mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 03:20:50 +00:00
remove demos (moved to https://github.com/nikvolf/wasm-tools)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# "Compile rust source and put it as a tested contract"
mkdir -p out
if [ ${file: -3} == ".rs" ]
# Rust is compiled with rustc
rustc $file -o out/contract.js -O --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten -C linker=./linker_emcc.sh
# Gas injector
cargo run --manifest-path=./../gas/Cargo.toml --release -- ./out/contract.wasm ./out/contract.wasm
# Allocator replacer
cargo run --manifest-path=./../ext/Cargo.toml --release -- ./out/contract.wasm ./out/contract.wasm
# Symbols optimizer
cargo run --manifest-path=./../opt/Cargo.toml --release -- ./out/contract.wasm ./out/contract.wasm
# c/c++ can be compiled directly by emcc
emcc $file -O3 -s WASM=1 -s SIDE_MODULE=1 -o out/contract.wasm
# Gas injector
cargo run --manifest-path=./../gas/Cargo.toml --release -- ./out/contract.wasm ./out/contract.wasm
# Symbols optimizer
cargo run --manifest-path=./../opt/Cargo.toml --release -- ./out/contract.wasm ./out/contract.wasm
@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8">
// Check for wasm support.
if (!('WebAssembly' in window)) {
alert('you need a browser with wasm support enabled :(');
if (!ArrayBuffer.transfer) {
ArrayBuffer.transfer = function(source, length) {
source = Object(source);
var dest = new ArrayBuffer(length);
if (!(source instanceof ArrayBuffer) || !(dest instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
throw new TypeError('Source and destination must be ArrayBuffer instances');
if (dest.byteLength >= source.byteLength) {
var nextOffset = 0;
var leftBytes = source.byteLength;
var wordSizes = [8, 4, 2, 1];
wordSizes.forEach(function(_wordSize_) {
if (leftBytes >= _wordSize_) {
var done = transferWith(_wordSize_, source, dest, nextOffset, leftBytes);
nextOffset = done.nextOffset;
leftBytes = done.leftBytes;
return dest;
function transferWith(wordSize, source, dest, nextOffset, leftBytes) {
var ViewClass = Uint8Array;
switch (wordSize) {
case 8:
ViewClass = Float64Array;
case 4:
ViewClass = Float32Array;
case 2:
ViewClass = Uint16Array;
case 1:
ViewClass = Uint8Array;
ViewClass = Uint8Array;
var view_source = new ViewClass(source, nextOffset, Math.trunc(leftBytes / wordSize));
var view_dest = new ViewClass(dest, nextOffset, Math.trunc(leftBytes / wordSize));
for (var i = 0; i < view_dest.length; i++) {
view_dest[i] = view_source[i];
return {
nextOffset : view_source.byteOffset + view_source.byteLength,
leftBytes : source.byteLength - (view_source.byteOffset + view_source.byteLength)
function Storage(memoryBuf) {
var self = this;
self.size = 16 * 1024;
self.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(self.size);
self.memory = memoryBuf;
self.total = 0;
self.write = function(offset, len, ptr) {
var oldSize = false;
while (offset + len > self.size) {
oldSize || (oldSize = self.size);
self.size = self.size * 2;
if (oldSize) {
self.buffer = ArrayBuffer.transfer(self.buffer, self.size);
if (offset + len > self.total) {
self.total = offset + len;
let memView = new DataView(self.memory);
let storageView = new DataView(self.buffer);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
storageView.setInt8(offset+i, memView.getInt8(ptr+i));
return len;
self.read = function(offset, len, ptr) {
if (offset + len > self.total) {
return -1;
let memView = new DataView(self.memory);
let storageView = new DataView(self.buffer);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
memView.setInt8(ptr+i, storageView.getInt8(offset+i));
return len;
self.size = function() {
return self.total;
self.toArr = function() {
let result = [];
let dataView = new DataView(self.buffer);
for (var i = 0; i < self.total; i++) {
return result;
function Runtime() {
var self = this;
self.memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 256, maximum: 256 });
self.storage = new Storage(self.memory.buffer);
// todo: figure out how to do counter with multiple executables
self.gasCounter = 0;
self.dynamicTopPtr = 1024;
self.malloc = function(size) {
let result = self.dynamicTopPtr;
self.dynamicTopPtr += size;
return result;
self.free = function() {
self.resolveAlloc = function(instance) {
return self.malloc;
self.resolveFree = function(instance) {
return self.free;
self.gas = function(val) {
self.gasCounter += val;
self.call = function(instance, args) {
let alloc = self.resolveAlloc(instance);
// call descriptor size
let ptr = alloc(16);
let dataView = new DataView(self.memory.buffer);
var arg_ptr = false;
if (args.length > 0) {
arg_ptr = alloc(args.length);
dataView.setInt32(ptr, arg_ptr, true);
dataView.setInt32(ptr+4, args.length, true);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
dataView.setInt8(arg_ptr+i, args[i], false);
} else {
dataView.setInt32(ptr, 0, true);
dataView.setInt32(ptr+4, 0, true);
// zero result
dataView.setInt32(ptr+8, 0, true);
dataView.setInt32(ptr+12, 0, true);
self.gasCounter = 0;
let result_ptr = dataView.getInt32(ptr+8, true);
let result_length = dataView.getInt32(ptr+12, true);
let free = self.resolveFree(instance);
let result = [];
if (result_ptr != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < result_length; i++) {
result.push(dataView.getInt8(result_ptr + i));
arg_ptr && (free(arg_ptr));
result_ptr && (free(result_ptr));
return result;
function loadWebAssembly(filename, imports) {
return fetch(filename)
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(buffer => WebAssembly.compile(buffer))
.then(module => {
imports = imports || {};
imports.env = imports.env || {};
var env = imports.env;
imports.env.memoryBase = imports.env.memoryBase || 1024;
imports.env.tableBase = imports.env.tableBase || 0;
window.runtime = new Runtime();
env.STACKTOP = env.STACKTOP || 0;
env.STACK_MAX = env.STACK_MAX || 5*1024*1024;
env.enlargeMemory = env.enlargeMemory || function() {
return 1;
env.getTotalMemory = env.getTotalMemory || function() {
return 16 * 1024 * 1024;
env.abortOnCannotGrowMemory = env.abortOnCannotGrowMemory || function() { throw "abort growing memory"; };
env._abort = env._abort || function() { throw "_abort"; };
env.abort = env.abort || function() { throw "abort"; };
env.___setErrNo = env.___setErrNo || function() { throw "setting error no"; };
// dead symbols in rust wasm32-unknown-emscripten target
// todo: strip/raise issue in rust compiler
env.invoke_vi = function() { throw "invoke_vi: unreachable!"; }
env.invoke_v = function() { throw "invoke_v: unreachable!"; }
// todo: also test unwind about those two
env._rust_begin_unwind = function() { throw "_rust_begin_unwind: unreachable!"; }
env._llvm_trap = function() { throw "_llvm_trap: unreachable!"; }
env._emscripten_memcpy_big = function() { throw "_emscripten_memcpy_big: unreachable!"; }
env.___gxx_personality_v0 = function() { throw "___gxx_personality_v0: unreachable!"; }
env.___resumeException = function() { throw "___resumeException: unreachable!"; }
env.___cxa_find_matching_catch_2 = function() { throw "___cxa_find_matching_catch_2: unreachable!"; }
env.___gxx_personality_v0 = function() { throw "___gxx_personality_v0: unreachable!"; }
env.memoryBase = env.memoryBase || 0;
env.tableBase = env.tableBase || 0;
env._storage_read = runtime.storage.read;
env._storage_write = runtime.storage.write;
env._storage_size = runtime.storage.size;
env.gas = runtime.gas;
env._malloc = runtime.malloc;
env._free = runtime.free;
if (!imports.env.memory) {
imports.env.memory = runtime.memory;
if (!imports.env.table) {
imports.env.table = new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: 0, maximum: 0, element: 'anyfunc' });
return new WebAssembly.Instance(module, imports);
function strToArray(str) {
var src = str.trim().substr(1, str.length-2);
if (src.length == 0) {
return [];
} else {
return src.split(",").map(p => Number(p.trim()));
function arrayToStr(arr) {
return "[" + arr.join(", ") + "]";
.then(instance => {
var button = document.getElementById('do-call');
button.value = 'Execute call';
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
button.setAttribute("disabled", "1");
let args = strToArray(document.getElementById("context").value);
let result = runtime.call(instance, args);
document.getElementById("result").value = arrayToStr(result);
document.getElementById("storage").value = arrayToStr(runtime.storage.toArr());
document.getElementById("gas").innerHTML = "Gas used: <b>" + runtime.gasCounter + "</b>";
}, false);
<div style="position: absolute; margin-top: 24px; top: 0px; left: 600px; height: 300px; width: 600px">
<textarea readonly style="width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 8px; resize: none">
pub fn call(descriptor: *mut u8) {
// This initializes safe wrapper for contract input and output
let mut ctx = CallArgs::from_raw(descriptor);
// Copies all contract input data to the separate buffer
let data = ctx.context().to_vec();
// Appends all input to the storage (as it is a logger contract)
let _ = storage::append(&data);
// Returns all that passed to this contract as an output
*ctx.result_mut() = data;
// Saves the wrapper state to commit return stream
<a href="https://github.com/NikVolf/wasm-tools/blob/master/samples/logger_contract.rs">Full source with preamble</a>
<label for="context" style="display: block">Input</label>
<textarea style="width: 480px; height: 96px; margin-bottom: 24px; resize: none" id="context">[10, 12, 16]</textarea>
<label for="storage" style="display: block">Storage</label>
<div style="padding: 5px; background-color: lightgray; display: inline-block">
<textarea readonly style="width: 480px; height: 120px; margin-bottom: 24px; resize: none" id="storage">[]</textarea>
<label for="result" style="display: block">Result</label>
<div style="padding: 5px; background-color: lightgray; display: inline-block">
<textarea readonly style="width: 480px; height: 96px; margin-bottom: 24px; resize: none" id="result">[]</textarea>
<div style="height: 5px; margin-top: 5px; border-top: 1px solid black"></div>
<input type="button" id="do-call" value="(waiting for WebAssembly)" style="background-color: rgb(240, 64, 64); color: white; font-size: 120%" ></input>
<span id="gas" style="margin-left: 32px">Gas cost: <b>0</b></span>
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
emcc $filtered_args
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
name = "rust-runner"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["NikVolf <nikvolf@gmail.com>"]
parity-wasm = { git="https://github.com/nikvolf/parity-wasm" }
wasm-utils = { path = "../" }
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
use parity_wasm::interpreter::{self, ModuleInstance};
use runtime::Runtime;
pub struct Arena {
pub runtime: Runtime,
pub struct Error;
impl Arena {
pub fn alloc(&self, size: u32) -> Result<u32, Error> {
// todo: maybe use unsafe cell since it has nothing to do with threads
let previous_top = self.runtime.env().dynamic_top.get();
self.runtime.env().dynamic_top.set(previous_top + size);
impl interpreter::UserFunctionInterface for Arena {
fn call(&mut self, _module: &ModuleInstance, context: interpreter::CallerContext) -> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error> {
let amount = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()?;
self.alloc(amount as u32)
.map(|val| Some((val as i32).into()))
.map_err(|e| interpreter::Error::Trap(format!("Allocator failure: {}", "todo: format arg")))
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
use parity_wasm::interpreter;
use runtime;
use WasmMemoryPtr;
fn write_u32(dst: &mut [u8], val: u32) {
dst[0] = (val & 0x000000ff) as u8;
dst[1] = ((val & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) as u8;
dst[2] = ((val & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) as u8;
dst[3] = ((val & 0xff000000) >> 24) as u8;
pub enum Error {
impl From<runtime::ErrorAlloc> for Error {
fn from(err: runtime::ErrorAlloc) -> Self {
impl From<interpreter::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: interpreter::Error) -> Self {
pub fn init(
memory: &interpreter::MemoryInstance,
runtime: &mut runtime::Runtime,
input: &[u8],
) -> Result<WasmMemoryPtr, Error> {
let mut input_ptr_slc = [0u8; 4];
let mut input_length = [0u8; 4];
let descriptor_ptr = runtime.alloc(16)?;
println!("descriptor_ptr: {}", descriptor_ptr);
if input.len() > 0 {
let input_ptr = runtime.alloc(input.len() as u32)?;
write_u32(&mut input_ptr_slc, input_ptr);
write_u32(&mut input_length, input.len() as u32);
memory.set(input_ptr, input)?;
println!("input_ptr: {}", input_ptr);
} else {
write_u32(&mut input_ptr_slc, 0);
write_u32(&mut input_length, 0);
memory.set(descriptor_ptr, &input_ptr_slc)?;
memory.set(descriptor_ptr+4, &input_length)?;
// zero result ptr/len
memory.set(descriptor_ptr+8, &[0u8; 4])?;
memory.set(descriptor_ptr+12, &[0u8; 4])?;
println!("descriptor: {:?}", memory.get(descriptor_ptr, 16));
Ok(descriptor_ptr as i32)
fn _read_u32(slc: &[u8]) -> u32 {
use std::ops::Shl;
(slc[0] as u32) + (slc[1] as u32).shl(8) + (slc[2] as u32).shl(16) + (slc[3] as u32).shl(24)
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
Rust contract demo runner
extern crate parity_wasm;
extern crate wasm_utils;
mod call_args;
mod runtime;
use std::env;
use std::sync::Arc;
use parity_wasm::interpreter::{self, ModuleInstanceInterface};
use parity_wasm::elements;
pub const DEFAULT_MEMORY_INDEX: interpreter::ItemIndex = interpreter::ItemIndex::Internal(0);
pub type WasmMemoryPtr = i32;
fn main() {
// First, load wasm contract as a module
let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
if args.len() != 2 {
println!("Usage: {} contract.wasm", args[0]);
let module = parity_wasm::deserialize_file(&args[1]).expect("Module deserialization to succeed");
let program = parity_wasm::interpreter::ProgramInstance::new()
.expect("Program instance to be created");
// Add module to the programm
let module_instance = program.add_module("contract", module).expect("Module to be added successfully");
let env_instance = program.module("env").expect("env module to exist");
let env_memory = env_instance.memory(interpreter::ItemIndex::Internal(0))
.expect("liner memory to exist");
// Second, create runtime and program instance
let mut runtime = runtime::Runtime::with_params(
env_memory.clone(), // memory shared ptr
5*1024*1024, // default stack space
65536, // runner arbitrary gas limit
// Initialize call descriptor
let descriptor = call_args::init(
&mut runtime,
&[3u8; 128],
).expect("call descriptor initialization to succeed");
// create native env module with native add && sub implementations
let functions = interpreter::UserFunctions {
executor: &mut runtime,
functions: vec![
interpreter::UserFunction {
name: "_storage_read".to_owned(),
params: vec![elements::ValueType::I32, elements::ValueType::I32],
result: Some(elements::ValueType::I32),
interpreter::UserFunction {
name: "_storage_write".to_owned(),
params: vec![elements::ValueType::I32, elements::ValueType::I32],
result: Some(elements::ValueType::I32),
interpreter::UserFunction {
name: "_malloc".to_owned(),
params: vec![elements::ValueType::I32],
result: Some(elements::ValueType::I32),
interpreter::UserFunction {
name: "_debug".to_owned(),
params: vec![elements::ValueType::I32, elements::ValueType::I32],
result: None,
interpreter::UserFunction {
name: "gas".to_owned(),
params: vec![elements::ValueType::I32],
result: None,
interpreter::UserFunction {
name: "_free".to_owned(),
params: vec![elements::ValueType::I32],
result: None,
let native_env_instance = Arc::new(interpreter::env_native_module(env_instance, functions).unwrap());
// Form ExecutionParams (payload + env link)
let params = interpreter::ExecutionParams::with_external("env".into(), native_env_instance)
module_instance.execute_export("_call", params)
.expect("_call to execute successfully");
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use parity_wasm::interpreter;
#[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct StorageKey([u8; 32]);
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct StorageValue([u8; 32]);
struct ErrorStorage;
impl StorageKey {
// todo: deal with memory views
fn from_mem(vec: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self, ErrorStorage> {
if vec.len() != 32 { return Err(ErrorStorage); }
let mut result = StorageKey([0u8; 32]);
impl StorageValue {
// todo: deal with memory views
// todo: deal with variable-length values when it comes
fn from_mem(vec: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self, ErrorStorage> {
if vec.len() != 32 { return Err(ErrorStorage); }
let mut result = StorageValue([0u8; 32]);
fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub struct Runtime {
gas_counter: u64,
gas_limit: u64,
dynamic_top: u32,
storage: HashMap<StorageKey, StorageValue>,
memory: Arc<interpreter::MemoryInstance>,
pub struct ErrorAlloc;
impl Runtime {
pub fn with_params(memory: Arc<interpreter::MemoryInstance>, stack_space: u32, gas_limit: u64) -> Runtime {
Runtime {
gas_counter: 0,
gas_limit: gas_limit,
dynamic_top: stack_space,
storage: HashMap::new(),
memory: memory,
pub fn storage_write(&mut self, context: interpreter::CallerContext)
-> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error>
let val_ptr = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()?;
let key_ptr = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()?;
let key = StorageKey::from_mem(self.memory.get(key_ptr as u32, 32)?)
.map_err(|_| interpreter::Error::Trap("Memory access violation".to_owned()))?;
let val = StorageValue::from_mem(self.memory.get(val_ptr as u32, 32)?)
.map_err(|_| interpreter::Error::Trap("Memory access violation".to_owned()))?;
println!("write storage {:?} = {:?}", key, val);
self.storage.insert(key, val);
pub fn storage_read(&mut self, context: interpreter::CallerContext)
-> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error>
// arguments passed are in backward order (since it is stack)
let val_ptr = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()?;
let key_ptr = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()?;
let key = StorageKey::from_mem(self.memory.get(key_ptr as u32, 32)?)
.map_err(|_| interpreter::Error::Trap("Memory access violation".to_owned()))?;
let empty = StorageValue([0u8; 32]);
let val = self.storage.get(&key).unwrap_or(&empty);
self.memory.set(val_ptr as u32, val.as_slice())?;
println!("read storage {:?} (evaluated as {:?})", key, val);
pub fn malloc(&mut self, context: interpreter::CallerContext)
-> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error>
let amount = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()? as u32;
let previous_top = self.dynamic_top;
self.dynamic_top = previous_top + amount;
Ok(Some((previous_top as i32).into()))
pub fn alloc(&mut self, amount: u32) -> Result<u32, ErrorAlloc> {
let previous_top = self.dynamic_top;
self.dynamic_top = previous_top + amount;
fn gas(&mut self, context: interpreter::CallerContext)
-> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error>
let prev = self.gas_counter;
let update = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()? as u64;
if prev + update > self.gas_limit {
// exceeds gas
Err(interpreter::Error::Trap(format!("Gas exceeds limits of {}", self.gas_limit)))
} else {
self.gas_counter = prev + update;
fn debug(&mut self, context: interpreter::CallerContext)
-> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error>
let msg_len = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()? as u32;
let msg_ptr = context.value_stack.pop_as::<i32>()? as u32;
let msg = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(self.memory.get(msg_ptr, msg_len as usize)?) };
println!("DEBUG: {}", msg);
fn user_trap(&mut self, _context: interpreter::CallerContext)
-> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error>
Err(interpreter::Error::Trap("unknown trap".to_owned()))
fn user_noop(&mut self,
_context: interpreter::CallerContext
) -> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error> {
impl interpreter::UserFunctionExecutor for Runtime {
fn execute(&mut self, name: &str, context: interpreter::CallerContext)
-> Result<Option<interpreter::RuntimeValue>, interpreter::Error>
match name {
"_malloc" => {
"_free" => {
"_storage_read" => {
"_storage_write" => {
"gas" => {
"_debug" => {
_ => {
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// as it is experimental preamble
#[link_args = "-s WASM=1 -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1"]
extern {}
pub fn call() {
/* This produces the following code (after injecting gas counter & optimizing)
(type (;0;) (func))
(type (;1;) (func (param i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory (;0;) 256 256))
(import "env" "table" (table (;0;) 0 0 anyfunc))
(import "env" "gas" (func (;0;) (type 1)))
(func (;1;) (type 0)
i32.const 2
call 0
(export "_call" (func 1))
(data (i32.const 1212) "\1c\05"))
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
int data;
extern void log_event(void* ptr);
int main() {
void call() {
/* produces the following code (with gas counter and call optimization)
(type (;0;) (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(type (;1;) (func))
(type (;2;) (func (param i32)))
(import "env" "memoryBase" (global (;0;) i32))
(import "env" "memory" (memory (;0;) 256))
(import "env" "table" (table (;0;) 0 anyfunc))
(import "env" "gas" (func (;0;) (type 2)))
(func (;1;) (type 0) (param i32) (result i32)
i32.const 2
call 0
block i32 ;; label = @1
i32.const 13
call 0
get_global 0
i32.const 5242880
get_global 0
i32.const 5242880
get_local 0
i32.load offset=4
i32.const 0
(export "_call" (func 1)))
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
// as it is experimental preamble
use std::slice;
#[link_args = "-s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1 -s"]
extern {}
/// Wrapper over storage read/write externs
/// Storage api is a key-value storage where both key and value are 32 bytes in len
mod storage {
pub struct Error;
#[link(name = "env")]
extern {
fn storage_read(key: *const u8, dst: *mut u8) -> i32;
fn storage_write(key: *const u8, src: *const u8) -> i32;
/// Performs read from storage to the specified slice `dst`
/// Can return `Error` if data is read from outside of the storage boundaries
pub fn read(key: &[u8; 32], dst: &mut [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match unsafe {
let mut dst = dst;
storage_read(key.as_ptr(), dst.as_mut_ptr())
} {
x if x < 0 => Err(Error),
_ => Ok(()),
/// Performs write to the storage from the specified `src`
pub fn write(key: &[u8; 32], src: &[u8; 32]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match unsafe {
storage_write(key.as_ptr(), src.as_ptr())
} {
x if x < 0 => Err(Error),
_ => Ok(()),
/// Safe wrapper for call context
struct CallArgs {
context: Box<[u8]>,
result: Vec<u8>,
unsafe fn read_ptr_mut(slc: &[u8]) -> *mut u8 {
std::ptr::null_mut().offset(read_u32(slc) as isize)
fn read_u32(slc: &[u8]) -> u32 {
use std::ops::Shl;
(slc[0] as u32) + (slc[1] as u32).shl(8) + (slc[2] as u32).shl(16) + (slc[3] as u32).shl(24)
fn write_u32(dst: &mut [u8], val: u32) {
dst[0] = (val & 0x000000ff) as u8;
dst[1] = ((val & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) as u8;
dst[2] = ((val & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) as u8;
dst[3] = ((val & 0xff000000) >> 24) as u8;
fn write_ptr(dst: &mut [u8], ptr: *mut u8) {
// todo: consider: add assert that arch is 32bit
write_u32(dst, ptr as usize as u32);
impl CallArgs {
pub fn from_raw(ptr: *mut u8) -> CallArgs {
let desc_slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, 4 * 4) };
let context_ptr = unsafe { read_ptr_mut(&desc_slice[0..4]) };
let context_len = read_u32(&desc_slice[4..8]) as usize;
let result_ptr = unsafe { read_ptr_mut(&desc_slice[8..12]) };
let result_len = read_u32(&desc_slice[12..16]) as usize;
CallArgs {
context: unsafe { Box::<[u8]>::from_raw(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(context_ptr, context_len)) },
result: unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(result_ptr, result_len, result_len) },
pub fn context(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn result_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<u8> {
&mut self.result
pub fn save(self, ptr: *mut u8) {
let dst = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.offset(8), 2 * 4) };
let context = self.context;
let mut result = self.result;
// context unmodified and memory is managed in calling code
if result.len() > 0 {
// result
write_ptr(&mut dst[0..4], result.as_mut_ptr());
write_u32(&mut dst[4..8], result.len() as u32);
// managed in calling code
pub fn call(descriptor: *mut u8) {
// This initializes safe wrapper for contract input and output
let mut ctx = CallArgs::from_raw(descriptor);
// Copies all contract input data to the separate buffer
let data = ctx.context().to_vec();
let storage_key = [1u8; 32];
let mut storage_val = [0u8; 32];
// Sets the key [1, 1, 1 ..., 1] to the first 32 bytes of passed input
let _ = storage::write(&storage_key, &mut storage_val);
// Returns all that passed to this contract as an output
*ctx.result_mut() = data;
// Saves the wrapper state to commit return stream
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
int data;
int call(void* descriptor) {
int* input_length = (int*)(descriptor+4);
data += *input_length;
/* produces the following code (with gas counter and call optimization)
(type (;0;) (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(type (;1;) (func))
(type (;2;) (func (param i32)))
(import "env" "memoryBase" (global (;0;) i32))
(import "env" "memory" (memory (;0;) 256))
(import "env" "table" (table (;0;) 0 anyfunc))
(import "env" "gas" (func (;0;) (type 2)))
(func (;1;) (type 0) (param i32) (result i32)
i32.const 2
call 0
block i32 ;; label = @1
i32.const 13
call 0
get_global 0
i32.const 5242880
get_global 0
i32.const 5242880
get_local 0
i32.load offset=4
i32.const 0
(export "_call" (func 1)))
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
extern {
fn log_event(id: *const u8);
fn main() {
unsafe { log_event(::std::ptr::null()); }
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// as it is experimental preamble
use std::slice;
#[link_args = "-s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1 -s"]
extern {}
/// Wrapper over storage read/write externs
/// Storage api is a key-value storage where both key and value are 32 bytes in len
mod storage {
pub struct Error;
#[link(name = "env")]
extern {
fn storage_read(key: *const u8, dst: *mut u8) -> i32;
fn storage_write(key: *const u8, src: *const u8) -> i32;
/// Performs read from storage to the specified slice `dst`, using all slice length
/// Can return `Error` if data is read from outside of the storage boundaries
pub fn read(key: &[u8; 32], dst: &mut [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match unsafe {
let mut dst = dst;
storage_read(key.as_ptr(), dst.as_mut_ptr())
} {
x if x < 0 => Err(Error),
_ => Ok(()),
/// Performs write to the storage from the specified slice `src`
pub fn write(key: &[u8; 32], src: &[u8; 32]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match unsafe {
storage_write(key.as_ptr(), src.as_ptr())
} {
x if x < 0 => Err(Error),
_ => Ok(()),
pub fn call(_descriptor: *mut u8) {
let storage_key = [1u8; 32];
let mut storage_val = [2u8; 32];
let storage_dup_key = [3u8; 32];
let _ = storage::write(&storage_key, &storage_val);
let _ = storage::read(&storage_dup_key, &mut storage_val);
let _ = storage::write(&storage_key, &storage_val);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user