macro_rules! assert_emscripten_output { ($file:expr, $name:expr, $args:expr, $expected:expr) => {{ use wasmer_emscripten::{ EmscriptenGlobals, generate_emscripten_env, }; use wasmer_runtime_core::{ backend::Compiler, }; use wasmer_dev_utils::stdio::StdioCapturer; #[cfg(feature = "clif")] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { use wasmer_clif_backend::CraneliftCompiler; CraneliftCompiler::new() } #[cfg(feature = "llvm")] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { use wasmer_llvm_backend::LLVMCompiler; LLVMCompiler::new() } #[cfg(feature = "singlepass")] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { use wasmer_singlepass_backend::SinglePassCompiler; SinglePassCompiler::new() } #[cfg(not(any(feature = "llvm", feature = "clif", feature = "singlepass")))] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { panic!("compiler not specified, activate a compiler via features"); use wasmer_clif_backend::CraneliftCompiler; CraneliftCompiler::new() } let wasm_bytes = include_bytes!($file); let module = wasmer_runtime_core::compile_with(&wasm_bytes[..], &get_compiler()) .expect("WASM can't be compiled"); // let module = compile(&wasm_bytes[..]) // .map_err(|err| format!("Can't create the WebAssembly module: {}", err)).unwrap(); // NOTE: Need to figure what the unwrap is for ?? let mut emscripten_globals = EmscriptenGlobals::new(&module); let import_object = generate_emscripten_env(&mut emscripten_globals); let mut instance = module.instantiate(&import_object) .map_err(|err| format!("Can't instantiate the WebAssembly module: {:?}", err)).unwrap(); // NOTE: Need to figure what the unwrap is for ?? let capturer = StdioCapturer::new(); wasmer_emscripten::run_emscripten_instance( &module, &mut instance, $name, $args, None, ).expect("run_emscripten_instance finishes"); let output = capturer.end().unwrap().0; let expected_output = include_str!($expected); assert!( output.contains(expected_output), "Output: `{}` does not contain expected output: `{}`", output, expected_output ); }}; } // pub fn assert_emscripten_output(wasm_bytes: &[u8], raw_expected_str: &str) { // use wasmer_clif_backend::CraneliftCompiler; // use wasmer_emscripten::{generate_emscripten_env, stdio::StdioCapturer, EmscriptenGlobals}; // let module = wasmer_runtime_core::compile_with(&wasm_bytes[..], &CraneliftCompiler::new()) // .expect("WASM can't be compiled"); // let mut emscripten_globals = EmscriptenGlobals::new(&module); // let import_object = generate_emscripten_env(&mut emscripten_globals); // let mut instance = module // .instantiate(&import_object) // .map_err(|err| format!("Can't instantiate the WebAssembly module: {:?}", err)) // .unwrap(); // let capturer = StdioCapturer::new(); // wasmer_emscripten::run_emscripten_instance(&module, &mut instance, "test", vec![]) // .expect("run_emscripten_instance finishes"); // let raw_output_string = capturer.end().unwrap().0; // // trim the strings to avoid cross-platform line ending and white space issues // let output = raw_output_string.trim(); // let expected_output = raw_expected_str.trim(); // let contains_output = output.contains(expected_output); // assert!( // contains_output, // "Output: `{}` does not contain expected output: `{}`", // output, expected_output // ); // }