#include <stdio.h> #include "../wasmer.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> int main() { // Read the wasm file bytes FILE *file = fopen("assets/return_hello.wasm", "r"); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long len = ftell(file); uint8_t *bytes = malloc(len); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(bytes, 1, len, file); fclose(file); // Instantiate the module. wasmer_import_t imports[] = {}; wasmer_instance_t *instance = NULL; wasmer_result_t compile_result = wasmer_instantiate(&instance, bytes, len, imports, 0); printf("Compile result: %d\n", compile_result); assert(compile_result == WASMER_OK); // Call the `return_hello` function. wasmer_value_t params[] = {}; wasmer_value_t result; wasmer_value_t results[] = {result}; wasmer_result_t call_result = wasmer_instance_call(instance, "return_hello", params, 0, results, 1); printf("Call result: %d\n", call_result); printf("Result: %d\n", results[0].value.I32); assert(call_result == WASMER_OK); assert(results[0].value.I32 == 1048576); // Get all exports. wasmer_exports_t *exports = NULL; wasmer_instance_exports(instance, &exports); int export_length = wasmer_exports_len(exports); printf("exports_length: %d\n", export_length); assert(export_length == 5); // Get the `memory` export. wasmer_export_t *export = wasmer_exports_get(exports, 0); wasmer_import_export_kind kind = wasmer_export_kind(export); printf("Wasmer import export kind: %d (Memory is %d)\n", kind, WASM_MEMORY); assert(kind == WASM_MEMORY); wasmer_byte_array export_name = wasmer_export_name(export); printf("export_name: `%.*s`\n", export_name.bytes_len, export_name.bytes); // Cast the export into a memory. wasmer_memory_t *memory; wasmer_result_t export_to_memory_result = wasmer_export_to_memory(export, &memory); printf("Export to memory result: %d\n", export_to_memory_result); printf("Memory pointer: %p\n", memory); assert(export_to_memory_result == WASMER_OK); uint32_t memory_length = wasmer_memory_length(memory); assert(memory_length == 17); // Read the data from the memory. uint8_t *memory_data = wasmer_memory_data(memory); uint8_t *returned_string = memory_data + results[0].value.I32; printf("Returned string from Wasm: %s\n", returned_string); assert(strcmp("Hello, World!", (const char *) returned_string) == 0); printf("Destroy instance\n"); wasmer_instance_destroy(instance); return 0; }