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// Benchmarking framework that we're using
import 'https://unpkg.com/lodash@4.17.11/lodash.js';
import 'https://unpkg.com/benchmark@2.1.4/benchmark.js';
// Import lots of functions from JS/wasm, and rename everything to have the
// namespace of where it's coming from.
import wbindgen_init, {
call_js_thunk_n_times as wbindgen_call_js_thunk_n_times,
call_js_add_n_times as wbindgen_call_js_add_n_times,
thunk as wbindgen_thunk,
add as wbindgen_add,
fibonacci as wbindgen_fibonacci,
call_node_first_child_n_times as wbindgen_call_node_first_child_n_times,
call_node_node_type_n_times as wbindgen_call_node_node_type_n_times,
count_node_types as wbindgen_count_node_types,
call_first_child_final_n_times as wbindgen_call_first_child_final_n_times,
call_first_child_structural_n_times as wbindgen_call_first_child_structural_n_times,
call_foo_bar_final_n_times as wbindgen_call_foo_bar_final_n_times,
call_foo_bar_structural_n_times as wbindgen_call_foo_bar_structural_n_times,
str_roundtrip as wbindgen_str_roundtrip,
} from './pkg/wasm_bindgen_benchmark.js';
import {
call_js_thunk_n_times as js_call_js_thunk_n_times,
call_js_add_n_times as js_call_js_add_n_times,
thunk as js_thunk,
add as js_add,
fibonacci as js_fibonacci,
call_node_first_child_n_times as js_call_node_first_child_n_times,
call_node_node_type_n_times as js_call_node_node_type_n_times,
count_node_types as js_count_node_types,
} from './js-benchmarks.js';
import * as globals from './globals.js';
import { Lock } from './utils.js';
// These are set for `raw.wasm`, which we import and configure manually:
let raw_call_js_thunk_n_times = null;
let raw_call_js_add_n_times = null;
let raw_thunk = null;
let raw_add = null;
// Create a `Map` of all benchmarks that we're going to execute, where the map
// is from a benchmark's name to a thunk to execute for the benchmark.
function makeBenchmarks() {
const benchmarks = new Map();
benchmarks.wbindgen_thunk = wbindgen_thunk;
benchmarks.raw_thunk = raw_thunk;
benchmarks.js_thunk = js_thunk;
benchmarks.wbindgen_fib_40 = () => wbindgen_fibonacci(40);
benchmarks.js_fib_40 = () => js_fibonacci(40);
benchmarks.wbindgen_add = () => wbindgen_add(2, 3);
benchmarks.raw_add = () => raw_add(2, 3);
benchmarks.js_add = () => js_add(2, 3);
benchmarks.js_call_js_thunk_n_times = () => js_call_js_thunk_n_times(10000);
benchmarks.raw_call_js_thunk_n_times = () => raw_call_js_thunk_n_times(10000);
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_js_thunk_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_js_thunk_n_times(10000);
benchmarks.js_call_js_add_n_times = () => js_call_js_add_n_times(10000, 2, 3);
benchmarks.raw_call_js_add_n_times = () => raw_call_js_add_n_times(10000, 2, 3);
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_js_add_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_js_add_n_times(10000, 2, 3);
const list = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_node_first_child_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_node_first_child_n_times(1000, list);
benchmarks.js_call_node_first_child_n_times = () => js_call_node_first_child_n_times(1000, list);
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_node_node_type_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_node_node_type_n_times(1000, list);
benchmarks.js_call_node_node_type_n_times = () => js_call_node_node_type_n_times(1000, list);
const body = document.body;
benchmarks.wbindgen_count_node_types = () => wbindgen_count_node_types(body);
benchmarks.js_count_node_types = () => js_count_node_types(body);
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_first_child_final_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_first_child_final_n_times(10000, body);
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_first_child_structural_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_first_child_structural_n_times(10000, body);
const foo = new globals.Foo();
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_foo_bar_final_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_foo_bar_final_n_times(10000, foo);
benchmarks.wbindgen_call_foo_bar_structural_n_times = () => wbindgen_call_foo_bar_structural_n_times(10000, foo);
const strings = {
ascii_small: 'ja',
ascii_medium: 'aym0566x',
ascii_number: '505874924095815681',
ascii_date: 'Sun Aug 31 00:29:15 +0000 2014',
ascii_url: 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/497760886795153410/LDjAwR_y_normal.jpeg',
ascii_link: '<a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a>',
unicode: '@aym0566x \n\n名前:前田あゆみ\n第一印象:なんか怖っ!\n今の印象:とりあえずキモい。噛み合わない\n好きなところ:ぶすでキモいとこ😋✨✨\n思い出:んーーー、ありすぎ😊❤️\nLINE交換できる?:あぁ……ごめん✋\nトプ画をみて:照れますがな😘✨\n一言:お前は一生もんのダチ💖'
const template = document.querySelector('tr.str-benchmark');
const tbody = document.querySelector('tbody#wbindgen-body');
for (const bm in strings) {
const s = strings[bm];
const bm_name = `wbindgen_str_${bm}`;
benchmarks[bm_name] = () => wbindgen_str_roundtrip(s);
const row = template.cloneNode(true);
row.querySelector('.str').textContent = bm;
row.querySelector('td.bm').id = bm_name;
return benchmarks;
// Set up the page and initialize all event handlers and such.
function run() {
const benchmarks = makeBenchmarks();
const benchmarkLock = new Lock();
for (const td of document.querySelectorAll('td.bm')) {
const bm = benchmarks[td.id];
if (typeof bm !== 'function')
throw new Error(`no benchmark registered for ${td.id}`);
const run = document.createElement('a');
run.href = '#';
run.innerText = '(run)';
run.onclick = function() {
benchmarkLock.withLock(async () => {
await executeAndUpdate(td.id, bm, td);
td.innerText = 'executing ...';
return false;
for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('.about-open')) {
a.onclick = function() {
a.nextElementSibling.style.display = 'block';
return false;
async function executeAndUpdate(name, bm, td) {
const result = await executeBenchmark(name, bm);
const rme = Math.round(result.target.stats.rme * 100) / 100;
td.innerText = `${Math.round(result.target.hz).toLocaleString()}/s ±${rme}%`;
function executeBenchmark(name, bm) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
suite.add(name, bm);
suite.on('cycle', resolve);
suite.run({ async: true });
// Load wasm files and when they're done (plus the DOM) then we initialize
// everything
const wasms = [];
.then(r => r.arrayBuffer())
.then(m => WebAssembly.instantiate(m, { './globals.js': globals }))
.then(m => {
raw_call_js_thunk_n_times = m.instance.exports.call_js_thunk_n_times;
raw_call_js_add_n_times = m.instance.exports.call_js_add_n_times;
raw_thunk = m.instance.exports.thunk;
raw_add = m.instance.exports.add;
.then(() => {
if (document.readyState === 'loading')
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', run);