Nick Fitzgerald 44c3f8ad2d Introduce the multi-value-xform crate
This crate provides a transformation to turn exported functions that use a
return pointer into exported functions that use multi-value.

Consider the following function:

pub extern "C" fn pair(a: u32, b: u32) -> [u32; 2] {
    [a, b]

LLVM will by default compile this down into the following Wasm:

(func $pair (param i32 i32 i32)
  local.get 0
  local.get 2
  i32.store offset=4
  local.get 0
  local.get 1

What's happening here is that the function is not directly returning the
pair at all, but instead the first `i32` parameter is a pointer to some
scratch space, and the return value is written into the scratch space. LLVM
does this because it doesn't yet have support for multi-value Wasm, and so
it only knows how to return a single value at a time.

Ideally, with multi-value, what we would like instead is this:

(func $pair (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)
  local.get 0
  local.get 1)

However, that's not what this transformation does at the moment. This
transformation is a little simpler than mutating existing functions to
produce a multi-value result, instead it introduces new functions that wrap
the original function and translate the return pointer to multi-value
results in this wrapper function.

With our running example, we end up with this:

;; The original function.
(func $pair (param i32 i32 i32)
  local.get 0
  local.get 2
  i32.store offset=4
  local.get 0
  local.get 1

(func $pairWrapper (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)
  ;; Our return pointer that points to the scratch space we are allocating
  ;; on the shadow stack for calling `$pair`.
  (local i32)

  ;; Allocate space on the shadow stack for the result.
  global.get $shadowStackPointer
  i32.const 8
  local.tee 2
  global.set $shadowStackPointer

  ;; Call `$pair` with our allocated shadow stack space for its results.
  local.get 2
  local.get 0
  local.get 1
  call $pair

  ;; Copy the return values from the shadow stack to the wasm stack.
  local.get 2
  local.get 2 offset=4

  ;; Finally, restore the shadow stack pointer.
  local.get 2
  i32.const 8
  global.set $shadowStackPointer)

This `$pairWrapper` function is what we actually end up exporting instead of
2019-09-10 17:32:30 -07:00
2019-09-10 17:32:30 -07:00