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synced 2025-03-20 04:00:52 +00:00
* Create a new `web-sys` crate This will eventually contain all the WebIDL-generated bindings to Web APIs. * ci: Test the new `web-sys` crate in CI * web-sys: Add a small README * web-sys: Vendor all the WebIDL files from mozilla-central * backend: Add a pass to remove AST items that use undefined imports This is necessary for the WebIDL frontend, which can't translate many WebIDL constructs into equivalent wasm-bindgen AST things yet. It lets us make incremental progress: we can generate bindings to methods we can support right now even though there might be methods on the same interface that we can't support yet. * webidl: Add a bunch of missing semicolons * webidl: Make parsing private It was only `pub` so that we could test it, but we ended up moving towards integration tests rather than unit tests that assert particular ASTs are parsed from WebIDL files. * webidl: Remove uses of undefined import types * test-project-builder: Build projects in "very verbose" mode This helps for debugging failing WebIDL-related tests. * test-project-builder: Add more profiling timers * test-project-builder: Detect when webpack-dev-server fails Instead of going into an infinite loop, detect when webpack-dev-server fails to start up and early exit the test. * webidl: Specify version for dev-dependency on wasm-bindgen-backend Instead of only a relative path. * guide: Add section about contributing to `web-sys` * WIP enable Event.webidl Still need to fix and finish the test. * Update expected webidl output * Start out a test's status as incomplete That way if we don't fill it in the error message doesn't look quite so bizarre * Fix onerror function in headless mode Otherwise we don't see any output! * Fix package.json/node_modules handling in project generation Make sure these are looked up in the git project root rather than the crate root * Avoid logging body text This was meant for debugging and is otherwise pretty noisy * Fix a relative path * More expected test fixes * Fix a typo * test-project-builder: Allow asynchronous tests * webidl: Convert [Unforgeable] attributes into `#[wasm_bindgen(structural)]` Fixes #432 * test-project-builder: Print generated WebIDL bindings for debugging purposes Helps debug bad WebIDL bindings generation inside tests. * When we can't find a descriptor, say which one can't be found This helps when debugging things that need to become structural. * web-sys: Test bindings for Event * ci: Use `--manifest-path dir` instead of `cd dir && ...` * web-sys: Just move .webidl files isntead of symlinking to enable them * tests: Polyfill Array.prototype.values for older browsers in CI * test-project-builder: Don't panic on poisoned headless test mutex We only use it to serialize headless tests so that we don't try to bind the port concurrently. Its OK to run another headless test if an earlier one panicked. * JsValue: Add {is,as}_{object,function} methods Allows dynamically casting values to `js::Object` and `js::Function`. * tidy: Fix whitespace and missing semicolons * Allow for dynamic feature detection of methods If we create bindings to a method that doesn't exist in this implementation, then it shouldn't fail until if/when we actually try and invoke that missing method. * tests: Do feature detection in Array.prototype.values test * Add JsValue::{is_string, as_js_string} methods And document all the cast/convert/check methods for js value. * eslint: allow backtick string literals * Only generate a fallback import function for non-structural imports
640 lines
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640 lines
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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* The origin of this IDL file is
* https://github.com/gpuweb/gpuweb/blob/master/design/sketch.webidl
typedef unsigned long u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
// ****************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************
enum WebGPULogEntryType {
interface WebGPULogEntry {
readonly attribute WebGPULogEntryType type;
readonly attribute any obj;
readonly attribute DOMString? reason;
enum WebGPUObjectStatus {
typedef (WebGPUBuffer or WebGPUTexture) WebGPUStatusable;
callback WebGPULogCallback = void (WebGPULogEntry error);
// ****************************************************************************
// SHADER RESOURCES (buffer, textures, texture views, samples)
// ****************************************************************************
// Buffer
typedef u32 WebGPUBufferUsageFlags;
interface WebGPUBufferUsage {
const u32 NONE = 0;
const u32 MAP_READ = 1;
const u32 MAP_WRITE = 2;
const u32 TRANSFER_SRC = 4;
const u32 TRANSFER_DST = 8;
const u32 INDEX = 16;
const u32 VERTEX = 32;
const u32 UNIFORM = 64;
const u32 STORAGE = 128;
dictionary WebGPUBufferDescriptor {
u32 size;
WebGPUBufferUsageFlags usage;
interface WebGPUBuffer {
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer? mapping;
void unmap();
// Texture view
dictionary WebGPUTextureViewDescriptor {
// TODO Investigate what goes in there.
interface WebGPUTextureView {
// Texture
typedef u32 WebGPUTextureDimensionEnum;
interface WebGPUTextureDimension {
const u32 e1D = 0;
const u32 e2D = 1;
const u32 e3D = 2;
// TODO other dimensions (cube, arrays)
typedef u32 WebGPUTextureFormatEnum;
interface WebGPUTextureFormat {
const u32 R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM = 0;
const u32 R8_G8_B8_A8_UINT = 1;
const u32 B8_G8_R8_A8_UNORM = 2;
const u32 D32_FLOAT_S8_UINT = 3;
// TODO other formats
typedef u32 WebGPUTextureUsageFlags;
interface WebGPUTextureUsage {
const u32 NONE = 0;
const u32 TRANSFER_SRC = 1;
const u32 TRANSFER_DST = 2;
const u32 SAMPLED = 4;
const u32 STORAGE = 8;
const u32 OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT = 16;
const u32 PRESENT = 32;
dictionary WebGPUTextureDescriptor {
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 depth;
u32 arraySize;
WebGPUTextureDimensionEnum dimension;
WebGPUTextureFormatEnum format;
WebGPUTextureUsageFlags usage;
interface WebGPUTexture {
WebGPUTextureView createTextureView(optional WebGPUTextureViewDescriptor desc);
// Sampler
typedef u32 WebGPUFilterModeEnum;
interface WebGPUFilterMode {
const u32 NEAREST = 0;
const u32 LINEAR = 1;
dictionary WebGPUSamplerDescriptor {
WebGPUFilterModeEnum magFilter;
WebGPUFilterModeEnum minFilter;
WebGPUFilterModeEnum mipmapFilter;
interface WebGPUSampler {
// ****************************************************************************
// BINDING MODEL (bindgroup layout, bindgroup)
// ****************************************************************************
// BindGroupLayout
typedef u32 WebGPUShaderStageFlags;
interface WebGPUShaderStageBit {
const u32 NONE = 0;
const u32 VERTEX = 1;
const u32 FRAGMENT = 2;
const u32 COMPUTE = 4;
typedef u32 WebGPUBindingTypeEnum;
interface WebGPUBindingType {
const u32 UNIFORM_BUFFER = 0;
const u32 SAMPLER = 1;
const u32 SAMPLED_TEXTURE = 2;
const u32 STORAGE_BUFFER = 3;
// TODO other binding types (storage images, ...)
dictionary WebGPUBindGroupBinding {
WebGPUShaderStageFlags visibility;
WebGPUBindingTypeEnum type;
u32 start;
u32 count;
dictionary WebGPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
sequence<WebGPUBindGroupBinding> bindingTypes;
interface WebGPUBindGroupLayout {
// PipelineLayout
dictionary WebGPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor {
sequence<WebGPUBindGroupLayout> bindGroupLayouts;
interface WebGPUPipelineLayout {
// BindGroup
/* Moved to WebGPUExtras.webidl for now.
dictionary WebGPUBufferBinding {
WebGPUBuffer buffer;
u32 offset;
u32 size;
typedef (WebGPUSampler or WebGPUTextureView or WebGPUBufferBinding) WebGPUBindingResource;
dictionary WebGPUBinding {
sequence<WebGPUBindingResource> resources;
u32 start;
u32 count;
dictionary WebGPUBindGroupDescriptor {
WebGPUBindGroupLayout layout;
sequence<WebGPUBinding> bindings;
interface WebGPUBindGroup {
// ****************************************************************************
// PIPELINE CREATION (blend state, DS state, ..., pipelines)
// ****************************************************************************
// BlendState
typedef u32 WebGPUBlendFactorEnum;
interface WebGPUBlendFactor {
const u32 ZERO = 0;
const u32 ONE = 1;
const u32 SRC_COLOR = 2;
const u32 ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = 3;
const u32 SRC_ALPHA = 4;
const u32 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 5;
const u32 DST_COLOR = 6;
const u32 ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = 7;
const u32 DST_ALPHA = 8;
const u32 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 9;
const u32 SRC_ALPHA_SATURATED = 10;
const u32 BLEND_COLOR = 11;
const u32 ONE_MINUS_BLEND_COLOR = 12;
typedef u32 WebGPUBlendOperationEnum;
interface WebGPUBlendOperation {
const u32 ADD = 0;
const u32 SUBTRACT = 1;
const u32 REVERSE_SUBTRACT = 2;
const u32 MIN = 3;
const u32 MAX = 4;
typedef u32 WebGPUColorWriteFlags;
interface WebGPUColorWriteBits {
const u32 NONE = 0;
const u32 RED = 1;
const u32 GREEN = 2;
const u32 BLUE = 4;
const u32 ALPHA = 8;
const u32 ALL = 15;
dictionary WebGPUBlendDescriptor {
WebGPUBlendFactorEnum srcFactor;
WebGPUBlendFactorEnum dstFactor;
WebGPUBlendOperationEnum operation;
dictionary WebGPUBlendStateDescriptor {
boolean blendEnabled;
WebGPUBlendDescriptor alpha;
WebGPUBlendDescriptor color;
WebGPUColorWriteFlags writeMask;
interface WebGPUBlendState {
// DepthStencilState
typedef u32 WebGPUCompareFunctionEnum;
interface WebGPUCompareFunction {
const u32 NEVER = 0;
const u32 LESS = 1;
const u32 LESS_EQUAL = 2;
const u32 GREATER = 3;
const u32 GREATER_EQUAL = 4;
const u32 EQUAL = 5;
const u32 NOT_EQUAL = 6;
const u32 ALWAYS = 7;
typedef u32 WebGPUStencilOperationEnum;
interface WebGPUStencilOperation {
const u32 KEEP = 0;
const u32 ZERO = 1;
const u32 REPLACE = 2;
const u32 INVERT = 3;
const u32 INCREMENT_CLAMP = 4;
const u32 DECREMENT_CLAMP = 5;
const u32 INCREMENT_WRAP = 6;
const u32 DECREMENT_WRAP = 7;
dictionary WebGPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor {
WebGPUCompareFunctionEnum compare;
WebGPUStencilOperationEnum stencilFailOp;
WebGPUStencilOperationEnum depthFailOp;
WebGPUStencilOperationEnum passOp;
dictionary WebGPUDepthStencilStateDescriptor {
boolean depthWriteEnabled;
WebGPUCompareFunctionEnum depthCompare;
WebGPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor front;
WebGPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor back;
u32 stencilReadMask;
u32 stencilWriteMask;
interface WebGPUDepthStencilState {
// InputState
typedef u32 WebGPUIndexFormatEnum;
interface WebGPUIndexFormat {
const u32 UINT16 = 0;
const u32 UINT32 = 1;
typedef u32 WebGPUVertexFormatEnum;
interface WebGPUVertexFormat {
const u32 FLOAT_R32_G32_B32_A32 = 0;
const u32 FLOAT_R32_G32_B32 = 1;
const u32 FLOAT_R32_G32 = 2;
const u32 FLOAT_R32 = 3;
// TODO other vertex formats
typedef u32 WebGPUInputStepModeEnum;
interface WebGPUInputStepMode {
const u32 VERTEX = 0;
const u32 INSTANCE = 1;
dictionary WebGPUVertexAttributeDescriptor {
u32 shaderLocation;
u32 inputSlot;
u32 offset;
WebGPUVertexFormatEnum format;
dictionary WebGPUVertexInputDescriptor {
u32 inputSlot;
u32 stride;
WebGPUInputStepModeEnum stepMode;
dictionary WebGPUInputStateDescriptor {
WebGPUIndexFormatEnum indexFormat;
sequence<WebGPUVertexAttributeDescriptor> attributes;
sequence<WebGPUVertexInputDescriptor> inputs;
interface WebGPUInputState {
// ShaderModule
dictionary WebGPUShaderModuleDescriptor {
required ArrayBuffer code;
interface WebGPUShaderModule {
// AttachmentState
dictionary WebGPUAttachmentStateDescriptor {
sequence<WebGPUTextureFormatEnum> formats;
// TODO other stuff like sample count etc.
interface WebGPUAttachmentState {
// Common stuff for ComputePipeline and RenderPipeline
typedef u32 WebGPUShaderStageEnum;
interface WebGPUShaderStage {
const u32 VERTEX = 0;
const u32 FRAGMENT = 1;
const u32 COMPUTE = 2;
dictionary WebGPUPipelineStageDescriptor {
required WebGPUShaderModule shaderModule;
required WebGPUShaderStageEnum stage;
required DOMString entryPoint;
// TODO other stuff like specialization constants?
dictionary WebGPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
required WebGPUPipelineLayout layout;
sequence<WebGPUPipelineStageDescriptor> stages;
// ComputePipeline
dictionary WebGPUComputePipelineDescriptor : WebGPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
interface WebGPUComputePipeline {
// WebGPURenderPipeline
typedef u32 WebGPUPrimitiveTopologyEnum;
interface WebGPUPrimitiveTopology {
const u32 POINT_LIST = 0;
const u32 LINE_LIST = 1;
const u32 LINE_STRIP = 2;
const u32 TRIANGLE_LIST = 3;
const u32 TRIANGLE_STRIP = 4;
dictionary WebGPURenderPipelineDescriptor : WebGPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
WebGPUPrimitiveTopologyEnum primitiveTopology;
sequence<WebGPUBlendState> blendState;
WebGPUDepthStencilState depthStencilState;
WebGPUInputState inputState;
WebGPUAttachmentState attachmentState;
// TODO other properties
interface WebGPURenderPipeline {
// ****************************************************************************
// COMMAND RECORDING (Command buffer and all relevant structures)
// ****************************************************************************
typedef u32 WebGPULoadOpEnum;
interface WebGPULoadOp {
const u32 CLEAR = 0;
const u32 LOAD = 1;
typedef u32 WebGPUStoreOpEnum;
interface WebGPUStoreOp {
const u32 STORE = 0;
dictionary WebGPURenderPassAttachmentDescriptor {
WebGPUTextureView attachment;
WebGPULoadOpEnum loadOp;
WebGPUStoreOpEnum storeOp;
dictionary WebGPURenderPassDescriptor {
sequence<WebGPURenderPassAttachmentDescriptor> colorAttachments;
WebGPURenderPassAttachmentDescriptor depthStencilAttachment;
interface WebGPUCommandBuffer {
dictionary WebGPUCommandEncoderDescriptor {
interface WebGPUCommandEncoder {
WebGPUCommandBuffer finishEncoding();
// Commands allowed outside of "passes"
void copyBufferToBuffer(WebGPUBuffer src,
u32 srcOffset,
WebGPUBuffer dst,
u32 dstOffset,
u32 size);
// TODO figure out all the arguments required for these
void copyBufferToTexture();
void copyTextureToBuffer();
void copyTextureToTexture();
void blit();
void transitionBuffer(WebGPUBuffer b, WebGPUBufferUsageFlags f);
// Allowed in both compute and render passes
void setPushConstants(WebGPUShaderStageFlags stage,
u32 offset,
u32 count,
ArrayBuffer data);
void setBindGroup(u32 index, WebGPUBindGroup bindGroup);
void setPipeline((WebGPUComputePipeline or WebGPURenderPipeline) pipeline);
// Compute pass commands
void beginComputePass();
void endComputePass();
void dispatch(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z);
// Render pass commands
void beginRenderPass(optional WebGPURenderPassDescriptor descriptor);
void endRenderPass();
void setBlendColor(float r, float g, float b, float a);
void setIndexBuffer(WebGPUBuffer buffer, u32 offset);
void setVertexBuffers(u32 startSlot, sequence<WebGPUBuffer> buffers, sequence<u32> offsets);
void draw(u32 vertexCount, u32 instanceCount, u32 firstVertex, u32 firstInstance);
void drawIndexed(u32 indexCount, u32 instanceCount, u32 firstIndex, u32 firstInstance, u32 firstVertex);
// TODO add missing commands
// ****************************************************************************
// OTHER (Fence, Queue SwapChain, Device)
// ****************************************************************************
// Fence
interface WebGPUFence {
boolean wait(double milliseconds);
readonly attribute Promise<void> promise;
// Queue
interface WebGPUQueue {
void submit(sequence<WebGPUCommandBuffer> buffers);
WebGPUFence insertFence();
// SwapChain / RenderingContext
dictionary WebGPUSwapChainDescriptor {
WebGPUTextureUsageFlags usage;
WebGPUTextureFormatEnum format;
u32 width;
u32 height;
interface WebGPUSwapChain {
void configure(optional WebGPUSwapChainDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUTexture getNextTexture();
void present();
//interface WebGPURenderingContext : WebGPUSwapChain {
// WebGPU "namespace" used for device creation
dictionary WebGPUExtensions {
boolean anisotropicFiltering;
boolean logicOp; // Previously a "Feature".
dictionary WebGPULimits {
u32 maxBindGroups;
// Device
interface WebGPUDevice {
readonly attribute WebGPUAdapter adapter;
WebGPUExtensions extensions();
WebGPULimits limits();
WebGPUBuffer createBuffer(optional WebGPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUTexture createTexture(optional WebGPUTextureDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUSampler createSampler(optional WebGPUSamplerDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUBindGroupLayout createBindGroupLayout(optional WebGPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUPipelineLayout createPipelineLayout(optional WebGPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUBindGroup createBindGroup(optional WebGPUBindGroupDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUBlendState createBlendState(optional WebGPUBlendStateDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUDepthStencilState createDepthStencilState(optional WebGPUDepthStencilStateDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUInputState createInputState(optional WebGPUInputStateDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUShaderModule createShaderModule(WebGPUShaderModuleDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUAttachmentState createAttachmentState(optional WebGPUAttachmentStateDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUComputePipeline createComputePipeline(WebGPUComputePipelineDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPURenderPipeline createRenderPipeline(WebGPURenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUCommandEncoder createCommandEncoder(optional WebGPUCommandEncoderDescriptor descriptor);
WebGPUQueue getQueue();
attribute WebGPULogCallback onLog;
Promise<WebGPUObjectStatus> getObjectStatus(WebGPUStatusable obj);
dictionary WebGPUDeviceDescriptor {
WebGPUExtensions extensions;
//WebGPULimits limits; Don't expose higher limits for now.
// TODO are other things configurable like queues?
interface WebGPUAdapter {
readonly attribute DOMString name;
WebGPUExtensions extensions();
//WebGPULimits limits(); Don't expose higher limits for now.
WebGPUDevice createDevice(optional WebGPUDeviceDescriptor descriptor);
enum WebGPUPowerPreference { "default", "low-power", "high-performance" };
dictionary WebGPUAdapterDescriptor {
WebGPUPowerPreference powerPreference;
interface WebGPU {
WebGPUAdapter getAdapter(optional WebGPUAdapterDescriptor desc);
// Add a "webgpu" member to Window that contains the global instance of a "WebGPU"
interface WebGPUProvider {
[SameObject, Replaceable, Pref="dom.webgpu.enable"] readonly attribute WebGPU webgpu;
//Window includes WebGPUProvider;