mirror of https://github.com/fluencelabs/wasm-bindgen synced 2025-03-31 17:31:06 +00:00
Nick Fitzgerald f2f2d7231a
Create the web-sys crate mechanically from WebIDL ()
* Create a new `web-sys` crate

This will eventually contain all the WebIDL-generated bindings to Web APIs.

* ci: Test the new `web-sys` crate in CI

* web-sys: Add a small README

* web-sys: Vendor all the WebIDL files from mozilla-central

* backend: Add a pass to remove AST items that use undefined imports

This is necessary for the WebIDL frontend, which can't translate many WebIDL
constructs into equivalent wasm-bindgen AST things yet. It lets us make
incremental progress: we can generate bindings to methods we can support right
now even though there might be methods on the same interface that we can't
support yet.

* webidl: Add a bunch of missing semicolons

* webidl: Make parsing private

It was only `pub` so that we could test it, but we ended up moving towards
integration tests rather than unit tests that assert particular ASTs are parsed
from WebIDL files.

* webidl: Remove uses of undefined import types

* test-project-builder: Build projects in "very verbose" mode

This helps for debugging failing WebIDL-related tests.

* test-project-builder: Add more profiling timers

* test-project-builder: Detect when webpack-dev-server fails

Instead of going into an infinite loop, detect when webpack-dev-server fails to
start up and early exit the test.

* webidl: Specify version for dev-dependency on wasm-bindgen-backend

Instead of only a relative path.

* guide: Add section about contributing to `web-sys`

* WIP enable Event.webidl

Still need to fix and finish the test.

* Update expected webidl output

* Start out a test's status as incomplete

That way if we don't fill it in the error message doesn't look quite so bizarre

* Fix onerror function in headless mode

Otherwise we don't see any output!

* Fix package.json/node_modules handling in project generation

Make sure these are looked up in the git project root rather than the crate root

* Avoid logging body text

This was meant for debugging and is otherwise pretty noisy

* Fix a relative path

* More expected test fixes

* Fix a typo

* test-project-builder: Allow asynchronous tests

* webidl: Convert [Unforgeable] attributes into `#[wasm_bindgen(structural)]`


* test-project-builder: Print generated WebIDL bindings for debugging purposes

Helps debug bad WebIDL bindings generation inside tests.

* When we can't find a descriptor, say which one can't be found

This helps when debugging things that need to become structural.

* web-sys: Test bindings for Event

* ci: Use `--manifest-path dir` instead of `cd dir && ...`

* web-sys: Just move .webidl files isntead of symlinking to enable them

* tests: Polyfill Array.prototype.values for older browsers in CI

* test-project-builder: Don't panic on poisoned headless test mutex

We only use it to serialize headless tests so that we don't try to bind the port
concurrently. Its OK to run another headless test if an earlier one panicked.

* JsValue: Add {is,as}_{object,function} methods

Allows dynamically casting values to `js::Object` and `js::Function`.

* tidy: Fix whitespace and missing semicolons

* Allow for dynamic feature detection of methods

If we create bindings to a method that doesn't exist in this implementation,
then it shouldn't fail until if/when we actually try and invoke that missing

* tests: Do feature detection in Array.prototype.values test

* Add JsValue::{is_string, as_js_string} methods

And document all the cast/convert/check methods for js value.

* eslint: allow backtick string literals

* Only generate a fallback import function for non-structural imports
2018-07-09 16:35:25 -07:00

286 lines
9.1 KiB

/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* The origin of this IDL file is
* http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-input-element
* http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#other-elements,-attributes-and-apis
* © Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and
* Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce
* and create derivative works of this document.
enum SelectionMode {
interface XULControllers;
interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString accept;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString alt;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString autocomplete;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean autofocus;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean defaultChecked;
attribute boolean checked;
// Bug 850337 - attribute DOMString dirName;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean disabled;
readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
attribute FileList? files;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString formAction;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString formEnctype;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString formMethod;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean formNoValidate;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString formTarget;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute unsigned long height;
attribute boolean indeterminate;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows, Pref="dom.forms.inputmode"]
attribute DOMString inputMode;
readonly attribute HTMLElement? list;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString max;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute long maxLength;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString min;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute long minLength;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean multiple;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString name;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString pattern;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString placeholder;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean readOnly;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean required;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute unsigned long size;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterNeedsSubjectPrincipal=NonSystem, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString src;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString step;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString type;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString defaultValue;
[CEReactions, Pure, TreatNullAs=EmptyString, SetterThrows, NeedsCallerType]
attribute DOMString value;
[Throws, Func="HTMLInputElement::ValueAsDateEnabled"]
attribute Date? valueAsDate;
[Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute unrestricted double valueAsNumber;
[CEReactions, SetterThrows]
attribute unsigned long width;
void stepUp(optional long n = 1);
void stepDown(optional long n = 1);
readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
boolean checkValidity();
boolean reportValidity();
void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
readonly attribute NodeList? labels;
void select();
attribute unsigned long? selectionStart;
attribute unsigned long? selectionEnd;
attribute DOMString? selectionDirection;
void setRangeText(DOMString replacement);
void setRangeText(DOMString replacement, unsigned long start,
unsigned long end, optional SelectionMode selectionMode = "preserve");
void setSelectionRange(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional DOMString direction);
// also has obsolete members
partial interface HTMLInputElement {
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString align;
[CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString useMap;
// Mozilla extensions
partial interface HTMLInputElement {
[GetterThrows, ChromeOnly]
readonly attribute XULControllers controllers;
// Binaryname because we have a FragmentOrElement function named "TextLength()".
[NeedsCallerType, BinaryName="inputTextLength"]
readonly attribute long textLength;
[Throws, ChromeOnly]
sequence<DOMString> mozGetFileNameArray();
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void mozSetFileNameArray(sequence<DOMString> fileNames);
void mozSetFileArray(sequence<File> files);
// This method is meant to use for testing only.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void mozSetDirectory(DOMString directoryPath);
// This method is meant to use for testing only.
void mozSetDndFilesAndDirectories(sequence<(File or Directory)> list);
// Number controls (<input type=number>) have an anonymous text control
// (<input type=text>) in the anonymous shadow tree that they contain. On
// such an anonymous text control this property provides access to the
// number control that owns the text control. This is useful, for example,
// in code that looks at the currently focused element to make decisions
// about which IME to bring up. Such code needs to be able to check for any
// owning number control since it probably wants to bring up a number pad
// instead of the standard keyboard, even when the anonymous text control has
// focus.
readonly attribute HTMLInputElement? ownerNumberControl;
boolean mozIsTextField(boolean aExcludePassword);
// This function will return null if @autocomplete is not defined for the
// current @type
AutocompleteInfo? getAutocompleteInfo();
interface MozEditableElement {
[Pure, ChromeOnly]
readonly attribute nsIEditor? editor;
// This is similar to set .value on nsIDOMInput/TextAreaElements, but handling
// of the value change is closer to the normal user input, so 'change' event
// for example will be dispatched when focusing out the element.
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL", NeedsSubjectPrincipal]
void setUserInput(DOMString input);
HTMLInputElement implements MozEditableElement;
partial interface HTMLInputElement {
[Pref="dom.input.dirpicker", SetterThrows]
attribute boolean allowdirs;
readonly attribute boolean isFilesAndDirectoriesSupported;
[Throws, Pref="dom.input.dirpicker"]
Promise<sequence<(File or Directory)>> getFilesAndDirectories();
[Throws, Pref="dom.input.dirpicker"]
Promise<sequence<File>> getFiles(optional boolean recursiveFlag = false);
[Throws, Pref="dom.input.dirpicker"]
void chooseDirectory();
HTMLInputElement implements MozImageLoadingContent;
// Webkit/Blink
partial interface HTMLInputElement {
[Pref="dom.webkitBlink.filesystem.enabled", Frozen, Cached, Pure]
readonly attribute sequence<FileSystemEntry> webkitEntries;
[Pref="dom.webkitBlink.dirPicker.enabled", BinaryName="WebkitDirectoryAttr", SetterThrows]
attribute boolean webkitdirectory;
dictionary DateTimeValue {
long hour;
long minute;
long year;
long month;
long day;
partial interface HTMLInputElement {
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", ChromeOnly]
DateTimeValue getDateTimeInputBoxValue();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", ChromeOnly]
void updateDateTimeInputBox(optional DateTimeValue value);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", ChromeOnly]
void setDateTimePickerState(boolean open);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", ChromeOnly,
double getMinimum();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", ChromeOnly,
double getMaximum();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void openDateTimePicker(optional DateTimeValue initialValue);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void updateDateTimePicker(optional DateTimeValue value);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void closeDateTimePicker();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void setFocusState(boolean aIsFocused);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void updateValidityState();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL",
double getStep();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL",
double getStepBase();
partial interface HTMLInputElement {
attribute DOMString previewValue;