Indirect calls.

This commit is contained in:
losfair 2019-04-07 17:19:23 +08:00
parent b46107762e
commit 29d93aee2d
2 changed files with 68 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use wasmer_runtime_core::{
structures::{Map, TypedIndex},
FuncIndex, FuncSig, ImportedMemoryIndex, LocalFuncIndex, LocalGlobalIndex,
LocalMemoryIndex, LocalOrImport, MemoryIndex, SigIndex, Type, Value,
LocalMemoryIndex, LocalOrImport, MemoryIndex, SigIndex, Type, Value, TableIndex,
vm::{self, ImportBacking, LocalGlobal, LocalMemory, LocalTable},
@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ impl X64FunctionCode {
value_stack.push((ret, LocalOrTemp::Temp));
// This function must not use any temporary register before `cb` is called.
fn emit_call_sysv<I: Iterator<Item = Location>, F: FnOnce(&mut Assembler)>(a: &mut Assembler, m: &mut Machine, cb: F, params: I) {
let params: Vec<_> = params.collect();
@ -1324,9 +1325,68 @@ impl FunctionCodeGenerator for X64FunctionCode {
self.machine.release_locations_only_stack(a, &released);
let ret = self.machine.acquire_locations(a, &[WpType::I64], false)[0];
self.value_stack.push((ret, LocalOrTemp::Temp));
a.emit_mov(Size::S64, Location::GPR(GPR::RAX), ret);
if return_types.len() > 0 {
let ret = self.machine.acquire_locations(a, &[return_types[0]], false)[0];
self.value_stack.push((ret, LocalOrTemp::Temp));
a.emit_mov(Size::S64, Location::GPR(GPR::RAX), ret);
Operator::CallIndirect { index, table_index } => {
assert_eq!(table_index, 0);
let sig = self.signatures.get(SigIndex::new(index as usize)).unwrap();
let param_types: Vec<WpType> =
let return_types: Vec<WpType> =
let func_index = get_location_released(a, &mut self.machine, self.value_stack.pop().unwrap());
let params: Vec<_> = self.value_stack.drain(self.value_stack.len() - param_types.len()..).collect();
let released: Vec<Location> = params.iter()
.filter(|&&(_, lot)| lot == LocalOrTemp::Temp)
.map(|&(x, _)| x)
let table_base = self.machine.acquire_temp_gpr().unwrap();
let table_count = self.machine.acquire_temp_gpr().unwrap();
match TableIndex::new(0).local_or_import(module_info) {
LocalOrImport::Local(_) => vm::Ctx::offset_tables(),
LocalOrImport::Import(_) => vm::Ctx::offset_imported_tables(),
} as i32
a.emit_mov(Size::S64, Location::Memory(table_base, 0), Location::GPR(table_base));
a.emit_mov(Size::S32, Location::Memory(table_base, LocalTable::offset_count() as i32), Location::GPR(table_count));
a.emit_mov(Size::S64, Location::Memory(table_base, LocalTable::offset_base() as i32), Location::GPR(table_base));
a.emit_cmp(Size::S32, func_index, Location::GPR(table_count));
a.emit_mov(Size::S64, func_index, Location::GPR(table_count));
a.emit_imul_imm32_gpr64(vm::Anyfunc::size() as u32, table_count);
a.emit_add(Size::S64, Location::GPR(table_base), Location::GPR(table_count));
a.emit_cmp(Size::S32, Location::Imm32(index), Location::Memory(table_count, (vm::Anyfunc::offset_sig_id() as usize) as i32));
Self::emit_call_sysv(a, &mut self.machine, |a| {
a.emit_call_location(Location::Memory(table_count, (vm::Anyfunc::offset_func() as usize) as i32));
}, params.iter().map(|&(x, _)| x));
self.machine.release_locations_only_stack(a, &released);
if return_types.len() > 0 {
let ret = self.machine.acquire_locations(a, &[return_types[0]], false)[0];
self.value_stack.push((ret, LocalOrTemp::Temp));
a.emit_mov(Size::S64, Location::GPR(GPR::RAX), ret);
Operator::If { ty } => {
let label_end = a.get_label();

View File

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ pub trait Emitter {
fn emit_add(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location);
fn emit_sub(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location);
fn emit_imul(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location);
fn emit_imul_imm32_gpr64(&mut self, src: u32, dst: GPR);
fn emit_div(&mut self, sz: Size, divisor: Location);
fn emit_idiv(&mut self, sz: Size, divisor: Location);
fn emit_shl(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location);
@ -462,6 +463,9 @@ impl Emitter for Assembler {
binop_mem_gpr!(imul, self, sz, src, dst, {unreachable!()})
fn emit_imul_imm32_gpr64(&mut self, src: u32, dst: GPR) {
dynasm!(self ; imul Rq(dst as u8), Rq(dst as u8), src as i32);
fn emit_div(&mut self, sz: Size, divisor: Location) {
unop_gpr_or_mem!(div, self, sz, divisor, { unreachable!() });