
# Wasmer build tool
# This is a script to build Wasmer in a Docker sandbox.
# To use the script, first make sure Docker is installed. Then build the
# sandbox image with:
#   docker build --file Dockerfile.build --tag wasmer-build .
# After the sandbox image is built successfully, you can run commands in it
# with this script.
# For example, to build Wasmer, run:
#   ./build make
# To test Wasmer, run:
#   ./build make test
# and so on.




  # General config.

  # User and group config.
  # Use the same user and group permissions as host to make integration
  # between host and container simple.
  --user "$(id --user):$(id --group)"
  --volume "/etc/group:/etc/group:ro"
  --volume "/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro"
  --volume "/etc/shadow:/etc/shadow:ro"

  # Time zone config.
  # Use the same time zone as the host.
  --volume "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"

  # Linux capabilities.
  # Add SYS_PTRACE capability to the container so that people can run
  # `strace'.
  --cap-add SYS_PTRACE

  # Source directory.
  --volume "$(pwd):${docker_workdir}:z"

  # Environment variables.
  --env "CARGO_HOME=${docker_workdir}/.cargo"

docker run ${docker_args[@]} ${docker_img} $*