implement happy path of fd_open

This commit is contained in:
Mark McCaskey 2019-04-03 11:56:45 -07:00
parent f70b75e552
commit b80dd072a1
2 changed files with 117 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ pub enum Kind {
Dir {
handle: File,
/// The entries of a directory are lazily filled.
entries: Vec<Inode>,
entries: HashMap<String, Inode>,
Symlink {
forwarded: Inode,
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ impl WasiFs {
FileType::File => Kind::File { handle: file },
FileType::Dir => Kind::Dir {
handle: file,
entries: Vec::new(),
entries: HashMap::new(),
@ -240,6 +240,28 @@ impl WasiFs {
pub fn create_fd(
&mut self,
rights: __wasi_rights_t,
rights_inheriting: __wasi_rights_t,
flags: __wasi_fdflags_t,
inode: Inode,
) -> Result<u32, __wasi_errno_t> {
let idx = self.next_fd.get();
self.next_fd.set(idx + 1);
Fd {
offset: 0,
pub struct WasiState<'a> {

View File

@ -1076,22 +1076,102 @@ pub fn path_open(
// check for __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_OPEN somewhere, probably via dirfd
let fd_cell = wasi_try!(fd.deref(memory));
let path_cells = wasi_try!(path.deref(memory, 0, path_len));
let state = get_wasi_state(ctx);
if let (Ok(fd_cell), Ok(path_cell)) = (fd.deref(memory), path.deref(memory, 0, path_len)) {
// o_flags:
// - __WASI_O_FLAG_CREAT (create if it does not exist)
// - __WASI_O_DIRECTORY (fail if not dir)
// - __WASI_O_EXCL (fail if file exists)
// - __WASI_O_TRUNC (truncate size to 0)
if (o_flags & __WASI_O_DIRECTORY) != 0 {
// fail if fd is not a dir
// need to check and be able to clean up
// o_flags:
// - __WASI_O_FLAG_CREAT (create if it does not exist)
// - __WASI_O_DIRECTORY (fail if not dir)
// - __WASI_O_EXCL (fail if file exists)
// - __WASI_O_TRUNC (truncate size to 0)
} else {
let working_dir = wasi_try!(state.fs.fd_map.get(&dirfd).ok_or(__WASI_EBADF));
// ASSUMPTION: open rights cascade down
if !has_rights(working_dir.rights, __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_OPEN) {
return __WASI_EACCES;
let path_vec =
::std::str::from_utf8(unsafe { &*(path_cells as *const [_] as *const [u8]) })
.map_err(|_| __WASI_EINVAL)
.map(|str| str.to_string())
if path_vec.is_empty() {
return __WASI_EINVAL;
let working_dir_inode = &mut state.fs.inodes[working_dir.inode];
let mut cur_dir = working_dir;
// TODO: refactor single path segment logic out and do traversing before
// as necessary
let out_fd = if path_vec.len() == 1 {
// just the file or dir
if let Kind::Dir { entries, .. } = &mut working_dir_inode.kind {
if let Some(child) = entries.get(&path_vec[0]).cloned() {
let child_inode_val = &state.fs.inodes[child];
// early return based on flags
if o_flags & __WASI_O_EXCL != 0 {
return __WASI_EEXIST;
if o_flags & __WASI_O_DIRECTORY != 0 {
match &child_inode_val.kind {
Kind::Dir { .. } => (),
Kind::Symlink { .. } => unimplemented!(),
_ => return __WASI_ENOTDIR,
// do logic on child
.create_fd(fs_rights_base, fs_rights_inheriting, fs_flags, child))
} else {
// entry does not exist in parent directory
// check to see if we should create it
if o_flags & __WASI_O_CREAT != 0 {
// insert in to directory and set values
//entries.insert(path_segment[0], )
} else {
// no entry and can't create it
return __WASI_ENOENT;
} else {
// working_dir is not a directory
return __WASI_ENOTDIR;
} else {
// traverse the pieces of the path
// TODO: lots of testing on this
for path_segment in &path_vec[..(path_vec.len() - 1)] {
match &working_dir_inode.kind {
Kind::Dir { entries, .. } => {
if let Some(child) = entries.get(path_segment) {
} else {
// Is __WASI_O_FLAG_CREAT recursive?
// ASSUMPTION: it's not
return __WASI_EINVAL;
Kind::Symlink { .. } => unimplemented!(),
_ => return __WASI_ENOTDIR,
pub fn path_readlink(