Nick Fitzgerald b8afa0abde web-sys: Use mixins instead of [NoInterfaceObject] interfaces and implements
I think these might all be from before WebIDL mixins existed. Either way,
multiple inheritance of interfaces that don't have exposed interface objects is
equivalent to mixins.
2018-08-15 16:57:23 -07:00

171 lines
7.3 KiB

/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* The origin of this IDL file is
* http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#eventhandler
* © Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and
* Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce
* and create derivative works of this document.
callback EventHandlerNonNull = any (Event event);
typedef EventHandlerNonNull? EventHandler;
callback OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull = DOMString? (Event event);
typedef OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull? OnBeforeUnloadEventHandler;
callback OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull = any ((Event or DOMString) event, optional DOMString source, optional unsigned long lineno, optional unsigned long column, optional any error);
typedef OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull? OnErrorEventHandler;
interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers {
attribute EventHandler onabort;
attribute EventHandler onblur;
// We think the spec is wrong here. See OnErrorEventHandlerForNodes/Window
// below.
// attribute OnErrorEventHandler onerror;
attribute EventHandler onfocus;
//(Not implemented)attribute EventHandler oncancel;
attribute EventHandler onauxclick;
attribute EventHandler oncanplay;
attribute EventHandler oncanplaythrough;
attribute EventHandler onchange;
attribute EventHandler onclick;
attribute EventHandler onclose;
attribute EventHandler oncontextmenu;
//(Not implemented)attribute EventHandler oncuechange;
attribute EventHandler ondblclick;
attribute EventHandler ondrag;
attribute EventHandler ondragend;
attribute EventHandler ondragenter;
attribute EventHandler ondragexit;
attribute EventHandler ondragleave;
attribute EventHandler ondragover;
attribute EventHandler ondragstart;
attribute EventHandler ondrop;
attribute EventHandler ondurationchange;
attribute EventHandler onemptied;
attribute EventHandler onended;
attribute EventHandler oninput;
attribute EventHandler oninvalid;
attribute EventHandler onkeydown;
attribute EventHandler onkeypress;
attribute EventHandler onkeyup;
attribute EventHandler onload;
attribute EventHandler onloadeddata;
attribute EventHandler onloadedmetadata;
attribute EventHandler onloadend;
attribute EventHandler onloadstart;
attribute EventHandler onmousedown;
[LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onmouseenter;
[LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onmouseleave;
attribute EventHandler onmousemove;
attribute EventHandler onmouseout;
attribute EventHandler onmouseover;
attribute EventHandler onmouseup;
attribute EventHandler onwheel;
attribute EventHandler onpause;
attribute EventHandler onplay;
attribute EventHandler onplaying;
attribute EventHandler onprogress;
attribute EventHandler onratechange;
attribute EventHandler onreset;
attribute EventHandler onresize;
attribute EventHandler onscroll;
attribute EventHandler onseeked;
attribute EventHandler onseeking;
attribute EventHandler onselect;
attribute EventHandler onshow;
//(Not implemented)attribute EventHandler onsort;
attribute EventHandler onstalled;
attribute EventHandler onsubmit;
attribute EventHandler onsuspend;
attribute EventHandler ontimeupdate;
attribute EventHandler onvolumechange;
attribute EventHandler onwaiting;
attribute EventHandler onselectstart;
attribute EventHandler ontoggle;
// Pointer events handlers
attribute EventHandler onpointercancel;
attribute EventHandler onpointerdown;
attribute EventHandler onpointerup;
attribute EventHandler onpointermove;
attribute EventHandler onpointerout;
attribute EventHandler onpointerover;
attribute EventHandler onpointerenter;
attribute EventHandler onpointerleave;
attribute EventHandler ongotpointercapture;
attribute EventHandler onlostpointercapture;
// CSS-Animation and CSS-Transition handlers.
attribute EventHandler onanimationcancel;
attribute EventHandler onanimationend;
attribute EventHandler onanimationiteration;
attribute EventHandler onanimationstart;
attribute EventHandler ontransitioncancel;
attribute EventHandler ontransitionend;
attribute EventHandler ontransitionrun;
attribute EventHandler ontransitionstart;
// CSS-Animation and CSS-Transition legacy handlers.
// This handler isn't standard.
attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationend;
attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationiteration;
attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationstart;
attribute EventHandler onwebkittransitionend;
interface mixin WindowEventHandlers {
attribute EventHandler onafterprint;
attribute EventHandler onbeforeprint;
attribute OnBeforeUnloadEventHandler onbeforeunload;
attribute EventHandler onhashchange;
attribute EventHandler onlanguagechange;
attribute EventHandler onmessage;
attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;
attribute EventHandler onoffline;
attribute EventHandler ononline;
attribute EventHandler onpagehide;
attribute EventHandler onpageshow;
attribute EventHandler onpopstate;
attribute EventHandler onstorage;
attribute EventHandler onunload;
interface mixin DocumentAndElementEventHandlers {
attribute EventHandler oncopy;
attribute EventHandler oncut;
attribute EventHandler onpaste;
// The spec has |attribute OnErrorEventHandler onerror;| on
// GlobalEventHandlers, and calls the handler differently depending on
// whether an ErrorEvent was fired. We don't do that, and until we do we'll
// need to distinguish between onerror on Window or on nodes.
interface mixin OnErrorEventHandlerForNodes {
attribute EventHandler onerror;
interface mixin OnErrorEventHandlerForWindow {
attribute OnErrorEventHandler onerror;