Alex Crichton 5a3cd893e0 Implement AsRef<JsValue> for Closure<T>
This commit adds an implementation of `AsRef<JsValue>` for the `Closure<T>`
type. Previously this was not possible because the `JsValue` didn't actually
exist until the closure was passed to JS, but the implementation has been
changed to ... something a bit more unconventional. The end result, however, is
that `Closure<T>` now always contains a `JsValue`.

The end result of this work is intended to be a precursor to binding callbacks
in `web-sys` as `JsValue` everywhere but still allowing usage with `Closure<T>`.
2018-09-06 14:46:59 -07:00

426 lines
17 KiB

//! A tiny and incomplete wasm interpreter
//! This module contains a tiny and incomplete wasm interpreter built on top of
//! `parity-wasm`'s module structure. Each `Interpreter` contains some state
//! about the execution of a wasm instance. The "incomplete" part here is
//! related to the fact that this is *only* used to execute the various
//! descriptor functions for wasm-bindgen.
//! As a recap, the wasm-bindgen macro generate "descriptor functions" which
//! basically as a mapping of rustc's trait resolution in executable code. This
//! allows us to detect, after the macro is invoke, what trait selection did and
//! what types of functions look like. By executing descriptor functions they'll
//! each invoke a known import (with only one argument) some number of times,
//! which gives us a list of `u32` values to then decode.
//! The interpreter here is only geared towards this one exact use case, so it's
//! quite small and likely not extra-efficient.
extern crate parity_wasm;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use parity_wasm::elements::*;
/// A ready-to-go interpreter of a wasm module.
/// An interpreter currently represents effectively cached state. It is reused
/// between calls to `interpret` and is precomputed from a `Module`. It houses
/// state like the wasm stack, wasm memory, etc.
pub struct Interpreter {
// Number of imported functions in the wasm module (used in index
// calculations)
imports: usize,
// Function index of the `__wbindgen_describe` and
// `__wbindgen_describe_closure` imported functions. We special case this
// to know when the environment's imported function is called.
describe_idx: Option<u32>,
describe_closure_idx: Option<u32>,
// A mapping of string names to the function index, filled with all exported
// functions.
name_map: HashMap<String, u32>,
// The numerical index of the sections in the wasm module, indexed into
// the module's list of sections.
code_idx: Option<usize>,
types_idx: Option<usize>,
functions_idx: Option<usize>,
elements_idx: Option<usize>,
// The current stack pointer (global 0) and wasm memory (the stack). Only
// used in a limited capacity.
sp: i32,
mem: Vec<i32>,
// The wasm stack. Note how it's just `i32` which is intentional, we don't
// support other types.
stack: Vec<i32>,
// The descriptor which we're assembling, a list of `u32` entries. This is
// very specific to wasm-bindgen and is the purpose for the existence of
// this module.
descriptor: Vec<u32>,
// When invoking the `__wbindgen_describe_closure` imported function, this
// stores the last table index argument, used for finding a different
// descriptor.
descriptor_table_idx: Option<u32>,
struct Sections<'a> {
code: &'a CodeSection,
types: &'a TypeSection,
functions: &'a FunctionSection,
elements: &'a ElementSection,
impl Interpreter {
/// Creates a new interpreter from a provided `Module`, precomputing all
/// information necessary to interpret further.
/// Note that the `module` passed in to this function must be the same as
/// the `module` passed to `interpret` below.
pub fn new(module: &Module) -> Interpreter {
let mut ret = Interpreter::default();
// The descriptor functions shouldn't really use all that much memory
// (the LLVM call stack, now the wasm stack). To handle that let's give
// our selves a little bit of memory and set the stack pointer (global
// 0) to the top.
ret.mem = vec![0; 0x100];
ret.sp = ret.mem.len() as i32;
// Figure out where our code section, if any, is.
for (i, s) in module.sections().iter().enumerate() {
match s {
Section::Code(_) => ret.code_idx = Some(i),
Section::Element(_) => ret.elements_idx = Some(i),
Section::Type(_) => ret.types_idx = Some(i),
Section::Function(_) => ret.functions_idx = Some(i),
_ => {}
// Figure out where the `__wbindgen_describe` imported function is, if
// it exists. We'll special case calls to this function as our
// interpretation should only invoke this function as an imported
// function.
if let Some(i) = module.import_section() {
ret.imports = i.functions();
let mut idx = 0;
for entry in i.entries() {
match entry.external() {
External::Function(_) => idx += 1,
_ => continue,
if entry.module() != "__wbindgen_placeholder__" {
if entry.field() == "__wbindgen_describe" {
ret.describe_idx = Some(idx - 1 as u32);
} else if entry.field() == "__wbindgen_describe_closure" {
ret.describe_closure_idx = Some(idx - 1 as u32);
// Build up the mapping of exported functions to function indices.
if let Some(e) = module.export_section() {
for e in e.entries() {
let i = match e.internal() {
Internal::Function(i) => i,
_ => continue,
ret.name_map.insert(e.field().to_string(), *i);
return ret
/// Interprets the execution of the descriptor function `func`.
/// This function will execute `func` in the `module` provided. Note that
/// the `module` provided here must be the same as the one passed to `new`
/// when this `Interpreter` was constructed.
/// The `func` must be a wasm-bindgen descriptor function meaning that it
/// doesn't do anything like use floats or i64. Instead all it should do is
/// call other functions, sometimes some stack pointer manipulation, and
/// then call the one imported `__wbindgen_describe` function. Anything else
/// will cause this interpreter to panic.
/// When the descriptor has finished running the assembled descriptor list
/// is returned. The descriptor returned can then be re-parsed into an
/// actual `Descriptor` in the cli-support crate.
/// # Return value
/// Returns `Some` if `func` was found in the `module` and `None` if it was
/// not found in the `module`.
pub fn interpret_descriptor(
&mut self,
func: &str,
module: &Module,
) -> Option<&[u32]> {
let idx = *self.name_map.get(func)?;
self.with_sections(module, |me, sections| {
me.interpret_descriptor_idx(idx, sections)
fn interpret_descriptor_idx(
&mut self,
idx: u32,
sections: &Sections,
) -> Option<&[u32]> {
// We should have a blank wasm and LLVM stack at both the start and end
// of the call.
assert_eq!(self.sp, self.mem.len() as i32);
assert_eq!(self.stack.len(), 0);, sections);
assert_eq!(self.stack.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(self.sp, self.mem.len() as i32);
/// Interprets a "closure descriptor", figuring out the signature of the
/// closure that was intended.
/// This function will take a `code_idx` which is known to internally
/// execute `__wbindgen_describe_closure` and interpret it. The
/// `wasm-bindgen` crate controls all callers of this internal import. It
/// will then take the index passed to `__wbindgen_describe_closure` and
/// interpret it as a function pointer. This means it'll look up within the
/// element section (function table) which index it points to. Upon finding
/// the relevant entry it'll assume that function is a descriptor function,
/// and then it will execute the descriptor function.
/// The returned value is the return value of the descriptor function found.
/// The `entry_removal_list` list is also then populated with an index of
/// the entry in the elements section (and then the index within that
/// section) of the function that needs to be snip'd out.
pub fn interpret_closure_descriptor(
&mut self,
code_idx: usize,
module: &Module,
entry_removal_list: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>,
) -> Option<&[u32]> {
self.with_sections(module, |me, sections| {
me._interpret_closure_descriptor(code_idx, sections, entry_removal_list)
fn _interpret_closure_descriptor(
&mut self,
code_idx: usize,
sections: &Sections,
entry_removal_list: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>,
) -> Option<&[u32]> {
// Call the `code_idx` function. This is an internal `#[inline(never)]`
// whose code is completely controlled by the `wasm-bindgen` crate, so
// it should take two arguments and return one (all of which we don't
// care about here). What we're interested in is that while executing
// this function it'll call `__wbindgen_describe_closure` with an
// argument that we look for.
let closure_descriptor_idx = (code_idx + self.imports) as u32;
self.stack.push(0);, sections);
assert_eq!(self.stack.len(), 1);
let descriptor_table_idx = self.descriptor_table_idx.take().unwrap();
// After we've got the table index of the descriptor function we're
// interested go take a look in the function table to find what the
// actual index of the function is.
let (entry_idx, offset, entry) = sections.elements.entries()
.filter_map(|(i, entry)| {
let code = entry.offset().code();
if code.len() != 2 {
return None
if code[1] != Instruction::End {
return None
match code[0] {
Instruction::I32Const(x) => Some((i, x as u32, entry)),
_ => None,
.find(|(_i, offset, entry)| {
*offset <= descriptor_table_idx &&
descriptor_table_idx < (*offset + entry.members().len() as u32)
.expect("failed to find index in table elements");
let idx = (descriptor_table_idx - offset) as usize;
let descriptor_idx = entry.members()[idx];
// This is used later to actually remove the entry from the table, but
// we don't do the removal just yet
entry_removal_list.push((entry_idx, idx));
// And now execute the descriptor!
self.interpret_descriptor_idx(descriptor_idx, sections)
/// Returns the function space index of the `__wbindgen_describe_closure`
/// imported function.
pub fn describe_closure_idx(&self) -> Option<u32> {
fn call(&mut self, idx: u32, sections: &Sections) {
use parity_wasm::elements::Instruction::*;
let idx = idx as usize;
assert!(idx >= self.imports); // can't call imported functions
let code_idx = idx - self.imports;
let body = &sections.code.bodies()[code_idx];
// Allocate space for our call frame's local variables. All local
// variables should be of the `i32` type.
assert!(body.locals().len() <= 1, "too many local types");
let nlocals = body.locals()
.map(|i| {
assert_eq!(i.value_type(), ValueType::I32);
let code_sig = sections.functions.entries()[code_idx].type_ref();
let function_ty = match &sections.types.types()[code_sig as usize] {
Type::Function(t) => t,
let mut locals = Vec::with_capacity(function_ty.params().len() + nlocals as usize);
// Any function parameters we have get popped off the stack and put into
// the first few locals ...
for param in function_ty.params() {
assert_eq!(*param, ValueType::I32);
// ... and the remaining locals all start as zero ...
for _ in 0..nlocals {
// ... and we expect one stack slot at the end if there's a returned
// value
let before = self.stack.len();
let stack_after = match function_ty.return_type() {
Some(t) => {
assert_eq!(t, ValueType::I32);
before + 1
None => before,
// Actual interpretation loop! We keep track of our stack's length to
// recover it as part of the `Return` instruction, and otherwise this is
// a pretty straightforward interpretation loop.
for instr in body.code().elements() {
match instr {
I32Const(x) => self.stack.push(*x),
SetLocal(i) => locals[*i as usize] = self.stack.pop().unwrap(),
GetLocal(i) => self.stack.push(locals[*i as usize]),
Call(idx) => {
// If this function is calling the `__wbindgen_describe`
// function, which we've precomputed the index for, then
// it's telling us about the next `u32` element in the
// descriptor to return. We "call" the imported function
// here by directly inlining it.
// Otherwise this is a normal call so we recurse.
if Some(*idx) == self.describe_idx {
self.descriptor.push(self.stack.pop().unwrap() as u32);
} else if Some(*idx) == self.describe_closure_idx {
self.descriptor_table_idx =
Some(self.stack.pop().unwrap() as u32);
assert_eq!(self.stack.pop(), Some(0));
assert_eq!(self.stack.pop(), Some(0));
} else {*idx, sections);
GetGlobal(0) => self.stack.push(self.sp),
SetGlobal(0) => self.sp = self.stack.pop().unwrap(),
I32Sub => {
let b = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
let a = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
self.stack.push(a - b);
I32Add => {
let a = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
let b = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
self.stack.push(a + b);
I32Store(/* align = */ 2, offset) => {
let val = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
let addr = self.stack.pop().unwrap() as u32;
self.mem[((addr + *offset) as usize) / 4] = val;
I32Load(/* align = */ 2, offset) => {
let addr = self.stack.pop().unwrap() as u32;
self.stack.push(self.mem[((addr + *offset) as usize) / 4]);
Return => self.stack.truncate(stack_after),
End => break,
// All other instructions shouldn't be used by our various
// descriptor functions. LLVM optimizations may mean that some
// of the above instructions aren't actually needed either, but
// the above instructions have empirically been required when
// executing our own test suite in wasm-bindgen.
// Note that LLVM may change over time to generate new
// instructions in debug mode, and we'll have to react to those
// sorts of changes as they arise.
s => panic!("unknown instruction {:?}", s),
assert_eq!(self.stack.len(), stack_after);
fn with_sections<'a, T>(
&'a mut self,
module: &Module,
f: impl FnOnce(&'a mut Self, &Sections) -> T,
) -> T {
macro_rules! access_with_defaults {
let $var: ident = module.sections[self.$field:ident]
)*) => {$(
let default = Default::default();
let $var = match self.$field {
Some(i) => {
match &module.sections()[i] {
Section::$name(s) => s,
_ => panic!(),
None => &default,
access_with_defaults! {
let code = module.sections[self.code_idx] (Code);
let types = module.sections[self.types_idx] (Type);
let functions = module.sections[self.functions_idx] (Function);
let elements = module.sections[self.elements_idx] (Element);
f(self, &Sections { code, types, functions, elements })