arch: - arm64 language: rust rust: - nightly-2019-08-15 cache: directories: - /home/travis/.sccache/ - /home/travis/.cargo/bin/ script: # Sccache # - curl -L | tar xzf - # - export RUSTC_WRAPPER=`pwd`/sccache-0.2.10-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/sccache - test -f /home/travis/.cargo/bin/sccache || cargo install sccache - export RUSTC_WRAPPER=/home/travis/.cargo/bin/sccache - mkdir -p /home/travis/.sccache/ - export SCCACHE_DIR="/home/travis/.sccache/" - SCCACHE_ERROR_LOG=`pwd`/sccache.log RUST_LOG=debug $RUSTC_WRAPPER --start-server - $RUSTC_WRAPPER -s # Tests - make spectests-singlepass before_deploy: # Release - make release-singlepass - make wapm - make build-install - mkdir -p artifacts - cp ./wasmer.tar.gz ./artifacts/$(./scripts/ # before_deploy: # # Set up git user name and tag this commit # - git config --local "Syrus Akbary" # - git config --local "" # - export TRAVIS_TAG="0.10.2" # # - git tag $TRAVIS_TAG deploy: provider: releases file_glob: true file: artifacts/* api_key: $GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN # This is set to the previous artifacts are not deleted by travis skip_cleanup: true on: tags: true # branch: feature/singlepass-aarch64 addons: apt: packages: - cmake branches: only: - master - staging - trying