#[macro_use] extern crate criterion; use criterion::Criterion; use tempfile::tempdir; use wasmer_runtime::{ cache::{Cache, FileSystemCache, WasmHash}, compile, func, imports, instantiate, validate, }; use wasmer_runtime_core::vm::Ctx; fn it_works(_ctx: &mut Ctx) -> i32 { 5 } static SIMPLE_WASM: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/../../examples/no_abi_simple_plugin.wasm" )); fn hashing_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("HASH", |b| b.iter(|| WasmHash::generate(SIMPLE_WASM))); } fn validate_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("validate", |b| b.iter(|| validate(SIMPLE_WASM))); } fn compile_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("compile", |b| b.iter(|| compile(SIMPLE_WASM))); } fn create_instance_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { let imports = imports!( "env" => { "it_works" => func!(it_works), }, ); c.bench_function("instantiate", move |b| { b.iter(|| instantiate(&SIMPLE_WASM[..], &imports).unwrap()) }); } fn create_instance_from_cache_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { let imports = imports!( "env" => { "it_works" => func!(it_works), }, ); let tempdir = tempdir().unwrap(); let mut cache = unsafe { FileSystemCache::new(tempdir.path()).expect("unable to create file system cache") }; let module = compile(SIMPLE_WASM).unwrap(); let hash = WasmHash::generate(SIMPLE_WASM); cache .store(hash, module) .expect("unable to store into cache"); c.bench_function("instantiate from cache", move |b| { b.iter(|| { let module = cache.load(hash).unwrap(); module.instantiate(&imports).unwrap(); }) }); } fn calling_fn_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { let imports = imports!( "env" => { "it_works" => func!(it_works), }, ); let instance = instantiate(SIMPLE_WASM, &imports).unwrap(); c.bench_function("calling fn", move |b| { let entry_point = instance.func::<i32, i32>("plugin_entrypoint").unwrap(); b.iter(|| entry_point.call(2).unwrap()) }); } criterion_group! { name = instance_bench; config = Criterion::default().sample_size(20); targets = compile_benchmark, validate_benchmark, hashing_benchmark, create_instance_from_cache_benchmark, calling_fn_benchmark, create_instance_benchmark, } criterion_main!(instance_bench);