// Copyright 2018 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved. // Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the // University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <emscripten.h> #ifndef RANDOM_ITERS #define RANDOM_ITERS 12345 #endif extern void emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); // Test emmalloc internals, but through the external interface. We expect // very specific outputs here based on the internals, this test would not // pass in another malloc. void* check_where_we_would_malloc(size_t size) { void* temp = malloc(size); free(temp); return temp; } void check_where_we_would_malloc(size_t size, void* expected) { void* temp = malloc(size); assert(temp == expected); free(temp); } void stage(const char* name) { EM_ASM({ out('\n>> ' + Pointer_stringify($0) + '\n'); }, name); } const size_t ALLOCATION_UNIT = 8; void basics() { stage("basics"); stage("allocate 0"); void* ptr = malloc(0); assert(ptr == 0); stage("allocate 100"); void* first = malloc(100); stage("free 100"); free(first); stage("allocate another 100"); void* second = malloc(100); stage("allocate 10"); assert(second == first); void* third = malloc(10); assert(size_t(third) == size_t(first) + ((100 + ALLOCATION_UNIT - 1)&(-ALLOCATION_UNIT)) + ALLOCATION_UNIT); // allocation units are multiples of ALLOCATION_UNIT stage("allocate 10 more"); void* four = malloc(10); assert(size_t(four) == size_t(third) + (2*ALLOCATION_UNIT) + ALLOCATION_UNIT); // payload (10 = 2 allocation units) and metadata stage("free the first"); free(second); stage("several temp alloc/frees"); // we reuse the first area, despite stuff later. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { check_where_we_would_malloc(100, first); } stage("free all"); free(third); free(four); stage("allocate various sizes to see they all start at the start"); for (int i = 1; i < 1500; i++) { check_where_we_would_malloc(i, first); } } void blank_slate() { stage("blank_slate"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); void* ptr = malloc(0); free(ptr); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { void* two = malloc(0); assert(two == ptr); free(two); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); void* two = malloc(0); assert(two == ptr); free(two); } } void previous_sbrk() { stage("previous_sbrk"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); void* old = sbrk(0); assert((size_t)old % ALLOCATION_UNIT == 0); sbrk(3); // unalign things void* other = malloc(10); free(other); assert(other != old); assert((char*)other == (char*)old + 2 * ALLOCATION_UNIT); } void min_alloc() { stage("min_alloc"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); void* start = check_where_we_would_malloc(1); for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { void* temp = malloc(i); void* expected = (char*)start + ALLOCATION_UNIT + ALLOCATION_UNIT * ((i + ALLOCATION_UNIT - 1) / ALLOCATION_UNIT); check_where_we_would_malloc(1, expected); free(temp); } } void space_at_end() { stage("space_at_end"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); void* start = check_where_we_would_malloc(1); for (int i = 1; i < 50; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < 50; j++) { void* temp = malloc(i); free(temp); check_where_we_would_malloc(j, start); } } } void calloc() { stage("calloc"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); char* ptr = (char*)malloc(10); ptr[0] = 77; free(ptr); char* cptr = (char*)calloc(10, 1); assert(cptr == ptr); assert(ptr[0] == 0); } void realloc() { stage("realloc0"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { char* ptr = (char*)malloc(10); stage("realloc0.1"); char* raptr = (char*)realloc(ptr, 1); assert(raptr == ptr); stage("realloc0.2"); char* raptr2 = (char*)realloc(raptr, 100); assert(raptr2 == ptr); char* last = (char*)malloc(1); assert(last >= ptr + 100); // slightly more still fits stage("realloc0.3"); char* raptr3 = (char*)realloc(raptr2, 11); assert(raptr3 == ptr); // finally, realloc a size we must reallocate for stage("realloc0.4"); char* raptr4 = (char*)realloc(raptr3, 1000); assert(raptr4); assert(raptr4 != ptr); // leaving those in place, do another iteration } stage("realloc1"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); { // realloc of NULL is like malloc void* ptr = check_where_we_would_malloc(10); assert(realloc(NULL, 10) == ptr); } stage("realloc2"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); { // realloc to 0 is like free void* ptr = malloc(10); assert(realloc(ptr, 0) == NULL); assert(check_where_we_would_malloc(10) == ptr); } stage("realloc3"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); { // realloc copies char* ptr = (char*)malloc(10); *ptr = 123; for (int i = 5; i <= 16; i++) { char* temp = (char*)realloc(ptr, i); assert(*temp == 123); assert(temp == ptr); } stage("realloc3.5"); malloc(1); malloc(100); { char* temp = (char*)realloc(ptr, 17); assert(*temp == 123); assert(temp != ptr); ptr = temp; } } } void check_aligned(size_t align, size_t ptr) { if (align < 4 || ((align & (align - 1)) != 0)) { assert(ptr == 0); } else { assert(ptr); assert(ptr % align == 0); } } void aligned() { stage("aligned"); for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 35; j++) { emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); size_t first = (size_t)memalign(i, 100); size_t second = (size_t)memalign(j, 100); printf("%d %d => %d %d\n", i, j, first, second); check_aligned(i, first); check_aligned(j, second); } } } void randoms() { stage("randoms"); emmalloc_blank_slate_from_orbit(); void* start = check_where_we_would_malloc(10); const int N = 1000; const int BINS = 128; void* bins[BINS]; char values[BINS]; for (int i = 0; i < BINS; i++) { bins[i] = NULL; } srandom(1337101); for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_ITERS; i++) { unsigned int r = random(); int alloc = r & 1; r >>= 1; int calloc_ = r & 1; r >>= 1; int bin = r & 127; r >>= 7; unsigned int size = r & 65535; r >>= 16; int useShifts = r & 1; r >>= 1; unsigned int shifts = r & 15; r >>= 4; if (size == 0) size = 1; if (useShifts) { size >>= shifts; // spread out values logarithmically } if (alloc || !bins[bin]) { if (bins[bin]) { char value = values[bin]; assert(*(char*)(bins[bin]) == value /* one */); bins[bin] = realloc(bins[bin], size); if (bins[bin]) { assert(*(char*)(bins[bin]) == value /* two */); } } else { if (calloc_) { bins[bin] = malloc(size); } else { bins[bin] = calloc(size, 1); } values[bin] = random(); if (bins[bin]) { *(char*)(bins[bin]) = values[bin]; assert(*(char*)(bins[bin]) == values[bin] /* three */); } } } else { free(bins[bin]); bins[bin] = NULL; } } for (int i = 0; i < BINS; i++) { if (bins[i]) free(bins[i]); } // it's all freed, should be a blank slate assert(check_where_we_would_malloc(10) == start); } int main() { stage("beginning"); basics(); blank_slate(); previous_sbrk(); min_alloc(); space_at_end(); calloc(); realloc(); aligned(); randoms(); stage("the_end"); }