#include <stdio.h> #include "../wasmer.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> bool static print_str_called = false; // Host function that will be imported into the Web Assembly Instance void print_str(const wasmer_instance_context_t *ctx, int32_t ptr, int32_t len) { print_str_called = true; const wasmer_memory_t *memory = wasmer_instance_context_memory(ctx, 0); uint32_t mem_len = wasmer_memory_length(memory); uint8_t *mem_bytes = wasmer_memory_data(memory); printf("%.*s", len, mem_bytes + ptr); } // Use the last_error API to retrieve error messages void print_wasmer_error() { int error_len = wasmer_last_error_length(); printf("Error len: `%d`\n", error_len); char *error_str = malloc(error_len); wasmer_last_error_message(error_str, error_len); printf("Error str: `%s`\n", error_str); } int main() { // Create a new func to hold the parameter and signature // of our `print_str` host function wasmer_value_tag params_sig[] = {WASM_I32, WASM_I32}; wasmer_value_tag returns_sig[] = {}; wasmer_import_func_t *func = wasmer_import_func_new((void (*)(void *)) print_str, params_sig, 2, returns_sig, 0); // Create module name for our imports // represented in bytes for UTF-8 compatability const char *module_name = "env"; wasmer_byte_array module_name_bytes; module_name_bytes.bytes = (const uint8_t *) module_name; module_name_bytes.bytes_len = strlen(module_name); // Define a function import const char *import_name = "_print_str"; wasmer_byte_array import_name_bytes; import_name_bytes.bytes = (const uint8_t *) import_name; import_name_bytes.bytes_len = strlen(import_name); wasmer_import_t func_import; func_import.module_name = module_name_bytes; func_import.import_name = import_name_bytes; func_import.tag = WASM_FUNCTION; func_import.value.func = func; // Define a memory import const char *import_memory_name = "memory"; wasmer_byte_array import_memory_name_bytes; import_memory_name_bytes.bytes = (const uint8_t *) import_memory_name; import_memory_name_bytes.bytes_len = strlen(import_memory_name); wasmer_import_t memory_import; memory_import.module_name = module_name_bytes; memory_import.import_name = import_memory_name_bytes; memory_import.tag = WASM_MEMORY; wasmer_memory_t *memory = NULL; wasmer_limits_t descriptor; descriptor.min = 256; wasmer_limit_option_t max; max.has_some = true; max.some = 256; descriptor.max = max; wasmer_result_t memory_result = wasmer_memory_new(&memory, descriptor); if (memory_result != WASMER_OK) { print_wasmer_error(); } memory_import.value.memory = memory; // Define a global import const char *import_global_name = "__memory_base"; wasmer_byte_array import_global_name_bytes; import_global_name_bytes.bytes = (const uint8_t *) import_global_name; import_global_name_bytes.bytes_len = strlen(import_global_name); wasmer_import_t global_import; global_import.module_name = module_name_bytes; global_import.import_name = import_global_name_bytes; global_import.tag = WASM_GLOBAL; wasmer_value_t val; val.tag = WASM_I32; val.value.I32 = 1024; wasmer_global_t *global = wasmer_global_new(val, false); global_import.value.global = global; // Define a table import const char *import_table_name = "table"; wasmer_byte_array import_table_name_bytes; import_table_name_bytes.bytes = (const uint8_t *) import_table_name; import_table_name_bytes.bytes_len = strlen(import_table_name); wasmer_import_t table_import; table_import.module_name = module_name_bytes; table_import.import_name = import_table_name_bytes; table_import.tag = WASM_TABLE; wasmer_table_t *table = NULL; wasmer_limits_t table_descriptor; table_descriptor.min = 256; wasmer_limit_option_t table_max; table_max.has_some = true; table_max.some = 256; table_descriptor.max = table_max; wasmer_result_t table_result = wasmer_table_new(&table, table_descriptor); if (table_result != WASMER_OK) { print_wasmer_error(); } table_import.value.table = table; // Define an empty import object wasmer_import_object_t *import_object = wasmer_import_object_new(); // Create our imports wasmer_import_t imports[] = {func_import, global_import, memory_import, table_import}; int imports_len = sizeof(imports) / sizeof(imports[0]); // Add our imports to the import object wasmer_import_object_extend(import_object, imports, imports_len); // Read the wasm file bytes FILE *file = fopen("assets/hello_wasm.wasm", "r"); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long len = ftell(file); uint8_t *bytes = malloc(len); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(bytes, 1, len, file); fclose(file); wasmer_module_t *module = NULL; // Compile the WebAssembly module wasmer_result_t compile_result = wasmer_compile(&module, bytes, len); printf("Compile result: %d\n", compile_result); if (compile_result != WASMER_OK) { print_wasmer_error(); } assert(compile_result == WASMER_OK); // Instantiatoe the module with our import_object wasmer_instance_t *instance = NULL; wasmer_result_t instantiate_result = wasmer_module_import_instantiate(&instance, module, import_object); printf("Instantiate result: %d\n", instantiate_result); if (instantiate_result != WASMER_OK) { print_wasmer_error(); } assert(instantiate_result == WASMER_OK); // Call the exported "hello_wasm" function of our instance wasmer_value_t params[] = {}; wasmer_value_t result_one; wasmer_value_t results[] = {result_one}; wasmer_result_t call_result = wasmer_instance_call(instance, "_hello_wasm", params, 0, results, 1); printf("Call result: %d\n", call_result); assert(call_result == WASMER_OK); assert(print_str_called); // Use *_destroy methods to cleanup as specified in the header documentation wasmer_import_func_destroy(func); wasmer_global_destroy(global); wasmer_memory_destroy(memory); wasmer_table_destroy(table); wasmer_instance_destroy(instance); wasmer_import_object_destroy(import_object); wasmer_module_destroy(module); return 0; }