#pragma once #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <exception> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <setjmp.h> #include <functional> #include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld.h> typedef enum { PROTECT_NONE, PROTECT_READ, PROTECT_READ_WRITE, PROTECT_READ_EXECUTE, } mem_protect_t; typedef enum { RESULT_OK, RESULT_ALLOCATE_FAILURE, RESULT_PROTECT_FAILURE, RESULT_DEALLOC_FAILURE, RESULT_OBJECT_LOAD_FAILURE, } result_t; typedef result_t (*alloc_memory_t)(size_t size, mem_protect_t protect, uint8_t **ptr_out, size_t *size_out); typedef result_t (*protect_memory_t)(uint8_t *ptr, size_t size, mem_protect_t protect); typedef result_t (*dealloc_memory_t)(uint8_t *ptr, size_t size); typedef uintptr_t (*lookup_vm_symbol_t)(const char *name_ptr, size_t length); typedef void (*fde_visitor_t)(uint8_t *fde); typedef result_t (*visit_fde_t)(uint8_t *fde, size_t size, fde_visitor_t visitor); typedef void (*trampoline_t)(void *, void *, void *, void *); typedef struct { /* Memory management. */ alloc_memory_t alloc_memory; protect_memory_t protect_memory; dealloc_memory_t dealloc_memory; lookup_vm_symbol_t lookup_vm_symbol; visit_fde_t visit_fde; } callbacks_t; typedef struct { size_t data, vtable; } box_any_t; struct MemoryManager : llvm::RuntimeDyld::MemoryManager { public: MemoryManager(callbacks_t callbacks) : callbacks(callbacks) {} virtual ~MemoryManager() override; inline uint8_t *get_stack_map_ptr() const { return stack_map_ptr; } inline size_t get_stack_map_size() const { return stack_map_size; } inline uint8_t *get_code_ptr() const { return (uint8_t *)code_start_ptr; } inline size_t get_code_size() const { return code_size; } virtual uint8_t *allocateCodeSection(uintptr_t size, unsigned alignment, unsigned section_id, llvm::StringRef section_name) override; virtual uint8_t *allocateDataSection(uintptr_t size, unsigned alignment, unsigned section_id, llvm::StringRef section_name, bool read_only) override; virtual void reserveAllocationSpace(uintptr_t code_size, uint32_t code_align, uintptr_t read_data_size, uint32_t read_data_align, uintptr_t read_write_data_size, uint32_t read_write_data_align) override; /* Turn on the `reserveAllocationSpace` callback. */ virtual bool needsToReserveAllocationSpace() override; virtual void registerEHFrames(uint8_t *addr, uint64_t LoadAddr, size_t size) override; virtual void deregisterEHFrames() override; virtual bool finalizeMemory(std::string *ErrMsg = nullptr) override; virtual void notifyObjectLoaded(llvm::RuntimeDyld &RTDyld, const llvm::object::ObjectFile &Obj) override; private: struct Section { uint8_t *base; size_t size; }; uint8_t *allocate_bump(Section §ion, uintptr_t &bump_ptr, size_t size, size_t align); Section code_section, read_section, readwrite_section; uintptr_t code_start_ptr; size_t code_size; uintptr_t code_bump_ptr, read_bump_ptr, readwrite_bump_ptr; uint8_t *eh_frame_ptr; size_t eh_frame_size; bool eh_frames_registered = false; callbacks_t callbacks; uint8_t *stack_map_ptr = nullptr; size_t stack_map_size = 0; }; struct WasmException: std::exception { public: virtual std::string description() const noexcept = 0; }; void catch_unwind(std::function<void()>&& f); [[noreturn]] void unsafe_unwind(std::exception *exception); struct UncatchableException : WasmException { public: virtual std::string description() const noexcept override { return "Uncatchable exception"; } }; struct UserException : UncatchableException { public: UserException(size_t data, size_t vtable) : error_data({data, vtable}) {} virtual std::string description() const noexcept override { return "user exception"; } // The parts of a `Box<dyn Any>`. box_any_t error_data; }; struct BreakpointException : UncatchableException { public: BreakpointException(uintptr_t callback) : callback(callback) {} virtual std::string description() const noexcept override { return "breakpoint exception"; } uintptr_t callback; }; struct WasmModule { public: WasmModule(const uint8_t *object_start, size_t object_size, callbacks_t callbacks); void *get_func(llvm::StringRef name) const; uint8_t *get_stack_map_ptr() const; size_t get_stack_map_size() const; uint8_t *get_code_ptr() const; size_t get_code_size() const; bool _init_failed = false; private: std::unique_ptr<MemoryManager> memory_manager; std::unique_ptr<llvm::object::ObjectFile> object_file; std::unique_ptr<llvm::RuntimeDyld> runtime_dyld; }; struct WasmTrap : UncatchableException { public: enum Type { Unreachable = 0, IncorrectCallIndirectSignature = 1, MemoryOutOfBounds = 2, CallIndirectOOB = 3, IllegalArithmetic = 4, Unknown, }; WasmTrap(Type type) : type(type) {} virtual std::string description() const noexcept override { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "WebAssembly trap:" << '\n' << " - type: " << type << '\n'; return ss.str(); } Type type; private: friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Type &ty) { switch (ty) { case Type::Unreachable: out << "unreachable"; break; case Type::IncorrectCallIndirectSignature: out << "incorrect call_indirect signature"; break; case Type::MemoryOutOfBounds: out << "memory access out-of-bounds"; break; case Type::CallIndirectOOB: out << "call_indirect out-of-bounds"; break; case Type::IllegalArithmetic: out << "illegal arithmetic operation"; break; case Type::Unknown: default: out << "unknown"; break; } return out; } }; struct CatchableException : WasmException { public: CatchableException(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t value_num) : type_id(type_id), value_num(value_num) {} virtual std::string description() const noexcept override { return "catchable exception"; } uint32_t type_id, value_num; uint64_t values[1]; }; extern "C" { void callback_trampoline(void *, void *); result_t module_load(const uint8_t *mem_ptr, size_t mem_size, callbacks_t callbacks, WasmModule **module_out) { *module_out = new WasmModule(mem_ptr, mem_size, callbacks); if ((*module_out)->_init_failed) { return RESULT_OBJECT_LOAD_FAILURE; } return RESULT_OK; } [[noreturn]] void throw_trap(WasmTrap::Type ty) { unsafe_unwind(new WasmTrap(ty)); } void module_delete(WasmModule *module) { delete module; } // Throw a fat pointer that's assumed to be `*mut dyn Any` on the rust // side. [[noreturn]] void throw_any(size_t data, size_t vtable) { unsafe_unwind(new UserException(data, vtable)); } // Throw a pointer that's assumed to be codegen::BreakpointHandler on the // rust side. [[noreturn]] void throw_breakpoint(uintptr_t callback) { unsafe_unwind(new BreakpointException(callback)); } bool invoke_trampoline(trampoline_t trampoline, void *ctx, void *func, void *params, void *results, WasmTrap::Type *trap_out, box_any_t *user_error, void *invoke_env) noexcept { try { catch_unwind([trampoline, ctx, func, params, results]() { trampoline(ctx, func, params, results); }); return true; } catch (const WasmTrap &e) { *trap_out = e.type; return false; } catch (const UserException &e) { *user_error = e.error_data; return false; } catch (const BreakpointException &e) { callback_trampoline(user_error, (void *)e.callback); return false; } catch (const WasmException &e) { *trap_out = WasmTrap::Type::Unknown; return false; } catch (...) { *trap_out = WasmTrap::Type::Unknown; return false; } } void *get_func_symbol(WasmModule *module, const char *name) { return module->get_func(llvm::StringRef(name)); } const uint8_t *llvm_backend_get_stack_map_ptr(const WasmModule *module) { return module->get_stack_map_ptr(); } size_t llvm_backend_get_stack_map_size(const WasmModule *module) { return module->get_stack_map_size(); } const uint8_t *llvm_backend_get_code_ptr(const WasmModule *module) { return module->get_code_ptr(); } size_t llvm_backend_get_code_size(const WasmModule *module) { return module->get_code_size(); } }