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2018-12-09 19:21:28 -08:00
//! This file will run at build time to autogenerate the Emscripten tests
//! It will compile the files indicated in TESTS, to:executable and .wasm
//! - Compile using cc and get the output from it (expected output)
//! - Compile using emcc and get the .wasm from it (wasm)
//! - Generate the test that will compare the output of running the .wasm file
//! with wasmer with the expected output
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
use std::process::Command;
2018-12-09 19:21:28 -08:00
static BANNER: &str = "// Rust test file autogenerated with cargo build (build/emtests.rs).
// Please do NOT modify it by hand, as it will be reseted on next build.\n";
const TESTS: [&str; 5] = [
2018-12-09 19:21:28 -08:00
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
pub fn compile(file: &str) -> String {
let mut output_path = PathBuf::from(file);
let output_str = output_path.to_str().unwrap();
2018-12-15 00:46:11 -06:00
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
// Compile to .out
2018-12-15 00:46:11 -06:00
.expect("failed to execute process");
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
// Get the result of .out
let output = Command::new(output_str)
2018-12-15 00:46:11 -06:00
.expect("failed to execute process");
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
// Remove executable
let mut output_path = PathBuf::from(file);
let output_str = output_path.to_str().unwrap();
// Compile to wasm
2018-12-10 18:42:23 -08:00
let _wasm_compilation = Command::new("emcc")
2018-12-15 00:46:11 -06:00
.expect("failed to execute process");
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
2018-12-10 18:42:23 -08:00
// panic!("{:?}", wasm_compilation);
// if output.stderr {
// panic!("{}", output.stderr);
// }
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
// Remove js file
let mut output_path = PathBuf::from(file);
2018-12-15 00:46:11 -06:00
let module_name = output_path
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
let output_str = output_path.to_str().unwrap();
// Write the output to file
fs::write(output_str, output.stdout).expect("Unable to write file");
2018-12-10 18:42:23 -08:00
let rust_test_filepath = format!(
concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/emtests/{}.rs"),
let contents = format!("#[test]
fn test_{module_name}() {{
assert_emscripten_output!(\"../../emtests/{module_name}.wasm\", \"{module_name}\", vec![], \"../../emtests/{module_name}.output\");
", module_name=module_name);
fs::write(&rust_test_filepath, contents.as_bytes()).unwrap();
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
2018-12-15 00:46:11 -06:00
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
// panic!("OUTPUT: {:?}", output);
2018-12-09 19:21:28 -08:00
pub fn build() {
let rust_test_modpath = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/emtests/mod.rs");
let mut modules: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
// modules.reserve_exact(TESTS.len());
2018-12-10 17:06:55 -08:00
for test in TESTS.iter() {
let moudle_name = compile(test);
modules.push(format!("mod {};", moudle_name));
2018-12-09 19:21:28 -08:00
modules.insert(0, BANNER.to_string());
2018-12-10 18:42:23 -08:00
modules.insert(1, "// The _common module is not autogenerated, as it provides common macros for the emtests\n#[macro_use]\nmod _common;".to_string());
2018-12-09 19:21:28 -08:00
// We add an empty line
let modfile: String = modules.join("\n");
let source = fs::read(&rust_test_modpath).unwrap();
// We only modify the mod file if has changed
if source != modfile.as_bytes() {
fs::write(&rust_test_modpath, modfile.as_bytes()).unwrap();