Nick Fitzgerald f2f2d7231a
Create the web-sys crate mechanically from WebIDL (#409)
* Create a new `web-sys` crate

This will eventually contain all the WebIDL-generated bindings to Web APIs.

* ci: Test the new `web-sys` crate in CI

* web-sys: Add a small README

* web-sys: Vendor all the WebIDL files from mozilla-central

* backend: Add a pass to remove AST items that use undefined imports

This is necessary for the WebIDL frontend, which can't translate many WebIDL
constructs into equivalent wasm-bindgen AST things yet. It lets us make
incremental progress: we can generate bindings to methods we can support right
now even though there might be methods on the same interface that we can't
support yet.

* webidl: Add a bunch of missing semicolons

* webidl: Make parsing private

It was only `pub` so that we could test it, but we ended up moving towards
integration tests rather than unit tests that assert particular ASTs are parsed
from WebIDL files.

* webidl: Remove uses of undefined import types

* test-project-builder: Build projects in "very verbose" mode

This helps for debugging failing WebIDL-related tests.

* test-project-builder: Add more profiling timers

* test-project-builder: Detect when webpack-dev-server fails

Instead of going into an infinite loop, detect when webpack-dev-server fails to
start up and early exit the test.

* webidl: Specify version for dev-dependency on wasm-bindgen-backend

Instead of only a relative path.

* guide: Add section about contributing to `web-sys`

* WIP enable Event.webidl

Still need to fix and finish the test.

* Update expected webidl output

* Start out a test's status as incomplete

That way if we don't fill it in the error message doesn't look quite so bizarre

* Fix onerror function in headless mode

Otherwise we don't see any output!

* Fix package.json/node_modules handling in project generation

Make sure these are looked up in the git project root rather than the crate root

* Avoid logging body text

This was meant for debugging and is otherwise pretty noisy

* Fix a relative path

* More expected test fixes

* Fix a typo

* test-project-builder: Allow asynchronous tests

* webidl: Convert [Unforgeable] attributes into `#[wasm_bindgen(structural)]`

Fixes #432

* test-project-builder: Print generated WebIDL bindings for debugging purposes

Helps debug bad WebIDL bindings generation inside tests.

* When we can't find a descriptor, say which one can't be found

This helps when debugging things that need to become structural.

* web-sys: Test bindings for Event

* ci: Use `--manifest-path dir` instead of `cd dir && ...`

* web-sys: Just move .webidl files isntead of symlinking to enable them

* tests: Polyfill Array.prototype.values for older browsers in CI

* test-project-builder: Don't panic on poisoned headless test mutex

We only use it to serialize headless tests so that we don't try to bind the port
concurrently. Its OK to run another headless test if an earlier one panicked.

* JsValue: Add {is,as}_{object,function} methods

Allows dynamically casting values to `js::Object` and `js::Function`.

* tidy: Fix whitespace and missing semicolons

* Allow for dynamic feature detection of methods

If we create bindings to a method that doesn't exist in this implementation,
then it shouldn't fail until if/when we actually try and invoke that missing

* tests: Do feature detection in Array.prototype.values test

* Add JsValue::{is_string, as_js_string} methods

And document all the cast/convert/check methods for js value.

* eslint: allow backtick string literals

* Only generate a fallback import function for non-structural imports
2018-07-09 16:35:25 -07:00

509 lines
19 KiB

/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
interface WindowProxy;
interface nsISupports;
interface URI;
interface nsIDocShell;
interface nsILoadGroup;
enum VisibilityState { "hidden", "visible" };
/* */
dictionary ElementCreationOptions {
DOMString is;
DOMString pseudo;
/* */
interface Document : Node {
readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation;
[Pure, Throws, BinaryName="documentURIFromJS", NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute DOMString URL;
[Pure, Throws, BinaryName="documentURIFromJS", NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute DOMString documentURI;
readonly attribute DOMString compatMode;
readonly attribute DOMString characterSet;
readonly attribute DOMString charset; // legacy alias of .characterSet
readonly attribute DOMString inputEncoding; // legacy alias of .characterSet
readonly attribute DOMString contentType;
readonly attribute DocumentType? doctype;
readonly attribute Element? documentElement;
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(DOMString localName);
[Pure, Throws]
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString localName);
HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(DOMString classNames);
Element? getElementById(DOMString elementId);
[CEReactions, NewObject, Throws]
Element createElement(DOMString localName, optional (ElementCreationOptions or DOMString) options);
[CEReactions, NewObject, Throws]
Element createElementNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString qualifiedName, optional (ElementCreationOptions or DOMString) options);
DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();
Text createTextNode(DOMString data);
Comment createComment(DOMString data);
[NewObject, Throws]
ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(DOMString target, DOMString data);
[CEReactions, Throws]
Node importNode(Node node, optional boolean deep = false);
[CEReactions, Throws]
Node adoptNode(Node node);
[NewObject, Throws, NeedsCallerType]
Event createEvent(DOMString interface);
[NewObject, Throws]
Range createRange();
// NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF
[NewObject, Throws]
NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root, optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, optional NodeFilter? filter = null);
[NewObject, Throws]
TreeWalker createTreeWalker(Node root, optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, optional NodeFilter? filter = null);
// NEW
// No support for prepend/append yet
// void prepend((Node or DOMString)... nodes);
// void append((Node or DOMString)... nodes);
// These are not in the spec, but leave them for now for backwards compat.
// So sort of like Gecko extensions
[NewObject, Throws]
CDATASection createCDATASection(DOMString data);
[NewObject, Throws]
Attr createAttribute(DOMString name);
[NewObject, Throws]
Attr createAttributeNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString name);
partial interface Document {
[PutForwards=href, Unforgeable] readonly attribute Location? location;
//(HTML only) attribute DOMString domain;
readonly attribute DOMString referrer;
//(HTML only) attribute DOMString cookie;
readonly attribute DOMString lastModified;
readonly attribute DOMString readyState;
// DOM tree accessors
//(Not proxy yet)getter object (DOMString name);
[CEReactions, SetterThrows, Pure]
attribute DOMString title;
[CEReactions, Pure]
attribute DOMString dir;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute HTMLElement? body;
readonly attribute HTMLHeadElement? head;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection images;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection embeds;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection plugins;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection links;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection scripts;
NodeList getElementsByName(DOMString elementName);
//(Not implemented)readonly attribute DOMElementMap cssElementMap;
// dynamic markup insertion
//(HTML only)Document open(optional DOMString type, optional DOMString replace);
//(HTML only)WindowProxy open(DOMString url, DOMString name, DOMString features, optional boolean replace);
//(HTML only)void close();
//(HTML only)void write(DOMString... text);
//(HTML only)void writeln(DOMString... text);
// user interaction
readonly attribute WindowProxy? defaultView;
boolean hasFocus();
//(HTML only) attribute DOMString designMode;
//(HTML only)boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId);
//(HTML only)boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId, boolean showUI);
//(HTML only)boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId, boolean showUI, DOMString value);
//(HTML only)boolean queryCommandEnabled(DOMString commandId);
//(HTML only)boolean queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString commandId);
//(HTML only)boolean queryCommandState(DOMString commandId);
//(HTML only)boolean queryCommandSupported(DOMString commandId);
//(HTML only)DOMString queryCommandValue(DOMString commandId);
//(Not implemented)readonly attribute HTMLCollection commands;
// special event handler IDL attributes that only apply to Document objects
[LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange;
// Gecko extensions?
attribute EventHandler onbeforescriptexecute;
attribute EventHandler onafterscriptexecute;
attribute EventHandler onselectionchange;
* True if this document is synthetic : stand alone image, video, audio file,
* etc.
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean mozSyntheticDocument;
* Returns the script element whose script is currently being processed.
* @see <>
readonly attribute Element? currentScript;
* Release the current mouse capture if it is on an element within this
* document.
* @see <>
void releaseCapture();
* Use the given DOM element as the source image of target |-moz-element()|.
* This function introduces a new special ID (called "image element ID"),
* which is only used by |-moz-element()|, and associates it with the given
* DOM element. Image elements ID's have the higher precedence than general
* HTML id's, so if |document.mozSetImageElement(<id>, <element>)| is called,
* |-moz-element(#<id>)| uses |<element>| as the source image even if there
* is another element with id attribute = |<id>|. To unregister an image
* element ID |<id>|, call |document.mozSetImageElement(<id>, null)|.
* Example:
* <script>
* canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
* canvas.setAttribute("width", 100);
* canvas.setAttribute("height", 100);
* // draw to canvas
* document.mozSetImageElement("canvasbg", canvas);
* </script>
* <div style="background-image: -moz-element(#canvasbg);"></div>
* @param aImageElementId an image element ID to associate with
* |aImageElement|
* @param aImageElement a DOM element to be used as the source image of
* |-moz-element(#aImageElementId)|. If this is null, the function will
* unregister the image element ID |aImageElementId|.
* @see <>
void mozSetImageElement(DOMString aImageElementId,
Element? aImageElement);
readonly attribute URI? documentURIObject;
* Current referrer policy - one of the REFERRER_POLICY_* constants
* from nsIHttpChannel.
readonly attribute unsigned long referrerPolicy;
partial interface Document {
//(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString fgColor;
//(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString linkColor;
//(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString vlinkColor;
//(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString alinkColor;
//(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString bgColor;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets;
//(HTML only)void clear();
//(HTML only)void captureEvents();
//(HTML only)void releaseEvents();
//(HTML only)[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLAllCollection all;
partial interface Document {
// Note: Per spec the 'S' in these two is lowercase, but the "Moz"
// versions have it uppercase.
[LenientSetter, Unscopable, Func="nsDocument::IsUnprefixedFullscreenEnabled"]
readonly attribute boolean fullscreen;
readonly attribute boolean mozFullScreen;
[LenientSetter, Func="nsDocument::IsUnprefixedFullscreenEnabled", NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute boolean fullscreenEnabled;
[BinaryName="fullscreenEnabled", NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute boolean mozFullScreenEnabled;
void exitFullscreen();
void mozCancelFullScreen();
// Events handlers
attribute EventHandler onfullscreenchange;
attribute EventHandler onfullscreenerror;
partial interface Document {
void exitPointerLock();
// Event handlers
attribute EventHandler onpointerlockchange;
attribute EventHandler onpointerlockerror;
partial interface Document {
readonly attribute boolean hidden;
readonly attribute VisibilityState visibilityState;
attribute EventHandler onvisibilitychange;
partial interface Document {
attribute DOMString? selectedStyleSheetSet;
readonly attribute DOMString? lastStyleSheetSet;
readonly attribute DOMString? preferredStyleSheetSet;
readonly attribute DOMStringList styleSheetSets;
void enableStyleSheetsForSet (DOMString? name);
partial interface Document {
CaretPosition? caretPositionFromPoint (float x, float y);
readonly attribute Element? scrollingElement;
partial interface Document {
[Throws, Pure]
Element? querySelector(DOMString selectors);
[Throws, Pure]
NodeList querySelectorAll(DOMString selectors);
//(Not implemented)Element? find(DOMString selectors, optional (Element or sequence<Node>)? refNodes);
//(Not implemented)NodeList findAll(DOMString selectors, optional (Element or sequence<Node>)? refNodes);
partial interface Document {
readonly attribute DocumentTimeline timeline;
sequence<Animation> getAnimations();
partial interface Document {
readonly attribute SVGSVGElement? rootElement;
// Mozilla extensions of various sorts
partial interface Document {
// XBL support. Wish we could make these [ChromeOnly], but
// that would likely break bindings running with the page principal.
NodeList? getAnonymousNodes(Element elt);
Element? getAnonymousElementByAttribute(Element elt, DOMString attrName,
DOMString attrValue);
Element? getBindingParent(Node node);
[Throws, Func="IsChromeOrXBL", NeedsSubjectPrincipal]
void loadBindingDocument(DOMString documentURL);
// Touch bits
// XXXbz I can't find the sane spec for this stuff, so just cribbing
// from our xpidl for now.
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
Touch createTouch(optional Window? view = null,
optional EventTarget? target = null,
optional long identifier = 0,
optional long pageX = 0,
optional long pageY = 0,
optional long screenX = 0,
optional long screenY = 0,
optional long clientX = 0,
optional long clientY = 0,
optional long radiusX = 0,
optional long radiusY = 0,
optional float rotationAngle = 0,
optional float force = 0);
// XXXbz a hack to get around the fact that we don't support variadics as
// distinguishing arguments yet. Once this hack is removed. we can also
// remove the corresponding overload on nsIDocument, since Touch... and
// sequence<Touch> look the same in the C++.
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
TouchList createTouchList(Touch touch, Touch... touches);
// XXXbz and another hack for the fact that we can't usefully have optional
// distinguishing arguments but need a working zero-arg form of
// createTouchList().
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
TouchList createTouchList();
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
TouchList createTouchList(sequence<Touch> touches);
attribute boolean styleSheetChangeEventsEnabled;
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void obsoleteSheet(URI sheetURI);
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void obsoleteSheet(DOMString sheetURI);
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute nsIDocShell? docShell;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute DOMString contentLanguage;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute nsILoadGroup? documentLoadGroup;
// Blocks the initial document parser until the given promise is settled.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
Promise<any> blockParsing(Promise<any> promise,
optional BlockParsingOptions options);
// like documentURI, except that for error pages, it returns the URI we were
// trying to load when we hit an error, rather than the error page's own URI.
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute URI? mozDocumentURIIfNotForErrorPages;
// A promise that is resolved, with this document itself, when we have both
// fired DOMContentLoaded and are ready to start layout. This is used for the
// "document_idle" webextension script injection point.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
readonly attribute Promise<Document> documentReadyForIdle;
dictionary BlockParsingOptions {
* If true, blocks script-created parsers (created via in
* addition to network-created parsers.
boolean blockScriptCreated = true;
// Extension to give chrome JS the ability to determine when a document was
// created to satisfy an iframe with srcdoc attribute.
partial interface Document {
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean isSrcdocDocument;
// Extension to give chrome JS the ability to get the underlying
// sandbox flag attribute
partial interface Document {
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute DOMString? sandboxFlagsAsString;
* Chrome document anonymous content management.
* This is a Chrome-only API that allows inserting fixed positioned anonymous
* content on top of the current page displayed in the document.
* The supplied content is cloned and inserted into the document's CanvasFrame.
* Note that this only works for HTML documents.
partial interface Document {
* Deep-clones the provided element and inserts it into the CanvasFrame.
* Returns an AnonymousContent instance that can be used to manipulate the
* inserted element.
[ChromeOnly, NewObject, Throws]
AnonymousContent insertAnonymousContent(Element aElement);
* Removes the element inserted into the CanvasFrame given an AnonymousContent
* instance.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void removeAnonymousContent(AnonymousContent aContent);
partial interface Document {
Selection? getSelection();
// Extension to give chrome JS the ability to determine whether
// the user has interacted with the document or not.
partial interface Document {
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean userHasInteracted;
// Extension to give chrome JS the ability to simulate activate the docuement
// by user gesture.
partial interface Document {
void notifyUserGestureActivation();
// Extension to give chrome and XBL JS the ability to determine whether
// the document is sandboxed without permission to run scripts
// and whether inline scripts are blocked by the document's CSP.
partial interface Document {
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean hasScriptsBlockedBySandbox;
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean inlineScriptAllowedByCSP;
// For more information on Flash classification, see
// toolkit/components/url-classifier/flash-block-lists.rst
enum FlashClassification {
"unclassified", // Denotes a classification that has not yet been computed.
// Allows for lazy classification.
"unknown", // Site is not on the whitelist or blacklist
"allowed", // Site is on the Flash whitelist
"denied" // Site is on the Flash blacklist
partial interface Document {
readonly attribute FlashClassification documentFlashClassification;
Document implements XPathEvaluator;
Document implements GlobalEventHandlers;
Document implements DocumentAndElementEventHandlers;
Document implements TouchEventHandlers;
Document implements ParentNode;
Document implements OnErrorEventHandlerForNodes;
Document implements GeometryUtils;
Document implements FontFaceSource;
Document implements DocumentOrShadowRoot;