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588 lines
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//! This is mostly an internal module, no stability guarantees are provided. Use
//! at your own risk.
use core::char;
use core::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use core::slice;
use core::str;
use describe::*;
use {throw, JsValue};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
/// A trait for anything that can be converted into a type that can cross the
/// wasm ABI directly, eg `u32` or `f64`.
/// This is the opposite operation as `FromWasmAbi` and `Ref[Mut]FromWasmAbi`.
pub trait IntoWasmAbi: WasmDescribe {
/// The wasm ABI type that this converts into when crossing the ABI
/// boundary.
type Abi: WasmAbi;
/// Convert `self` into `Self::Abi` so that it can be sent across the wasm
/// ABI boundary.
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Abi;
/// A trait for anything that can be recovered by-value from the wasm ABI
/// boundary, eg a Rust `u8` can be recovered from the wasm ABI `u32` type.
/// This is the by-value variant of the opposite operation as `IntoWasmAbi`.
pub trait FromWasmAbi: WasmDescribe {
/// The wasm ABI type that this converts from when coming back out from the
/// ABI boundary.
type Abi: WasmAbi;
/// Recover a `Self` from `Self::Abi`.
/// # Safety
/// This is only safe to call when -- and implementations may assume that --
/// the supplied `Self::Abi` was previously generated by a call to `<Self as
/// IntoWasmAbi>::into_abi()` or the moral equivalent in JS.
unsafe fn from_abi(js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self;
/// A trait for anything that can be recovered as some sort of shared reference
/// from the wasm ABI boundary.
/// This is the shared reference variant of the opposite operation as
/// `IntoWasmAbi`.
pub trait RefFromWasmAbi: WasmDescribe {
/// The wasm ABI type references to `Self` are recovered from.
type Abi: WasmAbi;
/// The type that holds the reference to `Self` for the duration of the
/// invocation of the function that has an `&Self` parameter. This is
/// required to ensure that the lifetimes don't persist beyond one function
/// call, and so that they remain anonymous.
type Anchor: Deref<Target = Self>;
/// Recover a `Self::Anchor` from `Self::Abi`.
/// # Safety
/// Same as `FromWasmAbi::from_abi`.
unsafe fn ref_from_abi(js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Anchor;
pub trait RefMutFromWasmAbi: WasmDescribe {
type Abi: WasmAbi;
type Anchor: DerefMut<Target = Self>;
unsafe fn ref_mut_from_abi(js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Anchor;
pub trait Stack {
fn push(&mut self, bits: u32);
fn pop(&mut self) -> u32;
/// An unsafe trait which represents types that are ABI-safe to pass via wasm
/// arguments.
/// This is an unsafe trait to implement as there's no guarantee the type is
/// actually safe to transfer across the was boundary, it's up to you to
/// guarantee this so codegen works correctly.
pub unsafe trait WasmAbi {}
unsafe impl WasmAbi for u32 {}
unsafe impl WasmAbi for i32 {}
unsafe impl WasmAbi for f32 {}
unsafe impl WasmAbi for f64 {}
pub struct WasmSlice {
pub ptr: u32,
pub len: u32,
unsafe impl WasmAbi for WasmSlice {}
macro_rules! simple {
($($t:tt)*) => ($(
impl IntoWasmAbi for $t {
type Abi = $t;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> $t { self }
impl FromWasmAbi for $t {
type Abi = $t;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: $t, _extra: &mut Stack) -> $t { js }
simple!(u32 i32 f32 f64);
macro_rules! sixtyfour {
($($t:tt)*) => ($(
impl IntoWasmAbi for $t {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> WasmSlice {
WasmSlice {
ptr: self as u32,
len: (self >> 32) as u32,
impl FromWasmAbi for $t {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: WasmSlice, _extra: &mut Stack) -> $t {
(js.ptr as $t) | ((js.len as $t) << 32)
sixtyfour!(i64 u64);
macro_rules! as_u32 {
($($t:tt)*) => ($(
impl IntoWasmAbi for $t {
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 { self as u32 }
impl FromWasmAbi for $t {
type Abi = u32;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut Stack) -> $t { js as $t }
as_u32!(i8 u8 i16 u16 isize usize);
impl IntoWasmAbi for bool {
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
self as u32
impl FromWasmAbi for bool {
type Abi = u32;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut Stack) -> bool {
js != 0
impl IntoWasmAbi for char {
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
self as u32
impl FromWasmAbi for char {
type Abi = u32;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut Stack) -> char {
impl<T> IntoWasmAbi for *const T {
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
self as u32
impl<T> FromWasmAbi for *const T {
type Abi = u32;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut Stack) -> *const T {
js as *const T
impl<T> IntoWasmAbi for *mut T {
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
self as u32
impl<T> FromWasmAbi for *mut T {
type Abi = u32;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut Stack) -> *mut T {
js as *mut T
macro_rules! vectors {
($($t:ident)*) => ($(
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl IntoWasmAbi for Box<[$t]> {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> WasmSlice {
let ptr = self.as_ptr();
let len = self.len();
WasmSlice {
ptr: ptr.into_abi(extra),
len: len as u32,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl FromWasmAbi for Box<[$t]> {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: WasmSlice, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self {
let ptr = <*mut $t>::from_abi(js.ptr, extra);
let len = js.len as usize;
Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, len).into_boxed_slice()
impl<'a> IntoWasmAbi for &'a [$t] {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> WasmSlice {
WasmSlice {
ptr: self.as_ptr().into_abi(extra),
len: self.len() as u32,
impl<'a> IntoWasmAbi for &'a mut [$t] {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> WasmSlice {
impl RefFromWasmAbi for [$t] {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
type Anchor = &'static [$t];
unsafe fn ref_from_abi(js: WasmSlice, extra: &mut Stack) -> &'static [$t] {
<*const $t>::from_abi(js.ptr, extra),
js.len as usize,
impl RefMutFromWasmAbi for [$t] {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
type Anchor = &'static mut [$t];
unsafe fn ref_mut_from_abi(js: WasmSlice, extra: &mut Stack)
-> &'static mut [$t]
<*mut $t>::from_abi(js.ptr, extra),
js.len as usize,
vectors! {
u8 i8 u16 i16 u32 i32 u64 i64 f32 f64
if_std! {
impl<T> IntoWasmAbi for Vec<T> where Box<[T]>: IntoWasmAbi {
type Abi = <Box<[T]> as IntoWasmAbi>::Abi;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Abi {
impl<T> FromWasmAbi for Vec<T> where Box<[T]>: FromWasmAbi {
type Abi = <Box<[T]> as FromWasmAbi>::Abi;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self {
<Box<[T]>>::from_abi(js, extra).into()
impl IntoWasmAbi for String {
type Abi = <Vec<u8> as IntoWasmAbi>::Abi;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Abi {
impl FromWasmAbi for String {
type Abi = <Vec<u8> as FromWasmAbi>::Abi;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self {
String::from_utf8_unchecked(<Vec<u8>>::from_abi(js, extra))
impl<'a> IntoWasmAbi for &'a str {
type Abi = <&'a [u8] as IntoWasmAbi>::Abi;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Abi {
impl RefFromWasmAbi for str {
type Abi = <[u8] as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi;
type Anchor = &'static str;
unsafe fn ref_from_abi(js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Anchor {
str::from_utf8_unchecked(<[u8]>::ref_from_abi(js, extra))
impl IntoWasmAbi for JsValue {
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
let ret = self.idx;
return ret;
impl FromWasmAbi for JsValue {
type Abi = u32;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut Stack) -> JsValue {
JsValue { idx: js }
impl<'a> IntoWasmAbi for &'a JsValue {
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
impl RefFromWasmAbi for JsValue {
type Abi = u32;
type Anchor = ManuallyDrop<JsValue>;
unsafe fn ref_from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut Stack) -> Self::Anchor {
ManuallyDrop::new(JsValue { idx: js })
if_std! {
impl IntoWasmAbi for Box<[JsValue]> {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> WasmSlice {
let ptr = self.as_ptr();
let len = self.len();
WasmSlice {
ptr: ptr.into_abi(extra),
len: len as u32,
impl FromWasmAbi for Box<[JsValue]> {
type Abi = WasmSlice;
unsafe fn from_abi(js: WasmSlice, extra: &mut Stack) -> Self {
let ptr = <*mut JsValue>::from_abi(js.ptr, extra);
let len = js.len as usize;
Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, len).into_boxed_slice()
pub struct GlobalStack {
next: usize,
const GLOBAL_STACK_CAP: usize = 16;
impl GlobalStack {
pub unsafe fn new() -> GlobalStack {
GlobalStack { next: 0 }
impl Stack for GlobalStack {
fn push(&mut self, val: u32) {
unsafe {
assert!(self.next < GLOBAL_STACK_CAP);
GLOBAL_STACK[self.next] = val;
self.next += 1;
fn pop(&mut self) -> u32 {
unsafe {
assert!(self.next < GLOBAL_STACK_CAP);
let ret = GLOBAL_STACK[self.next];
self.next += 1;
pub unsafe extern "C" fn __wbindgen_global_argument_ptr() -> *mut u32 {
macro_rules! stack_closures {
($( ($($var:ident)*) )*) => ($(
impl<'a, 'b, $($var,)* R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a (Fn($($var),*) -> R + 'b)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
R: IntoWasmAbi
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
unsafe extern fn invoke<$($var: FromWasmAbi,)* R: IntoWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
$($var: <$var as FromWasmAbi>::Abi),*
) -> <R as IntoWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
let f: &Fn($($var),*) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let $var = <$var as FromWasmAbi>::from_abi($var, &mut _stack);
f($($var),*).into_abi(&mut GlobalStack::new())
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
extra.push(a as u32);
extra.push(b as u32);
invoke::<$($var,)* R> as u32
impl<'a, 'b, $($var,)*> IntoWasmAbi for &'a (Fn($($var),*) + 'b)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
unsafe extern fn invoke<$($var: FromWasmAbi,)* >(
a: usize,
b: usize,
$($var: <$var as FromWasmAbi>::Abi),*
) {
if a == 0 {
throw("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
let f: &Fn($($var),*) = mem::transmute((a, b));
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let $var = <$var as FromWasmAbi>::from_abi($var, &mut _stack);
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
extra.push(a as u32);
extra.push(b as u32);
invoke::<$($var,)*> as u32
impl<'a, 'b, $($var,)* R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a mut (FnMut($($var),*) -> R + 'b)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
R: IntoWasmAbi
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
unsafe extern fn invoke<$($var: FromWasmAbi,)* R: IntoWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
$($var: <$var as FromWasmAbi>::Abi),*
) -> <R as IntoWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
let f: &mut FnMut($($var),*) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let $var = <$var as FromWasmAbi>::from_abi($var, &mut _stack);
f($($var),*).into_abi(&mut GlobalStack::new())
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
extra.push(a as u32);
extra.push(b as u32);
invoke::<$($var,)* R> as u32
impl<'a, 'b, $($var,)*> IntoWasmAbi for &'a mut (FnMut($($var),*) + 'b)
where $($var: FromWasmAbi,)*
type Abi = u32;
fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut Stack) -> u32 {
unsafe extern fn invoke<$($var: FromWasmAbi,)* >(
a: usize,
b: usize,
$($var: <$var as FromWasmAbi>::Abi),*
) {
if a == 0 {
throw("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
let f: &mut FnMut($($var),*) = mem::transmute((a, b));
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let $var = <$var as FromWasmAbi>::from_abi($var, &mut _stack);
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
extra.push(a as u32);
extra.push(b as u32);
invoke::<$($var,)*> as u32
stack_closures! {
(A B)
(A B C)
(A B C D)
(A B C D E)
(A B C D E F)
(A B C D E F G)