mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 07:21:10 +00:00
Adding `#[inline]` will typically improve codegen for optimized builds without LTO (so far the majority in practice) by allowing functions that otherwise couldn't be inlined across codegen units to get inlined across codegen units. Right now `wasm-bindgen` has a lot of functions that are very small and delegate to other functions, but aren't otherwise candidates for inlining because they're concrete. I was poking around in release-mode wasm recently and noticed an alarming number of functions for tiny pieces of functionality, which motivates this patch!
921 lines
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921 lines
26 KiB
//! Runtime support for the `wasm-bindgen` tool
//! This crate contains the runtime support necessary for `wasm-bindgen` the
//! attribute and tool. Crates pull in the `#[wasm_bindgen]` attribute through
//! this crate and this crate also provides JS bindings through the `JsValue`
//! interface.
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/wasm-bindgen/0.2")]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(unsize))]
#[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize")]
extern crate serde;
#[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize")]
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate wasm_bindgen_macro;
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
use core::fmt;
use core::mem;
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use core::ptr;
use convert::FromWasmAbi;
macro_rules! if_std {
($($i:item)*) => ($(
#[cfg(feature = "std")] $i
/// A module which is typically glob imported from:
/// ```
/// use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
/// ```
pub mod prelude {
pub use wasm_bindgen_macro::wasm_bindgen;
pub use JsValue;
if_std! {
pub use closure::Closure;
pub mod convert;
pub mod describe;
mod cast;
pub use cast::JsCast;
if_std! {
extern crate std;
use std::prelude::v1::*;
pub mod closure;
/// Representation of an object owned by JS.
/// A `JsValue` doesn't actually live in Rust right now but actually in a table
/// owned by the `wasm-bindgen` generated JS glue code. Eventually the ownership
/// will transfer into wasm directly and this will likely become more efficient,
/// but for now it may be slightly slow.
pub struct JsValue {
idx: u32,
const JSIDX_UNDEFINED: u32 = 0;
const JSIDX_NULL: u32 = 2;
const JSIDX_TRUE: u32 = 4;
const JSIDX_FALSE: u32 = 6;
const JSIDX_RESERVED: u32 = 8;
impl JsValue {
/// The `null` JS value constant.
pub const NULL: JsValue = JsValue { idx: JSIDX_NULL };
/// The `undefined` JS value constant.
pub const UNDEFINED: JsValue = JsValue {
/// The `true` JS value constant.
pub const TRUE: JsValue = JsValue { idx: JSIDX_TRUE };
/// The `false` JS value constant.
pub const FALSE: JsValue = JsValue { idx: JSIDX_FALSE };
/// Creates a new JS value which is a string.
/// The utf-8 string provided is copied to the JS heap and the string will
/// be owned by the JS garbage collector.
pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> JsValue {
unsafe {
JsValue {
idx: __wbindgen_string_new(s.as_ptr(), s.len()),
/// Creates a new JS value which is a number.
/// This function creates a JS value representing a number (a heap
/// allocated number) and returns a handle to the JS version of it.
pub fn from_f64(n: f64) -> JsValue {
unsafe {
JsValue {
idx: __wbindgen_number_new(n),
/// Creates a new JS value which is a boolean.
/// This function creates a JS object representing a boolean (a heap
/// allocated boolean) and returns a handle to the JS version of it.
pub fn from_bool(b: bool) -> JsValue {
if b { JsValue::TRUE } else { JsValue::FALSE }
/// Creates a new JS value representing `undefined`.
pub fn undefined() -> JsValue {
/// Creates a new JS value representing `null`.
pub fn null() -> JsValue {
/// Creates a new JS symbol with the optional description specified.
/// This function will invoke the `Symbol` constructor in JS and return the
/// JS object corresponding to the symbol created.
pub fn symbol(description: Option<&str>) -> JsValue {
unsafe {
let ptr = description.map(|s| s.as_ptr()).unwrap_or(ptr::null());
let len = description.map(|s| s.len()).unwrap_or(0);
JsValue {
idx: __wbindgen_symbol_new(ptr, len),
/// Creates a new `JsValue` from the JSON serialization of the object `t`
/// provided.
/// This function will serialize the provided value `t` to a JSON string,
/// send the JSON string to JS, parse it into a JS object, and then return
/// a handle to the JS object. This is unlikely to be super speedy so it's
/// not recommended for large payloads, but it's a nice to have in some
/// situations!
/// Usage of this API requires activating the `serde-serialize` feature of
/// the `wasm-bindgen` crate.
/// # Errors
/// Returns any error encountered when serializing `T` into JSON.
#[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize")]
pub fn from_serde<T>(t: &T) -> serde_json::Result<JsValue>
T: serde::ser::Serialize + ?Sized,
let s = serde_json::to_string(t)?;
unsafe {
Ok(JsValue {
idx: __wbindgen_json_parse(s.as_ptr(), s.len()),
/// Invokes `JSON.stringify` on this value and then parses the resulting
/// JSON into an arbitrary Rust value.
/// This function will first call `JSON.stringify` on the `JsValue` itself.
/// The resulting string is then passed into Rust which then parses it as
/// JSON into the resulting value.
/// Usage of this API requires activating the `serde-serialize` feature of
/// the `wasm-bindgen` crate.
/// # Errors
/// Returns any error encountered when parsing the JSON into a `T`.
#[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize")]
pub fn into_serde<T>(&self) -> serde_json::Result<T>
T: for<'a> serde::de::Deserialize<'a>,
unsafe {
let mut ptr = ptr::null_mut();
let len = __wbindgen_json_serialize(self.idx, &mut ptr);
let s = Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, len);
let s = String::from_utf8_unchecked(s);
/// Returns the `f64` value of this JS value if it's an instance of a
/// number.
/// If this JS value is not an instance of a number then this returns
/// `None`.
pub fn as_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> {
let mut invalid = 0;
unsafe {
let ret = __wbindgen_number_get(self.idx, &mut invalid);
if invalid == 1 {
} else {
/// Tests whether this JS value is a JS string.
pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { __wbindgen_is_string(self.idx) == 1 }
/// If this JS value is a string value, this function copies the JS string
/// value into wasm linear memory, encoded as UTF-8, and returns it as a
/// Rust `String`.
/// To avoid the copying and re-encoding, consider the `as_js_string()`
/// method instead.
/// If this JS value is not an instance of a string or if it's not valid
/// utf-8 then this returns `None`.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn as_string(&self) -> Option<String> {
unsafe {
let mut len = 0;
let ptr = __wbindgen_string_get(self.idx, &mut len);
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
let data = Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, len);
/// Returns the `bool` value of this JS value if it's an instance of a
/// boolean.
/// If this JS value is not an instance of a boolean then this returns
/// `None`.
pub fn as_bool(&self) -> Option<bool> {
unsafe {
match __wbindgen_boolean_get(self.idx) {
0 => Some(false),
1 => Some(true),
_ => None,
/// Tests whether this JS value is `null`
pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { __wbindgen_is_null(self.idx) == 1 }
/// Tests whether this JS value is `undefined`
pub fn is_undefined(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { __wbindgen_is_undefined(self.idx) == 1 }
/// Tests whether the type of this JS value is `symbol`
pub fn is_symbol(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { __wbindgen_is_symbol(self.idx) == 1 }
/// Tests whether `typeof self == "object" && self !== null`.
pub fn is_object(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { __wbindgen_is_object(self.idx) == 1 }
/// Tests whether the type of this JS value is `function`.
pub fn is_function(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { __wbindgen_is_function(self.idx) == 1 }
impl PartialEq for JsValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &JsValue) -> bool {
unsafe { __wbindgen_jsval_eq(self.idx, other.idx) != 0 }
impl PartialEq<bool> for JsValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &bool) -> bool {
self.as_bool() == Some(*other)
impl PartialEq<str> for JsValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool {
*self == JsValue::from_str(other)
impl<'a> PartialEq<&'a str> for JsValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &&'a str) -> bool {
<JsValue as PartialEq<str>>::eq(self, other)
if_std! {
impl PartialEq<String> for JsValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &String) -> bool {
<JsValue as PartialEq<str>>::eq(self, other)
impl<'a> PartialEq<&'a String> for JsValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &&'a String) -> bool {
<JsValue as PartialEq<str>>::eq(self, other)
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for JsValue {
fn from(s: &'a str) -> JsValue {
if_std! {
impl<'a> From<&'a String> for JsValue {
fn from(s: &'a String) -> JsValue {
impl From<String> for JsValue {
fn from(s: String) -> JsValue {
impl From<bool> for JsValue {
fn from(s: bool) -> JsValue {
impl<'a, T> From<&'a T> for JsValue
T: JsCast,
fn from(s: &'a T) -> JsValue {
impl<T> From<Option<T>> for JsValue
JsValue: From<T>,
fn from(s: Option<T>) -> JsValue {
match s {
Some(s) => s.into(),
None => JsValue::undefined(),
impl JsCast for JsValue {
// everything is a `JsValue`!
fn instanceof(_val: &JsValue) -> bool {
fn unchecked_from_js(val: JsValue) -> Self {
fn unchecked_from_js_ref(val: &JsValue) -> &Self {
impl AsRef<JsValue> for JsValue {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &JsValue {
macro_rules! numbers {
($($n:ident)*) => ($(
impl PartialEq<$n> for JsValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &$n) -> bool {
self.as_f64() == Some(f64::from(*other))
impl From<$n> for JsValue {
fn from(n: $n) -> JsValue {
numbers! { i8 u8 i16 u16 i32 u32 f32 f64 }
macro_rules! externs {
($(fn $name:ident($($args:tt)*) -> $ret:ty;)*) => (
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))]
#[link(wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__")]
extern {
$(fn $name($($args)*) -> $ret;)*
#[cfg(not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten"))))]
unsafe extern fn $name($($args)*) -> $ret {
panic!("function not implemented on non-wasm32 targets")
externs! {
fn __wbindgen_object_clone_ref(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_object_drop_ref(idx: u32) -> ();
fn __wbindgen_string_new(ptr: *const u8, len: usize) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_number_new(f: f64) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_number_get(idx: u32, invalid: *mut u8) -> f64;
fn __wbindgen_is_null(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_is_undefined(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_boolean_get(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_symbol_new(ptr: *const u8, len: usize) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_is_symbol(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_is_object(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_is_function(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_is_string(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_string_get(idx: u32, len: *mut usize) -> *mut u8;
fn __wbindgen_throw(a: *const u8, b: usize) -> !;
fn __wbindgen_rethrow(a: u32) -> !;
fn __wbindgen_cb_drop(idx: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_cb_forget(idx: u32) -> ();
fn __wbindgen_describe(v: u32) -> ();
fn __wbindgen_describe_closure(a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, d: u32, e: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_json_parse(ptr: *const u8, len: usize) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_json_serialize(idx: u32, ptr: *mut *mut u8) -> usize;
fn __wbindgen_jsval_eq(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_memory() -> u32;
impl Clone for JsValue {
fn clone(&self) -> JsValue {
unsafe {
let idx = __wbindgen_object_clone_ref(self.idx);
JsValue { idx }
impl fmt::Debug for JsValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(n) = self.as_f64() {
return n.fmt(f);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
if let Some(n) = self.as_string() {
return n.fmt(f);
if let Some(n) = self.as_bool() {
return n.fmt(f);
if self.is_null() {
return fmt::Display::fmt("null", f);
if self.is_undefined() {
return fmt::Display::fmt("undefined", f);
if self.is_symbol() {
return fmt::Display::fmt("Symbol(..)", f);
fmt::Display::fmt("[object]", f)
impl Drop for JsValue {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// if the first bit is set then this is a stack value, so we for
// sure need to drop it. Otherwise if this is one of the special
// reserved values there's no need to drop it.
if (self.idx & 1) == 1 || self.idx >= JSIDX_RESERVED {
/// Wrapper type for imported statics.
/// This type is used whenever a `static` is imported from a JS module, for
/// example this import:
/// ```ignore
/// #[wasm_bindgen]
/// extern {
/// static console: JsValue;
/// }
/// ```
/// will generate in Rust a value that looks like:
/// ```ignore
/// static console: JsStatic<JsValue> = ...;
/// ```
/// This type implements `Deref` to the inner type so it's typically used as if
/// it were `&T`.
pub struct JsStatic<T: 'static> {
pub __inner: &'static UnsafeCell<Option<T>>,
pub __init: fn() -> T,
unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for JsStatic<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for JsStatic<T> {}
impl<T: FromWasmAbi + 'static> Deref for JsStatic<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
unsafe {
// Ideally we want to use `get_or_insert_with` here but
// unfortunately that has subpar codegen for now.
// If we get past the `Some` branch here LLVM statically
// knows that we're `None`, but the after the call to the `__init`
// function LLVM can no longer know this because `__init` could
// recursively call this function again (aka if JS came back to Rust
// and Rust referenced this static).
// We know, however, that cannot happen. As a result we can
// conclude that even after the call to `__init` our `ptr` still
// points to `None` (and a debug assertion to this effect). Then
// using `ptr::write` should tell rustc to not run destuctors
// (as one isn't there) and this should tighten up codegen for
// `JsStatic` a bit as well.
let ptr = self.__inner.get();
if let Some(ref t) = *ptr {
return t;
let init = Some((self.__init)());
ptr::write(ptr, init);
#[deprecated(note = "renamed to `throw_str`")]
pub fn throw(s: &str) -> ! {
/// Throws a JS exception.
/// This function will throw a JS exception with the message provided. The
/// function will not return as the wasm stack will be popped when the exception
/// is thrown.
/// Note that it is very easy to leak memory with this function because this
/// function, unlike `panic!` on other platforms, **will not run destructors**.
/// It's recommended to return a `Result` where possible to avoid the worry of
/// leaks.
pub fn throw_str(s: &str) -> ! {
unsafe {
__wbindgen_throw(s.as_ptr(), s.len());
/// Rethrow a JS exception
/// This function will throw a JS exception with the JS value provided. This
/// function will not return and the wasm stack will be popped until the point
/// of entry of wasm itself.
/// Note that it is very easy to leak memory with this function because this
/// function, unlike `panic!` on other platforms, **will not run destructors**.
/// It's recommended to return a `Result` where possible to avoid the worry of
/// leaks.
pub fn throw_val(s: JsValue) -> ! {
unsafe {
let idx = s.idx;
/// Returns a handle to this wasm instance's `WebAssembly.Memory`
pub fn memory() -> JsValue {
unsafe {
JsValue {
idx: __wbindgen_memory(),
pub mod __rt {
use core::cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell};
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
pub extern crate core;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub extern crate std;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
macro_rules! __wbindgen_if_not_std {
($($i:item)*) => {};
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
macro_rules! __wbindgen_if_not_std {
($($i:item)*) => ($($i)*)
pub fn assert_not_null<T>(s: *mut T) {
if s.is_null() {
fn throw_null() -> ! {
super::throw_str("null pointer passed to rust");
/// A vendored version of `RefCell` from the standard library.
/// Now why, you may ask, would we do that? Surely `RefCell` in libstd is
/// quite good. And you're right, it is indeed quite good! Functionally
/// nothing more is needed from `RefCell` in the standard library but for
/// now this crate is also sort of optimizing for compiled code size.
/// One major factor to larger binaries in Rust is when a panic happens.
/// Panicking in the standard library involves a fair bit of machinery
/// (formatting, panic hooks, synchronization, etc). It's all worthwhile if
/// you need it but for something like `WasmRefCell` here we don't actually
/// need all that!
/// This is just a wrapper around all Rust objects passed to JS intended to
/// guard accidental reentrancy, so this vendored version is intended solely
/// to not panic in libstd. Instead when it "panics" it calls our `throw`
/// function in this crate which raises an error in JS.
pub struct WasmRefCell<T: ?Sized> {
borrow: Cell<usize>,
value: UnsafeCell<T>,
impl<T: ?Sized> WasmRefCell<T> {
pub fn new(value: T) -> WasmRefCell<T>
T: Sized,
WasmRefCell {
value: UnsafeCell::new(value),
borrow: Cell::new(0),
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
unsafe { &mut *self.value.get() }
pub fn borrow(&self) -> Ref<T> {
unsafe {
if self.borrow.get() == usize::max_value() {
self.borrow.set(self.borrow.get() + 1);
Ref {
value: &*self.value.get(),
borrow: &self.borrow,
pub fn borrow_mut(&self) -> RefMut<T> {
unsafe {
if self.borrow.get() != 0 {
RefMut {
value: &mut *self.value.get(),
borrow: &self.borrow,
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T
T: Sized,
pub struct Ref<'b, T: ?Sized + 'b> {
value: &'b T,
borrow: &'b Cell<usize>,
impl<'b, T: ?Sized> Deref for Ref<'b, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
impl<'b, T: ?Sized> Drop for Ref<'b, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.borrow.set(self.borrow.get() - 1);
pub struct RefMut<'b, T: ?Sized + 'b> {
value: &'b mut T,
borrow: &'b Cell<usize>,
impl<'b, T: ?Sized> Deref for RefMut<'b, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
impl<'b, T: ?Sized> DerefMut for RefMut<'b, T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
impl<'b, T: ?Sized> Drop for RefMut<'b, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
fn borrow_fail() -> ! {
"recursive use of an object detected which would lead to \
unsafe aliasing in rust",
if_std! {
use std::alloc::{System, GlobalAlloc, Layout};
use std::mem;
pub extern fn __wbindgen_malloc(size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let align = mem::align_of::<usize>();
if let Ok(layout) = Layout::from_size_align(size, align) {
unsafe {
let ptr = System.alloc(layout);
if !ptr.is_null() {
return ptr
super::throw_str("invalid malloc request");
pub unsafe extern fn __wbindgen_free(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize) {
// This happens for zero-length slices, and in that case `ptr` is
// likely bogus so don't actually send this to the system allocator
if size == 0 {
let align = mem::align_of::<usize>();
let layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align);
System.dealloc(ptr, layout);
pub const GLOBAL_STACK_CAP: usize = 16;
// Increase the alignment to 8 here because this can be used as a
// BigUint64Array pointer base which requires alignment 8
struct GlobalData([u32; GLOBAL_STACK_CAP]);
static mut GLOBAL_STACK: GlobalData = GlobalData([0; GLOBAL_STACK_CAP]);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn __wbindgen_global_argument_ptr() -> *mut u32 {
/// This is a curious function necessary to get wasm-bindgen working today,
/// and it's a bit of an unfortunate hack.
/// The general problem is that somehow we need the above two symbols to
/// exist in the final output binary (__wbindgen_malloc and
/// __wbindgen_free). These symbols may be called by JS for various
/// bindings, so we for sure need to make sure they're exported.
/// The problem arises, though, when what if no Rust code uses the symbols?
/// For all intents and purposes it looks to LLVM and the linker like the
/// above two symbols are dead code, so they're completely discarded!
/// Specifically what happens is this:
/// * The above two symbols are generated into some object file inside of
/// libwasm_bindgen.rlib
/// * The linker, LLD, will not load this object file unless *some* symbol
/// is loaded from the object. In this case, if the Rust code never calls
/// __wbindgen_malloc or __wbindgen_free then the symbols never get linked
/// in.
/// * Later when `wasm-bindgen` attempts to use the symbols they don't
/// exist, causing an error.
/// This function is a weird hack for this problem. We inject a call to this
/// function in all generated code. Usage of this function should then
/// ensure that the above two intrinsics are translated.
/// Due to how rustc creates object files this function (and anything inside
/// it) will be placed into the same object file as the two intrinsics
/// above. That means if this function is called and referenced we'll pull
/// in the object file and link the intrinsics.
/// Ideas for how to improve this are most welcome!
pub fn link_mem_intrinsics() {}
/// A wrapper type around slices and vectors for binding the `Uint8ClampedArray`
/// array in JS.
/// If you need to invoke a JS API which must take `Uint8ClampedArray` array,
/// then you can define it as taking one of these types:
/// * `Clamped<&[u8]>`
/// * `Clamped<&mut [u8]>`
/// * `Clamped<Vec<u8>>`
/// All of these types will show up as `Uint8ClampedArray` in JS and will have
/// different forms of ownership in Rust.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)]
pub struct Clamped<T>(pub T);
impl<T> Deref for Clamped<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
impl<T> DerefMut for Clamped<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut self.0