#![deny( bad_style, dead_code, unused_imports, unused_variables, unused_unsafe, unreachable_patterns )] #[cfg(test)] mod tests { // TODO fix spec failures // TODO fix panics and remove panic handlers // TODO do something with messages _message, message: _, msg: _ // TODO consider git submodule for spectests? & separate dir for simd/extra tests // TODO cleanup refactor // TODO Files could be run with multiple threads // TODO Allow running WAST &str directly (E.g. for use outside of spectests) struct SpecFailure { file: String, line: u64, kind: String, message: String, } struct TestReport { failures: Vec, passed: u32, failed: u32, allowed_failure: u32, } impl TestReport { pub fn count_passed(&mut self) { self.passed += 1; } pub fn has_failures(&self) -> bool { self.failed > 0 } pub fn add_failure( &mut self, failure: SpecFailure, testkey: &str, excludes: &HashMap, ) { if excludes.contains_key(testkey) { self.allowed_failure += 1; return; } self.failed += 1; self.failures.push(failure); } } #[cfg(feature = "clif")] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { use wasmer_clif_backend::CraneliftCompiler; CraneliftCompiler::new() } #[cfg(feature = "llvm")] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { use wasmer_llvm_backend::LLVMCompiler; LLVMCompiler::new() } #[cfg(feature = "singlepass")] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { use wasmer_singlepass_backend::SinglePassCompiler; SinglePassCompiler::new() } #[cfg(not(any(feature = "llvm", feature = "clif", feature = "singlepass")))] fn get_compiler() -> impl Compiler { panic!("compiler not specified, activate a compiler via features"); use wasmer_clif_backend::CraneliftCompiler; CraneliftCompiler::new() } #[cfg(feature = "clif")] fn get_compiler_name() -> &'static str { "clif" } #[cfg(feature = "llvm")] fn get_compiler_name() -> &'static str { "llvm" } #[cfg(feature = "singlepass")] fn get_compiler_name() -> &'static str { "singlepass" } #[cfg(not(any(feature = "llvm", feature = "clif", feature = "singlepass")))] fn get_compiler_name() -> &'static str { panic!("compiler not specified, activate a compiler via features"); "unknown" } use glob::glob; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe; use std::path::PathBuf; use wabt::script::{Action, Command, CommandKind, ScriptParser, Value}; use wasmer_runtime_core::backend::{Compiler, CompilerConfig, Features}; use wasmer_runtime_core::error::CompileError; use wasmer_runtime_core::import::ImportObject; use wasmer_runtime_core::Instance; use wasmer_runtime_core::{ export::Export, global::Global, import::LikeNamespace, memory::Memory, table::Table, types::{ElementType, MemoryDescriptor, TableDescriptor}, units::Pages, Module, }; use wasmer_runtime_core::{func, imports, vm::Ctx}; fn parse_and_run( path: &PathBuf, excludes: &HashMap, ) -> Result { let mut test_report = TestReport { failures: vec![], passed: 0, failed: 0, allowed_failure: 0, }; let filename = path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let source = fs::read(&path).unwrap(); let backend = get_compiler_name(); let star_key = format!("{}:{}:*", backend, filename); if excludes.contains_key(&star_key) { return Ok(test_report); } let mut features = wabt::Features::new(); features.enable_simd(); let mut parser: ScriptParser = ScriptParser::from_source_and_name_with_features(&source, filename, features) .expect(&format!("Failed to parse script {}", &filename)); use std::panic; let mut instance: Option> = None; use std::rc::Rc; let mut named_modules: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); let mut registered_modules: HashMap = HashMap::new(); // while let Some(Command { kind, line }) = parser.next().map_err(|e| format!("Parse err: {:?}", e))? { let test_key = format!("{}:{}:{}", backend, filename, line); // Use this line to debug which test is running println!("Running test: {}", test_key); if excludes.contains_key(&test_key) && *excludes.get(&test_key).unwrap() == Exclude::Skip { println!("Skipping test: {}", test_key); continue; } match kind { CommandKind::Module { module, name } => { // println!("Module"); let result = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { let spectest_import_object = get_spectest_import_object(®istered_modules); let config = CompilerConfig { features: Features { simd: true }, ..Default::default() }; let module = wasmer_runtime_core::compile_with_config( &module.into_vec(), &get_compiler(), config, ) .expect("WASM can't be compiled"); let i = module .instantiate(&spectest_import_object) .expect("WASM can't be instantiated"); i })); match result { Err(e) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "Module"), message: format!("caught panic {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); instance = None; } Ok(i) => { let i = Rc::new(i); if name.is_some() { named_modules.insert(name.unwrap(), Rc::clone(&i)); } instance = Some(i); } } } CommandKind::AssertReturn { action, expected } => { match action { Action::Invoke { module, field, args, } => { let instance: Option<&Instance> = match module { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturn"), message: format!("No instance available: {:?}", &module), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { let params: Vec = args.iter().cloned().map(|x| convert_value(x)).collect(); let call_result = instance.unwrap().call(&field, ¶ms[..]); match call_result { Err(e) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturn"), message: format!("Call failed {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } Ok(values) => { for (i, v) in values.iter().enumerate() { let expected_value = convert_value(*expected.get(i).unwrap()); if *v != expected_value && !(*v != *v && expected_value != expected_value) { test_report.add_failure(SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturn"), message: format!( "result {:?} ({:?}) does not match expected {:?} ({:?})", v, to_hex(v.clone()), expected_value, to_hex(expected_value.clone()) ), }, &test_key, excludes); } else { test_report.count_passed(); } } } } } } Action::Get { module, field } => { let instance: Option<&Instance> = match module { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturn Get"), message: format!("No instance available {:?}", &module), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { let export: Export = instance .unwrap() .get_export(&field) .expect(&format!("missing global {:?}", &field)); match export { Export::Global(g) => { let value = g.get(); let expected_value = convert_value(*expected.get(0).unwrap()); if value == expected_value { test_report.count_passed(); } else { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturn Get"), message: format!( "Expected Global {:?} got: {:?}", expected_value, value ), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } _ => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturn Get"), message: format!("Expected Global"), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } } } // println!("in assert return"); } CommandKind::AssertReturnCanonicalNan { action } => match action { Action::Invoke { module, field, args, } => { let instance: Option<&Instance> = match module { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturnCanonicalNan"), message: format!("No instance available {:?}", &module), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { let params: Vec = args.iter().cloned().map(|x| convert_value(x)).collect(); let call_result = instance.unwrap().call(&field, ¶ms[..]); match call_result { Err(e) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturnCanonicalNan"), message: format!("Call failed {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } Ok(values) => { for v in values.iter() { if is_canonical_nan(v.clone()) { test_report.count_passed(); } else { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!( "{:?}", "AssertReturnCanonicalNan" ), message: format!( "value is not canonical nan {:?}", v ), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } } } } _ => panic!("unexpected action in assert return canonical nan"), }, CommandKind::AssertReturnArithmeticNan { action } => match action { Action::Invoke { module, field, args, } => { let instance: Option<&Instance> = match module { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturnArithmeticNan"), message: format!("No instance available"), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { let params: Vec = args.iter().cloned().map(|x| convert_value(x)).collect(); let call_result = instance.unwrap().call(&field, ¶ms[..]); match call_result { Err(e) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertReturnArithmeticNan"), message: format!("Call failed {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } Ok(values) => { for v in values.iter() { if is_arithmetic_nan(v.clone()) { test_report.count_passed(); } else { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!( "{:?}", "AssertReturnArithmeticNan" ), message: format!( "value is not arithmetic nan {:?}", v ), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } } } } _ => panic!("unexpected action in assert return arithmetic nan"), }, CommandKind::AssertTrap { action, message: _ } => match action { Action::Invoke { module, field, args, } => { let instance: Option<&Instance> = match module { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertTrap"), message: format!("No instance available"), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { let params: Vec = args.iter().cloned().map(|x| convert_value(x)).collect(); let call_result = instance.unwrap().call(&field, ¶ms[..]); use wasmer_runtime_core::error::{CallError, RuntimeError}; match call_result { Err(e) => { match e { CallError::Resolve(_) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertTrap"), message: format!("expected trap, got {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } CallError::Runtime(r) => { match r { RuntimeError::Trap { .. } => { // TODO assert message? test_report.count_passed() } RuntimeError::Error { .. } => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertTrap"), message: format!( "expected trap, got Runtime:Error {:?}", r ), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } } } Ok(values) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertTrap"), message: format!("expected trap, got {:?}", values), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } } _ => println!("unexpected action"), }, CommandKind::AssertInvalid { module, message: _ } => { // println!("AssertInvalid"); let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| { let config = CompilerConfig { features: Features { simd: true }, ..Default::default() }; wasmer_runtime_core::compile_with_config( &module.into_vec(), &get_compiler(), config, ) }); match result { Ok(module) => { if let Err(CompileError::InternalError { msg: _ }) = module { test_report.count_passed(); // println!("expected: {:?}", message); // println!("actual: {:?}", msg); } else if let Err(CompileError::ValidationError { msg: _ }) = module { test_report.count_passed(); // println!("validation expected: {:?}", message); // println!("validation actual: {:?}", msg); } else { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertInvalid"), message: "Should be invalid".to_string(), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } Err(p) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertInvalid"), message: format!("caught panic {:?}", p), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } CommandKind::AssertMalformed { module, message: _ } => { // println!("AssertMalformed"); let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| { let config = CompilerConfig { features: Features { simd: true }, ..Default::default() }; wasmer_runtime_core::compile_with_config( &module.into_vec(), &get_compiler(), config, ) }); match result { Ok(module) => { if let Err(CompileError::InternalError { msg: _ }) = module { test_report.count_passed(); // println!("expected: {:?}", message); // println!("actual: {:?}", msg); } else if let Err(CompileError::ValidationError { msg: _ }) = module { test_report.count_passed(); // println!("validation expected: {:?}", message); // println!("validation actual: {:?}", msg); } else { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertMalformed"), message: format!("should be malformed"), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } Err(p) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertMalformed"), message: format!("caught panic {:?}", p), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } CommandKind::AssertUninstantiable { module: _, message: _, } => println!("AssertUninstantiable not yet implmented "), CommandKind::AssertExhaustion { action, message: _ } => { println!("AssertExhaustion {:? }{:?}", filename, line); match action { Action::Invoke { module, field, args, } => { let instance: Option<&Instance> = match module { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertExhaustion"), message: format!("No instance available"), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { let params: Vec = args.iter().cloned().map(|x| convert_value(x)).collect(); let call_result = instance.unwrap().call(&field, ¶ms[..]); match call_result { Err(_e) => { // TODO is specific error required? test_report.count_passed(); } Ok(values) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertExhaustion"), message: format!( "Expected call failure, got {:?}", values ), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } } } } _ => println!("unexpected action in assert exhaustion"), } println!("AssertExhaustion Done"); } CommandKind::AssertUnlinkable { module, message: _ } => { println!("AssertUnlinkable {:? }{:?}", filename, line); let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| { let config = CompilerConfig { features: Features { simd: true }, ..Default::default() }; let module = wasmer_runtime_core::compile_with_config( &module.into_vec(), &get_compiler(), config, ) .expect("WASM can't be compiled"); module.instantiate(&ImportObject::new()) }); match result { Err(e) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertUnlinkable"), message: format!("caught panic {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } Ok(result) => match result { Ok(_) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertUnlinkable"), message: format!( "instantiate successful, expected unlinkable" ), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } Err(e) => match e { wasmer_runtime_core::error::Error::LinkError(_) => { test_report.count_passed(); } _ => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "AssertUnlinkable"), message: format!("expected link error, got {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } }, }, } println!("AssertUnlinkable Done"); } CommandKind::Register { name, as_name } => { let instance: Option<&Instance> = match name { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "Register"), message: format!("No instance available"), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { registered_modules.insert(as_name, instance.unwrap().module()); } } CommandKind::PerformAction(ref action) => match action { Action::Invoke { module, field, args, } => { println!("PerformAction: {:?} {:?}", filename, line); let instance: Option<&Instance> = match module { Some(ref name) => { let i = named_modules.get(name); match i { Some(ins) => Some(ins.borrow()), None => None, } } None => match instance { Some(ref i) => Some(i.borrow()), None => None, }, }; if instance.is_none() { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line: line, kind: format!("{:?}", "PerformAction"), message: format!("No instance available"), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } else { let params: Vec = args.iter().cloned().map(|x| convert_value(x)).collect(); let call_result = instance.unwrap().call(&field, ¶ms[..]); match call_result { Err(e) => { test_report.add_failure( SpecFailure { file: filename.to_string(), line, kind: format!("{:?}", "PerformAction"), message: format!("Call failed {:?}", e), }, &test_key, excludes, ); } Ok(_values) => { test_report.count_passed(); } } } } Action::Get { module, field } => println!( "Action Get not implemented {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}", module, field, filename, line ), }, } } Ok(test_report) } fn is_canonical_nan(val: wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value) -> bool { match val { wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F32(x) => x.is_canonical_nan(), wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F64(x) => x.is_canonical_nan(), _ => panic!("value is not a float {:?}", val), } } fn is_arithmetic_nan(val: wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value) -> bool { match val { wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F32(x) => x.is_quiet_nan(), wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F64(x) => x.is_quiet_nan(), _ => panic!("value is not a float {:?}", val), } } fn convert_value(other: Value) -> wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value { match other { Value::I32(v) => wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::I32(v), Value::I64(v) => wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::I64(v), Value::F32(v) => wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F32(v), Value::F64(v) => wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F64(v), Value::V128(v) => wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::V128(v), } } fn to_hex(v: wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value) -> String { match v { wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::I32(v) => format!("{:#x}", v), wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::I64(v) => format!("{:#x}", v), wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F32(v) => format!("{:#x}", v.to_bits()), wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F64(v) => format!("{:#x}", v.to_bits()), wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::V128(v) => format!("{:#x}", v), } } fn print_i32(_ctx: &mut Ctx, val: i32) { println!("{}", val); } fn get_spectest_import_object(registered_modules: &HashMap) -> ImportObject { let memory = Memory::new(MemoryDescriptor { minimum: Pages(1), maximum: Some(Pages(2)), shared: false, }) .unwrap(); let global_i32 = Global::new(wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::I32(666)); let global_f32 = Global::new(wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F32(666.0)); let global_f64 = Global::new(wasmer_runtime_core::types::Value::F64(666.0)); let table = Table::new(TableDescriptor { element: ElementType::Anyfunc, minimum: 10, maximum: Some(20), }) .unwrap(); let mut import_object = imports! { "spectest" => { "print_i32" => func!(print_i32), "table" => table, "memory" => memory, "global_i32" => global_i32, "global_f32" => global_f32, "global_f64" => global_f64, }, }; for (name, module) in registered_modules.iter() { let i = module .instantiate(&ImportObject::new()) .expect("Registered WASM can't be instantiated"); import_object.register(name.clone(), i); } import_object } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Exclude { Skip, Fail, } use core::borrow::Borrow; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; /// Reads the excludes.txt file into a hash map fn read_excludes() -> HashMap { let mut excludes_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); excludes_path.push("tests"); excludes_path.push("excludes.txt"); let input = File::open(excludes_path).unwrap(); let buffered = BufReader::new(input); let mut result = HashMap::new(); for line in buffered.lines() { let mut line = line.unwrap(); if line.trim().is_empty() || line.starts_with("#") { // ignore line } else { if line.contains("#") { // Allow end of line comment let l: Vec<&str> = line.split('#').collect(); line = l.get(0).unwrap().to_string(); } //println!("exclude line {}", line); // ::: let split: Vec<&str> = line.trim().split(':').collect(); assert_eq!(split.len(), 4); let kind = match *split.get(1).unwrap() { "skip" => Exclude::Skip, "fail" => Exclude::Fail, _ => panic!("unknown exclude kind"), }; let backend = split.get(0).unwrap(); let testfile = split.get(2).unwrap(); let line = split.get(3).unwrap(); let key = format!("{}:{}:{}", backend, testfile, line); result.insert(key, kind); } } result } #[test] fn test_run_spectests() { let mut success = true; let mut test_reports = vec![]; let excludes = read_excludes(); let mut glob_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); glob_path.push("spectests"); glob_path.push("*.wast"); let glob_str = glob_path.to_str().unwrap(); for entry in glob(glob_str).expect("Failed to read glob pattern") { match entry { Ok(wast_path) => { let result = parse_and_run(&wast_path, &excludes); match result { Ok(test_report) => { if test_report.has_failures() { success = false } test_reports.push(test_report); } Err(e) => { success = false; println!("Unexpected test run error: {:?}", e) } } } Err(e) => panic!("glob err: {:?}", e), } } // Print summary let mut failures = vec![]; let mut total_passed = 0; let mut total_failed = 0; let mut total_allowed_failures = 0; for mut test_report in test_reports.into_iter() { total_passed += test_report.passed; total_failed += test_report.failed; total_allowed_failures += test_report.allowed_failure; failures.append(&mut test_report.failures); } println!(""); println!("Failures:"); for failure in failures.iter() { println!( " {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}", failure.file, failure.line, failure.kind, failure.message ); } println!(""); println!(""); println!("Spec tests summary report: "); println!( "total: {}", total_passed + total_failed + total_allowed_failures ); println!("passed: {}", total_passed); println!("failed: {}", total_failed); println!("allowed failures: {}", total_allowed_failures); println!(""); assert!(success, "tests passed") } /// Bit pattern of an f32 value: /// 1-bit sign + 8-bit mantissa + 23-bit exponent = 32 bits /// /// Bit pattern of an f64 value: /// 1-bit sign + 11-bit mantissa + 52-bit exponent = 64 bits /// /// NOTE: On some old platforms (PA-RISC, some MIPS) quiet NaNs (qNaN) have /// their mantissa MSB unset and set for signaling NaNs (sNaN). /// /// Links: /// * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating-point_arithmetic /// * https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/issues/286 /// * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN /// pub trait NaNCheck { fn is_quiet_nan(&self) -> bool; fn is_canonical_nan(&self) -> bool; } impl NaNCheck for f32 { /// The MSB of the mantissa must be set for a NaN to be a quiet NaN. fn is_quiet_nan(&self) -> bool { let mantissa_msb = 0b1 << 22; self.is_nan() && (self.to_bits() & mantissa_msb) != 0 } /// For a NaN to be canonical, the MSB of the mantissa must be set and /// all other mantissa bits must be unset. fn is_canonical_nan(&self) -> bool { return self.to_bits() == 0xFFC0_0000 || self.to_bits() == 0x7FC0_0000; } } impl NaNCheck for f64 { /// The MSB of the mantissa must be set for a NaN to be a quiet NaN. fn is_quiet_nan(&self) -> bool { let mantissa_msb = 0b1 << 51; self.is_nan() && (self.to_bits() & mantissa_msb) != 0 } /// For a NaN to be canonical, the MSB of the mantissa must be set and /// all other mantissa bits must be unset. fn is_canonical_nan(&self) -> bool { self.to_bits() == 0x7FF8_0000_0000_0000 || self.to_bits() == 0xFFF8_0000_0000_0000 } } }