.PHONY: spectests emtests clean build install lint precommit docs # Generate files generate-spectests: WASMER_RUNTIME_GENERATE_SPECTESTS=1 cargo build -p wasmer-runtime-core --release generate-emtests: WASM_EMSCRIPTEN_GENERATE_EMTESTS=1 cargo build -p wasmer-emscripten-tests --release generate-wasitests: wasitests-setup WASM_WASI_GENERATE_WASITESTS=1 cargo build -p wasmer-wasi-tests --release -vv \ && echo "formatting" \ && cargo fmt spectests-generate: generate-spectests emtests-generate: generate-emtests wasitests-generate: generate-wasitests generate: generate-spectests generate-emtests generate-wasitests # Spectests spectests-singlepass: cargo test --manifest-path lib/spectests/Cargo.toml --release --features singlepass -- --nocapture spectests-cranelift: cargo test --manifest-path lib/spectests/Cargo.toml --release --features clif -- --nocapture spectests-llvm: cargo test --manifest-path lib/spectests/Cargo.toml --release --features llvm -- --nocapture spectests: spectests-singlepass spectests-cranelift spectests-llvm # Emscripten tests emtests-singlepass: cargo test --manifest-path lib/emscripten-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features singlepass -- --test-threads=1 emtests-cranelift: cargo test --manifest-path lib/emscripten-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features clif -- --test-threads=1 emtests-llvm: cargo test --manifest-path lib/emscripten-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features llvm -- --test-threads=1 emtests-unit: cargo test --manifest-path lib/emscripten/Cargo.toml --release emtests: emtests-unit emtests-singlepass emtests-cranelift emtests-llvm # Middleware tests middleware-singlepass: cargo test --manifest-path lib/middleware-common-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features singlepass middleware-cranelift: cargo test --manifest-path lib/middleware-common-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features clif middleware-llvm: cargo test --manifest-path lib/middleware-common-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features llvm middleware: middleware-singlepass middleware-cranelift middleware-llvm # Wasitests wasitests-setup: rm -rf lib/wasi-tests/wasitests/test_fs/temp mkdir -p lib/wasi-tests/wasitests/test_fs/temp wasitests-singlepass: wasitests-setup cargo test --manifest-path lib/wasi-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features singlepass -- --test-threads=1 wasitests-cranelift: wasitests-setup cargo test --manifest-path lib/wasi-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features clif -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture wasitests-llvm: wasitests-setup cargo test --manifest-path lib/wasi-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features llvm -- --test-threads=1 wasitests-unit: wasitests-setup cargo test --manifest-path lib/wasi-tests/Cargo.toml --release --features clif -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture cargo test --manifest-path lib/wasi/Cargo.toml --release wasitests: wasitests-unit wasitests-singlepass wasitests-cranelift wasitests-llvm # Backends singlepass: spectests-singlepass emtests-singlepass middleware-singlepass wasitests-singlepass cargo test -p wasmer-singlepass-backend --release cranelift: spectests-cranelift emtests-cranelift middleware-cranelift wasitests-cranelift cargo test -p wasmer-clif-backend --release llvm: spectests-llvm emtests-llvm wasitests-llvm cargo test -p wasmer-llvm-backend --release # All tests capi: cargo build --release cargo build -p wasmer-runtime-c-api --release test-capi: capi cargo test -p wasmer-runtime-c-api --release test-rest: cargo test --release --all --exclude wasmer-runtime-c-api --exclude wasmer-emscripten --exclude wasmer-spectests --exclude wasmer-wasi --exclude wasmer-middleware-common --exclude wasmer-middleware-common-tests --exclude wasmer-singlepass-backend --exclude wasmer-clif-backend --exclude wasmer-llvm-backend --exclude wasmer-wasi-tests --exclude wasmer-emscripten-tests test: spectests emtests middleware wasitests circleci-clean test-rest # Integration tests integration-tests: release-clif echo "Running Integration Tests" ./integration_tests/lua/test.sh ./integration_tests/nginx/test.sh ./integration_tests/cowsay/test.sh # Utils lint: cargo fmt --all -- --check precommit: lint test debug: cargo build --release --features backend-singlepass,debug,trace install: cargo install --path . # Checks check-bench-singlepass: cargo bench --all --no-run --no-default-features --features "backend-singlepass" check-bench-clif: cargo bench --all --no-run --no-default-features --features "backend-cranelift" check-bench-llvm: cargo bench --all --no-run --no-default-features --features "backend-llvm" check-bench: check-bench-singlepass check-bench-llvm check: check-bench cargo check --release --features backend-singlepass,backend-llvm,loader-kernel,debug # Release release: cargo build --release --features backend-singlepass,backend-llvm,loader-kernel # Only one backend (cranelift) release-clif: # If you are in OS-X, you will need mingw-w64 for cross compiling to windows # brew install mingw-w64 cargo build --release release-singlepass: cargo build --release --features backend-singlepass release-llvm: cargo build --release --features backend-llvm bench-singlepass: cargo bench --all --no-default-features --features "backend-singlepass" bench-clif: cargo bench --all --no-default-features --features "backend-cranelift" bench-llvm: cargo bench --all --no-default-features --features "backend-llvm" # Build utils build-install: mkdir -p ./install/bin cp ./wapm-cli/target/release/wapm ./install/bin/ cp ./target/release/wasmer ./install/bin/ tar -C ./install -zcvf wasmer.tar.gz bin/wapm bin/wasmer # For installing the contents locally do-install: tar -C ~/.wasmer -zxvf wasmer.tar.gz publish-release: ghr -t ${GITHUB_TOKEN} -u ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME} -r ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME} -c ${CIRCLE_SHA1} -delete ${VERSION} ./artifacts/ # cargo install cargo-deps # must install graphviz for `dot` dep-graph: cargo deps --optional-deps --filter wasmer-wasi wasmer-wasi-tests wasmer-kernel-loader wasmer-dev-utils wasmer-llvm-backend wasmer-emscripten wasmer-emscripten-tests wasmer-runtime-core wasmer-runtime wasmer-middleware-common wasmer-middleware-common-tests wasmer-singlepass-backend wasmer-clif-backend wasmer --manifest-path Cargo.toml | dot -Tpng > wasmer_depgraph.png docs: cargo doc --features=backend-singlepass,backend-llvm,wasi,managed docs-publish: echo a git remote -v echo b git checkout gh-pages echo b1 git remote rm origin echo b2 git remote add origin https://WasmerBot:${GITHUB_DOCS_TOKEN}@github.com/wasmerio/wasmer.git echo d cp -r ${RUST_DOCS_DIR}/* rustdoc/ echo f echo '' > index.html echo g echo '' > rustdoc/index.html echo h git config --local user.name "Azure Pipelines" echo i git config --local user.email "azuredevops@microsoft.com" echo j git add index.html git add rustdoc/* echo k git commit -m "Publishing GitHub Pages ***CI***" echo l git push origin gh-pages echo m