasmer_import_descriptor_name(wasmer_import_descriptor_t *import_descriptor);
/// Gets import descriptors for the given module
/// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_import_descriptors_destroy` to free it.
void wasmer_import_descriptors(const wasmer_module_t *module,
wasmer_import_descriptors_t **import_descriptors);
/// Frees the memory for the given import descriptors
void wasmer_import_descriptors_destroy(wasmer_import_descriptors_t *import_descriptors);
/// Gets import descriptor by index
wasmer_import_descriptor_t *wasmer_import_descriptors_get(wasmer_import_descriptors_t *import_descriptors,
unsigned int idx);
/// Gets the length of the import descriptors
unsigned int wasmer_import_descriptors_len(wasmer_import_descriptors_t *exports);
/// Frees memory for the given Func
void wasmer_import_func_destroy(wasmer_import_func_t *func);
/// Creates new host function, aka imported function. `func` is a
/// function pointer, where the first argument is the famous `vm::Ctx`
/// (in Rust), or `wasmer_instance_context_t` (in C). All arguments
/// must be typed with compatible WebAssembly native types:
/// | WebAssembly type | C/C++ type |
/// | ---------------- | ---------- |
/// | `i32` | `int32_t` |
/// | `i64` | `int64_t` |
/// | `f32` | `float` |
/// | `f64` | `double` |
/// The function pointer must have a lifetime greater than the
/// WebAssembly instance lifetime.
/// The caller owns the object and should call
/// `wasmer_import_func_destroy` to free it.
wasmer_import_func_t *wasmer_import_func_new(void (*func)(void *data),
const wasmer_value_tag *params,
unsigned int params_len,
const wasmer_value_tag *returns,
unsigned int returns_len);
/// Sets the params buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_import_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_import_func_params(const wasmer_import_func_t *func,
wasmer_value_tag *params,
unsigned int params_len);
/// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the params of the wasmer_import_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_import_func_params_arity(const wasmer_import_func_t *func, uint32_t *result);
/// Sets the returns buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_import_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_import_func_returns(const wasmer_import_func_t *func,
wasmer_value_tag *returns,
unsigned int returns_len);
/// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the returns of the wasmer_import_func_t
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_import_func_returns_arity(const wasmer_import_func_t *func,
uint32_t *result);
/// Frees memory of the given ImportObject
void wasmer_import_object_destroy(wasmer_import_object_t *import_object);
/// Extends an existing import object with new imports
wasmer_result_t wasmer_import_object_extend(wasmer_import_object_t *import_object,
const wasmer_import_t *imports,
unsigned int imports_len);
/// Gets an entry from an ImportObject at the name and namespace.
/// Stores `name`, `namespace`, and `import_export_value` in `import`.
/// Thus these must remain valid for the lifetime of `import`.
/// The caller owns all data involved.
/// `import_export_value` will be written to based on `tag`.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_import_object_get_import(const wasmer_import_object_t *import_object,
wasmer_byte_array namespace_,
wasmer_byte_array name,
wasmer_import_t *import,
wasmer_import_export_value *import_export_value,
uint32_t tag);
/// Frees the memory allocated in `wasmer_import_object_iter_next`
/// This function does not free the memory in `wasmer_import_object_t`;
/// it only frees memory allocated while querying a `wasmer_import_object_t`.
void wasmer_import_object_imports_destroy(wasmer_import_t *imports, uint32_t imports_len);
/// Returns true if further calls to `wasmer_import_object_iter_next` will
/// not return any new data
bool wasmer_import_object_iter_at_end(wasmer_import_object_iter_t *import_object_iter);
/// Frees the memory allocated by `wasmer_import_object_iterate_functions`
void wasmer_import_object_iter_destroy(wasmer_import_object_iter_t *import_object_iter);
/// Writes the next value to `import`. `WASMER_ERROR` is returned if there
/// was an error or there's nothing left to return.
/// To free the memory allocated here, pass the import to `wasmer_import_object_imports_destroy`.
/// To check if the iterator is done, use `wasmer_import_object_iter_at_end`.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_import_object_iter_next(wasmer_import_object_iter_t *import_object_iter,
wasmer_import_t *import);
/// Create an iterator over the functions in the import object.
/// Get the next import with `wasmer_import_object_iter_next`
/// Free the iterator with `wasmer_import_object_iter_destroy`
wasmer_import_object_iter_t *wasmer_import_object_iterate_functions(const wasmer_import_object_t *import_object);
/// Creates a new empty import object.
/// See also `wasmer_import_object_append`
wasmer_import_object_t *wasmer_import_object_new();
/// Calls an exported function of a WebAssembly instance by `name`
/// with the provided parameters. The exported function results are
/// stored on the provided `results` pointer.
/// This function returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success,
/// `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` otherwise. You can use
/// `wasmer_last_error_message()` to get the generated error message.
/// Potential errors are the following:
/// * `instance` is a null pointer,
/// * `name` is a null pointer,
/// * `params` is a null pointer.
/// Example of calling an exported function that needs two parameters, and returns one value:
/// ```c
/// // First argument.
/// wasmer_value_t argument_one = {
/// .tag = WASM_I32,
/// .value.I32 = 3,
/// };
/// // Second argument.
/// wasmer_value_t argument_two = {
/// .tag = WASM_I32,
/// .value.I32 = 4,
/// };
/// // First result.
/// wasmer_value_t result_one;
/// // All arguments and results.
/// wasmer_value_t arguments[] = {argument_one, argument_two};
/// wasmer_value_t results[] = {result_one};
/// wasmer_result_t call_result = wasmer_instance_call(
/// instance, // instance pointer
/// "sum", // the exported function name
/// arguments, // the arguments
/// 2, // the number of arguments
/// results, // the results
/// 1 // the number of results
/// );
/// if (call_result == WASMER_OK) {
/// printf("Result is: %d\n", results[0].value.I32);
/// }
/// ```
wasmer_result_t wasmer_instance_call(wasmer_instance_t *instance,
const char *name,
const wasmer_value_t *params,
uint32_t params_len,
wasmer_value_t *results,
uint32_t results_len);
/// Gets the data that can be hold by an instance.
/// This function is complementary of
/// `wasmer_instance_context_data_set()`. Please read its
/// documentation. You can also read the documentation of
/// `wasmer_instance_context_t` to get other examples.
/// This function returns nothing if `ctx` is a null pointer.
void *wasmer_instance_context_data_get(const wasmer_instance_context_t *ctx);
/// Sets the data that can be hold by an instance context.
/// An instance context (represented by the opaque
/// `wasmer_instance_context_t` structure) can hold user-defined
/// data. This function sets the data. This function is complementary
/// of `wasmer_instance_context_data_get()`.
/// This function does nothing if `instance` is a null pointer.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// // Define your own data.
/// typedef struct {
/// // …
/// } my_data;
/// // Allocate them and set them on the given instance.
/// my_data *data = malloc(sizeof(my_data));
/// data->… = …;
/// wasmer_instance_context_data_set(instance, (void*) my_data);
/// // You can read your data.
/// {
/// my_data *data = (my_data*) wasmer_instance_context_data_get(wasmer_instance_context_get(instance));
/// // …
/// }
/// ```
void wasmer_instance_context_data_set(wasmer_instance_t *instance,
void *data_ptr);
/// Returns the instance context. Learn more by looking at the
/// `wasmer_instance_context_t` struct.
/// This function returns `null` if `instance` is a null pointer.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// const wasmer_instance_context_get *context = wasmer_instance_context_get(instance);
/// my_data *data = (my_data *) wasmer_instance_context_data_get(context);
/// // Do something with `my_data`.
/// ```
/// It is often useful with `wasmer_instance_context_data_set()`.
const wasmer_instance_context_t *wasmer_instance_context_get(wasmer_instance_t *instance);
/// Gets the `memory_idx`th memory of the instance.
/// Note that the index is always `0` until multiple memories are supported.
/// This function is mostly used inside host functions (aka imported
/// functions) to read the instance memory.
/// Example of a _host function_ that reads and prints a string based on a pointer and a length:
/// ```c
/// void print_string(const wasmer_instance_context_t *context, int32_t pointer, int32_t length) {
/// // Get the 0th memory.
/// const wasmer_memory_t *memory = wasmer_instance_context_memory(context, 0);
/// // Get the memory data as a pointer.
/// uint8_t *memory_bytes = wasmer_memory_data(memory);
/// // Print what we assumed to be a string!
/// printf("%.*s", length, memory_bytes + pointer);
/// }
/// ```
const wasmer_memory_t *wasmer_instance_context_memory(const wasmer_instance_context_t *ctx,
uint32_t _memory_idx);
/// Frees memory for the given `wasmer_instance_t`.
/// Check the `wasmer_instantiate()` function to get a complete
/// example.
/// If `instance` is a null pointer, this function does nothing.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// // Get an instance.
/// wasmer_instance_t *instance = NULL;
/// wasmer_instantiate(&instance, bytes, bytes_length, imports, 0);
/// // Destroy the instance.
/// wasmer_instance_destroy(instance);
/// ```
void wasmer_instance_destroy(wasmer_instance_t *instance);
/// Gets all the exports of the given WebAssembly instance.
/// This function stores a Rust vector of exports into `exports` as an
/// opaque pointer of kind `wasmer_exports_t`.
/// As is, you can do anything with `exports` except using the
/// companion functions, like `wasmer_exports_len()`,
/// `wasmer_exports_get()` or `wasmer_export_kind()`. See the example below.
/// **Warning**: The caller owns the object and should call
/// `wasmer_exports_destroy()` to free it.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// // Get the exports.
/// wasmer_exports_t *exports = NULL;
/// wasmer_instance_exports(instance, &exports);
/// // Get the number of exports.
/// int exports_length = wasmer_exports_len(exports);
/// printf("Number of exports: %d\n", exports_length);
/// // Read the first export.
/// wasmer_export_t *export = wasmer_exports_get(exports, 0);
/// // Get the kind of the export.
/// wasmer_import_export_kind export_kind = wasmer_export_kind(export);
/// // Assert it is a function (why not).
/// assert(export_kind == WASM_FUNCTION);
/// // Read the export name.
/// wasmer_byte_array name_bytes = wasmer_export_name(export);
/// assert(name_bytes.bytes_len == sizeof("sum") - 1);
/// assert(memcmp(name_bytes.bytes, "sum", sizeof("sum") - 1) == 0);
/// // Destroy the exports.
/// wasmer_exports_destroy(exports);
/// ```
void wasmer_instance_exports(wasmer_instance_t *instance, wasmer_exports_t **exports);
/// Creates a new WebAssembly instance from the given bytes and imports.
/// The result is stored in the first argument `instance` if
/// successful, i.e. when the function returns
/// `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK`. Otherwise
/// `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` is returned, and
/// `wasmer_last_error_length()` with `wasmer_last_error_message()` must
/// be used to read the error message.
/// The caller is responsible to free the instance with
/// `wasmer_instance_destroy()`.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// // 1. Read a WebAssembly module from a file.
/// FILE *file = fopen("sum.wasm", "r");
/// fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
/// long bytes_length = ftell(file);
/// uint8_t *bytes = malloc(bytes_length);
/// fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
/// fread(bytes, 1, bytes_length, file);
/// fclose(file);
/// // 2. Declare the imports (here, none).
/// wasmer_import_t imports[] = {};
/// // 3. Instantiate the WebAssembly module.
/// wasmer_instance_t *instance = NULL;
/// wasmer_result_t result = wasmer_instantiate(&instance, bytes, bytes_length, imports, 0);
/// // 4. Check for errors.
/// if (result != WASMER_OK) {
/// int error_length = wasmer_last_error_length();
/// char *error = malloc(error_length);
/// wasmer_last_error_message(error, error_length);
/// // Do something with `error`…
/// }
/// // 5. Free the memory!
/// wasmer_instance_destroy(instance);
/// ```
wasmer_result_t wasmer_instantiate(wasmer_instance_t **instance,
uint8_t *wasm_bytes,
uint32_t wasm_bytes_len,
wasmer_import_t *imports,
int imports_len);
/// Gets the length in bytes of the last error if any.
/// This can be used to dynamically allocate a buffer with the correct number of
/// bytes needed to store a message.
/// See `wasmer_last_error_message()` to get a full example.
int wasmer_last_error_length();
/// Gets the last error message if any into the provided buffer
/// `buffer` up to the given `length`.
/// The `length` parameter must be large enough to store the last
/// error message. Ideally, the value should come from
/// `wasmer_last_error_length()`.
/// The function returns the length of the string in bytes, `-1` if an
/// error occurs. Potential errors are:
/// * The buffer is a null pointer,
/// * The buffer is too smal to hold the error message.
/// Note: The error message always has a trailing null character.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// int error_length = wasmer_last_error_length();
/// if (error_length > 0) {
/// char *error_message = malloc(error_length);
/// wasmer_last_error_message(error_message, error_length);
/// printf("Error message: `%s`\n", error_message);
/// } else {
/// printf("No error message\n");
/// }
/// ```
int wasmer_last_error_message(char *buffer, int length);
/// Gets the start pointer to the bytes within a Memory
uint8_t *wasmer_memory_data(const wasmer_memory_t *mem);
/// Gets the size in bytes of a Memory
uint32_t wasmer_memory_data_length(wasmer_memory_t *mem);
/// Frees memory for the given Memory
void wasmer_memory_destroy(wasmer_memory_t *memory);
/// Grows a Memory by the given number of pages.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_memory_grow(wasmer_memory_t *memory, uint32_t delta);
/// Returns the current length in pages of the given memory
uint32_t wasmer_memory_length(const wasmer_memory_t *memory);
/// Creates a new Memory for the given descriptor and initializes the given
/// pointer to pointer to a pointer to the new memory.
/// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_memory_destroy` to free it.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_memory_new(wasmer_memory_t **memory, wasmer_limits_t limits);
/// Deserialize the given serialized module.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_module_deserialize(wasmer_module_t **module,
const wasmer_serialized_module_t *serialized_module);
/// Frees memory for the given Module
void wasmer_module_destroy(wasmer_module_t *module);
/// Given:
/// * A prepared `wasmer` import-object
/// * A compiled wasmer module
/// Instantiates a wasmer instance
wasmer_result_t wasmer_module_import_instantiate(wasmer_instance_t **instance,
const wasmer_module_t *module,
const wasmer_import_object_t *import_object);
/// Creates a new Instance from the given module and imports.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_module_instantiate(const wasmer_module_t *module,
wasmer_instance_t **instance,
wasmer_import_t *imports,
int imports_len);
/// Serialize the given Module.
/// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_serialized_module_destroy` to free it.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_module_serialize(wasmer_serialized_module_t **serialized_module,
const wasmer_module_t *module);
/// Get bytes of the serialized module.
wasmer_byte_array wasmer_serialized_module_bytes(const wasmer_serialized_module_t *serialized_module);
/// Frees memory for the given serialized Module.
void wasmer_serialized_module_destroy(wasmer_serialized_module_t *serialized_module);
/// Transform a sequence of bytes into a serialized module.
/// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_serialized_module_destroy` to free it.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_serialized_module_from_bytes(wasmer_serialized_module_t **serialized_module,
const uint8_t *serialized_module_bytes,
uint32_t serialized_module_bytes_length);
/// Frees memory for the given Table
void wasmer_table_destroy(wasmer_table_t *table);
/// Grows a Table by the given number of elements.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_table_grow(wasmer_table_t *table, uint32_t delta);
/// Returns the current length of the given Table
uint32_t wasmer_table_length(wasmer_table_t *table);
/// Creates a new Table for the given descriptor and initializes the given
/// pointer to pointer to a pointer to the new Table.
/// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_table_destroy` to free it.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success.
/// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length`
/// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_table_new(wasmer_table_t **table, wasmer_limits_t limits);
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
/// Adds a callinfo trampoline to the builder.
uintptr_t wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_add_callinfo_trampoline(wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_t *builder,
const wasmer_trampoline_callable_t *func,
const void *ctx,
uint32_t num_params);
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
/// Adds a context trampoline to the builder.
uintptr_t wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_add_context_trampoline(wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_t *builder,
const wasmer_trampoline_callable_t *func,
const void *ctx);
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
/// Finalizes the trampoline builder into an executable buffer.
wasmer_trampoline_buffer_t *wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_build(wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_t *builder);
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
/// Creates a new trampoline builder.
wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_t *wasmer_trampoline_buffer_builder_new();
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
/// Destroys the trampoline buffer if not null.
void wasmer_trampoline_buffer_destroy(wasmer_trampoline_buffer_t *buffer);
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
/// Returns the callable pointer for the trampoline with index `idx`.
const wasmer_trampoline_callable_t *wasmer_trampoline_buffer_get_trampoline(const wasmer_trampoline_buffer_t *buffer,
uintptr_t idx);
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && defined(ARCH_X86_64))
/// Returns the context added by `add_context_trampoline`, from within the callee function.
void *wasmer_trampoline_get_context();
/// Stop the execution of a host function, aka imported function. The
/// function must be used _only_ inside a host function.
/// The pointer to `wasmer_instance_context_t` is received by the host
/// function as its first argument. Just passing it to `ctx` is fine.
/// The error message must have a greater lifetime than the host
/// function itself since the error is read outside the host function
/// with `wasmer_last_error_message`.
/// This function returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` if `ctx` or
/// `error_message` are null.
/// This function never returns otherwise.
wasmer_result_t wasmer_trap(const wasmer_instance_context_t *ctx, const char *error_message);
/// Validates a sequence of bytes hoping it represents a valid WebAssembly module.
/// The function returns true if the bytes are valid, false otherwise.
/// Example:
/// ```c
/// bool result = wasmer_validate(bytes, bytes_length);
/// if (false == result) {
/// // Do something…
/// }
/// ```
bool wasmer_validate(const uint8_t *wasm_bytes, uint32_t wasm_bytes_len);
/// Convenience function that creates a WASI import object with no arguments,
/// environment variables, preopened files, or mapped directories.
/// This function is the same as calling [`wasmer_wasi_generate_import_object`] with all
/// empty values.
wasmer_import_object_t *wasmer_wasi_generate_default_import_object();
/// Creates a WASI import object.
/// This function treats null pointers as empty collections.
/// For example, passing null for a string in `args`, will lead to a zero
/// length argument in that position.
wasmer_import_object_t *wasmer_wasi_generate_import_object(const wasmer_byte_array *args,
unsigned int args_len,
const wasmer_byte_array *envs,
unsigned int envs_len,
const wasmer_byte_array *preopened_files,
unsigned int preopened_files_len,
const wasmer_wasi_map_dir_entry_t *mapped_dirs,
unsigned int mapped_dirs_len);
/// Creates a WASI import object for a specific version.
/// This function is similar to `wasmer_wasi_generate_import_object`
/// except that the first argument describes the WASI version.
/// The version is expected to be of kind `Version`.
wasmer_import_object_t *wasmer_wasi_generate_import_object_for_version(unsigned char version,
const wasmer_byte_array *args,
unsigned int args_len,
const wasmer_byte_array *envs,
unsigned int envs_len,
const wasmer_byte_array *preopened_files,
unsigned int preopened_files_len,
const wasmer_wasi_map_dir_entry_t *mapped_dirs,
unsigned int mapped_dirs_len);
/// Find the version of WASI used by the module.
/// In case of error, the returned version is `Version::Unknown`.
Version wasmer_wasi_get_version(const wasmer_module_t *module);
} // extern "C"
#endif // WASMER_H