2018-06-22 11:10:37 -07:00

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//! Support for long-lived closures in `wasm-bindgen`
//! This module defines the `Closure` type which is used to pass "owned
//! closures" from Rust to JS. Some more details can be found on the `Closure`
//! type itself.
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::marker::Unsize;
use std::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use JsValue;
use convert::*;
use describe::*;
/// A handle to both a closure in Rust as well as JS closure which will invoke
/// the Rust closure.
/// A `Closure` is the primary way that a `'static` lifetime closure is
/// transferred from Rust to JS. `Closure` currently requires that the closures
/// it's created with have the `'static` lifetime in Rust for soundness reasons.
/// This type is a "handle" in the sense that whenever it is dropped it will
/// invalidate the JS closure that it refers to. Any usage of the closure in JS
/// after the `Closure` has been dropped will raise an exception. It's then up
/// to you to arrange for `Closure` to be properly deallocate at an appropriate
/// location in your program.
/// The type parameter on `Closure` is the type of closure that this represents.
/// Currently this can only be the `Fn` and `FnMut` traits with up to 7
/// arguments (and an optional return value). The arguments/return value of the
/// trait must be numbers like `u32` for now, although this restriction may be
/// lifted in the future!
/// # Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// #[wasm_bindgen]
/// extern {
/// fn setTimeout(closure: &Closure<FnMut()>, time: u32);
/// #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
/// fn log(s: &str);
/// }
/// #[wasm_bindgen]
/// pub struct ClosureHandle(Closure<FnMut()>);
/// #[wasm_bindgen]
/// pub fn run() -> ClosureHandle {
/// // First up we use `Closure::new` to wrap up a Rust closure and create
/// a JS closure.
/// let cb = Closure::new(|| {
/// log("timeout elapsed!");
/// });
/// // Next we pass this via reference to the `setTimeout` function, and
/// // `setTimeout` gets a handle to the corresponding JS closure.
/// setTimeout(&cb, 1_000);
/// // If we were to drop `cb` here it would cause an exception to be raised
/// // when the timeout elapses. Instead we *return* our handle back to JS
/// // so JS can tell us later when it would like to deallocate this handle.
/// ClosureHandle(cb)
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Closure<T: ?Sized> {
inner: UnsafeCell<Box<T>>,
js: UnsafeCell<ManuallyDrop<JsValue>>,
impl<T> Closure<T>
where T: ?Sized,
/// Creates a new instance of `Closure` from the provided Rust closure.
/// Note that the closure provided here, `F`, has a few requirements
/// associated with it:
/// * It must implement `Fn` or `FnMut`
/// * It must be `'static`, aka no stack references (use the `move` keyword)
/// * It can have at most 7 arguments
/// * Its arguments and return values are all wasm types like u32/f64.
/// This is unfortunately pretty restrictive for now but hopefully some of
/// these restrictions can be lifted in the future!
pub fn new<F>(t: F) -> Closure<T>
where F: Unsize<T> + 'static
Closure::wrap(Box::new(t) as Box<T>)
/// A mostly internal function to wrap a boxed closure inside a `Closure`
/// type.
/// This is the function where the JS closure is manufactured.
pub fn wrap(t: Box<T>) -> Closure<T> {
Closure {
inner: UnsafeCell::new(t),
js: UnsafeCell::new(ManuallyDrop::new(JsValue { idx: !0 })),
/// Leaks this `Closure` to ensure it remains valid for the duration of the
/// entire program.
/// > **Note**: this function will leak memory. It should be used sparingly
/// > to ensure the memory leak doesn't affect the program too much.
/// When a `Closure` is dropped it will invalidate the associated JS
/// closure, but this isn't always desired. Some callbacks are alive for
/// the entire duration of the program, so this can be used to conveniently
/// leak this instance of `Closure` while performing as much internal
/// cleanup as it can.
pub fn forget(self) {
unsafe {
let idx = (*self.js.get()).idx;
if idx != !0 {
impl<T> WasmDescribe for Closure<T>
where T: WasmClosure + ?Sized,
fn describe() {
// `Closure` can only be passed by reference to imports.
impl<'a, T> IntoWasmAbi for &'a Closure<T>
where T: WasmClosure + ?Sized,
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
unsafe {
let fnptr = WasmClosure::into_abi(&mut **self.inner.get(), extra);
&mut (*self.js.get()).idx as *const u32 as u32
fn _check() {
fn _assert<T: IntoWasmAbi>() {}
_assert::<&Closure<Fn() -> String>>();
_assert::<&Closure<FnMut() -> String>>();
impl<T> Drop for Closure<T>
where T: ?Sized,
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let idx = (*self.js.get()).idx;
if idx != !0 {
/// An internal trait for the `Closure` type.
/// This trait is not stable and it's not recommended to use this in bounds or
/// implement yourself.
pub unsafe trait WasmClosure: 'static {
fn describe();
unsafe fn into_abi(me: *mut Self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32;
macro_rules! doit {
)*) => ($(
// Fn with no return
unsafe impl<$($var),*> WasmClosure for Fn($($var),*)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi + 'static,)*
fn describe() {
unsafe fn into_abi(me: *mut Self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
IntoWasmAbi::into_abi(&*me, extra)
// Fn with return
unsafe impl<$($var,)* R> WasmClosure for Fn($($var),*) -> R
where $($var: FromWasmAbi + 'static,)*
R: IntoWasmAbi + 'static,
fn describe() {
unsafe fn into_abi(me: *mut Self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
IntoWasmAbi::into_abi(&*me, extra)
// FnMut with no return
unsafe impl<$($var),*> WasmClosure for FnMut($($var),*)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi + 'static,)*
fn describe() {
<&mut Self>::describe();
unsafe fn into_abi(me: *mut Self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
IntoWasmAbi::into_abi(&mut *me, extra)
// FnMut with return
unsafe impl<$($var,)* R> WasmClosure for FnMut($($var),*) -> R
where $($var: FromWasmAbi + 'static,)*
R: IntoWasmAbi + 'static,
fn describe() {
unsafe fn into_abi(me: *mut Self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
IntoWasmAbi::into_abi(&mut *me, extra)
doit! {
(A B)
(A B C)
(A B C D)
(A B C D E)
(A B C D E F)
(A B C D E F G)