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synced 2025-03-19 19:50:52 +00:00
* Try to enable all webidls * Separate out unavailable webidl files by reason. * Create record of fully tested WebIDL files * Update notes to reflect new situation with web-idl * Make a blank ident fail, disable the necessary widls. It turns out that all the blank idents came from blank enum variants, which is allowed in webidl apparently.
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206 lines
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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* The origin of this IDL file is
* http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html#rtcstatsreport-object
* http://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/Stats
enum RTCStatsType {
dictionary RTCStats {
DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp;
RTCStatsType type;
DOMString id;
dictionary RTCRTPStreamStats : RTCStats {
DOMString ssrc;
DOMString mediaType;
DOMString remoteId;
boolean isRemote = false;
DOMString mediaTrackId;
DOMString transportId;
DOMString codecId;
// Video encoder/decoder measurements, not present in RTCP case
double bitrateMean;
double bitrateStdDev;
double framerateMean;
double framerateStdDev;
// Local only measurements, RTCP related but not communicated via RTCP. Not
// present in RTCP case.
unsigned long firCount;
unsigned long pliCount;
unsigned long nackCount;
dictionary RTCInboundRTPStreamStats : RTCRTPStreamStats {
unsigned long packetsReceived;
unsigned long long bytesReceived;
double jitter;
unsigned long packetsLost;
long mozAvSyncDelay;
long mozJitterBufferDelay;
long roundTripTime;
// Video decoder measurement, not present in RTCP case
unsigned long discardedPackets;
unsigned long framesDecoded;
dictionary RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats : RTCRTPStreamStats {
unsigned long packetsSent;
unsigned long long bytesSent;
double targetBitrate; // config encoder bitrate target of this SSRC in bits/s
// Video encoder measurements, not present in RTCP case
unsigned long droppedFrames;
unsigned long framesEncoded;
dictionary RTCMediaStreamTrackStats : RTCStats {
DOMString trackIdentifier; // track.id property
boolean remoteSource;
sequence<DOMString> ssrcIds;
// Stuff that makes sense for video
unsigned long frameWidth;
unsigned long frameHeight;
double framesPerSecond; // The nominal FPS value
unsigned long framesSent;
unsigned long framesReceived; // Only for remoteSource=true
unsigned long framesDecoded;
unsigned long framesDropped; // See VideoPlaybackQuality.droppedVideoFrames
unsigned long framesCorrupted; // as above.
// Stuff that makes sense for audio
double audioLevel; // linear, 1.0 = 0 dBov (from RFC 6464).
// AEC stuff on audio tracks sourced from a microphone where AEC is applied
double echoReturnLoss; // in decibels from G.168 (2012) section 3.14
double echoReturnLossEnhancement; // as above, section 3.15
dictionary RTCMediaStreamStats : RTCStats {
DOMString streamIdentifier; // stream.id property
sequence<DOMString> trackIds; // Note: stats object ids, not track.id
dictionary RTCRTPContributingSourceStats : RTCStats {
unsigned long contributorSsrc;
DOMString inboundRtpStreamId;
dictionary RTCTransportStats: RTCStats {
unsigned long bytesSent;
unsigned long bytesReceived;
dictionary RTCIceComponentStats : RTCStats {
DOMString transportId;
long component;
unsigned long bytesSent;
unsigned long bytesReceived;
boolean activeConnection;
enum RTCStatsIceCandidatePairState {
dictionary RTCIceCandidatePairStats : RTCStats {
DOMString transportId;
DOMString localCandidateId;
DOMString remoteCandidateId;
RTCStatsIceCandidatePairState state;
unsigned long long priority;
boolean nominated;
boolean writable;
boolean readable;
unsigned long long bytesSent;
unsigned long long bytesReceived;
DOMHighResTimeStamp lastPacketSentTimestamp;
DOMHighResTimeStamp lastPacketReceivedTimestamp;
boolean selected;
unsigned long componentId; // moz
enum RTCStatsIceCandidateType {
dictionary RTCIceCandidateStats : RTCStats {
DOMString componentId;
DOMString candidateId;
DOMString ipAddress;
DOMString transport;
DOMString mozLocalTransport; // needs standardization
long portNumber;
RTCStatsIceCandidateType candidateType;
dictionary RTCCodecStats : RTCStats {
unsigned long payloadType; // As used in RTP encoding.
DOMString codec; // video/vp8 or equivalent
unsigned long clockRate;
unsigned long channels; // 2=stereo, missing for most other cases.
DOMString parameters; // From SDP description line
// This is the internal representation of the report in this implementation
// to be received from c++
dictionary RTCStatsReportInternal {
DOMString pcid = "";
sequence<RTCInboundRTPStreamStats> inboundRTPStreamStats;
sequence<RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats> outboundRTPStreamStats;
sequence<RTCRTPContributingSourceStats> rtpContributingSourceStats;
sequence<RTCMediaStreamTrackStats> mediaStreamTrackStats;
sequence<RTCMediaStreamStats> mediaStreamStats;
sequence<RTCTransportStats> transportStats;
sequence<RTCIceComponentStats> iceComponentStats;
sequence<RTCIceCandidatePairStats> iceCandidatePairStats;
sequence<RTCIceCandidateStats> iceCandidateStats;
sequence<RTCCodecStats> codecStats;
DOMString localSdp;
DOMString remoteSdp;
DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp;
unsigned long iceRestarts;
unsigned long iceRollbacks;
boolean offerer; // Is the PC the offerer
boolean closed; // Is the PC now closed
sequence<RTCIceCandidateStats> trickledIceCandidateStats;
sequence<DOMString> rawLocalCandidates;
sequence<DOMString> rawRemoteCandidates;
// TODO: Use MapClass here once it's available (Bug 928114)
// MapClass(DOMString, object)
interface RTCStatsReport {
readonly maplike<DOMString, object>;
readonly attribute DOMString mozPcid;