363 lines
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//! Converting between JavaScript `Promise`s to Rust `Future`s.
//! This crate provides a bridge for working with JavaScript `Promise` types as
//! a Rust `Future`, and similarly contains utilities to turn a rust `Future`
//! into a JavaScript `Promise`. This can be useful when working with
//! asynchronous or otherwise blocking work in Rust (wasm), and provides the
//! ability to interoperate with JavaScript events and JavaScript I/O
//! primitives.
//! There are two main interfaces in this crate currently:
//! 1. [**`JsFuture`**](./struct.JsFuture.html)
//! A type that is constructed with a `Promise` and can then be used as a
//! `Future<Item = JsValue, Error = JsValue>`. This Rust future will resolve
//! or reject with the value coming out of the `Promise`.
//! 2. [**`future_to_promise`**](./fn.future_to_promise.html)
//! Converts a Rust `Future<Item = JsValue, Error = JsValue>` into a
//! JavaScript `Promise`. The future's result will translate to either a
//! rejected or resolved `Promise` in JavaScript.
//! These two items should provide enough of a bridge to interoperate the two
//! systems and make sure that Rust/JavaScript can work together with
//! asynchronous and I/O work.
//! # Example Usage
//! This example wraps JavaScript's `Promise.resolve()` into a Rust `Future` for
//! running tasks on the next tick of the micro task queue. The futures built on
//! top of it can be scheduled for execution by conversion into a JavaScript
//! `Promise`.
//! ```rust,no_run
//! #![feature(use_extern_macros)]
//! extern crate futures;
//! extern crate js_sys;
//! extern crate wasm_bindgen;
//! extern crate wasm_bindgen_futures;
//! use futures::{Async, Future, Poll};
//! use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
//! use wasm_bindgen_futures::{JsFuture, future_to_promise};
//! /// A future that becomes ready after a tick of the micro task queue.
//! pub struct NextTick {
//! inner: JsFuture,
//! }
//! impl NextTick {
//! /// Construct a new `NextTick` future.
//! pub fn new() -> NextTick {
//! // Create a resolved promise that will run its callbacks on the next
//! // tick of the micro task queue.
//! let promise = js_sys::Promise::resolve(&JsValue::NULL);
//! // Convert the promise into a `JsFuture`.
//! let inner = JsFuture::from(promise);
//! NextTick { inner }
//! }
//! }
//! impl Future for NextTick {
//! type Item = ();
//! type Error = ();
//! fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), ()> {
//! // Polling a `NextTick` just forwards to polling if the inner promise is
//! // ready.
//! match self.inner.poll() {
//! Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => Ok(Async::Ready(())),
//! Ok(Async::NotReady) => Ok(Async::NotReady),
//! Err(_) => unreachable!(
//! "We only create NextTick with a resolved inner promise, never \
//! a rejected one, so we can't get an error here"
//! ),
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! /// Export a function to JavaScript that does some work in the next tick of the
//! /// micro task queue!
//! #[wasm_bindgen]
//! pub fn schedule_some_work_for_next_tick() -> js_sys::Promise {
//! let future = NextTick::new()
//! // Do some work...
//! .and_then(|_| {
//! Ok(42)
//! })
//! // And then convert the `Item` and `Error` into `JsValue`.
//! .map(|result| {
//! JsValue::from(result)
//! })
//! .map_err(|error| {
//! let js_error = js_sys::Error::new(&format!("uh oh! {:?}", error));
//! JsValue::from(js_error)
//! });
//! // Convert the `Future<Item = JsValue, Error = JsValue>` into a JavaScript
//! // `Promise`!
//! future_to_promise(future)
//! }
//! ```
extern crate futures;
extern crate wasm_bindgen;
extern crate js_sys;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
use futures::executor::{self, Spawn, Notify};
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::sync::oneshot;
use js_sys::{Function, Promise};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
/// A Rust `Future` backed by a JavaScript `Promise`.
/// This type is constructed with a JavaScript `Promise` object and translates
/// it to a Rust `Future`. This type implements the `Future` trait from the
/// `futures` crate and will either succeed or fail depending on what happens
/// with the JavaScript `Promise`.
/// Currently this type is constructed with `JsFuture::from`.
pub struct JsFuture {
resolved: oneshot::Receiver<JsValue>,
rejected: oneshot::Receiver<JsValue>,
callbacks: Option<(Closure<FnMut(JsValue)>, Closure<FnMut(JsValue)>)>,
impl From<Promise> for JsFuture {
fn from(js: Promise) -> JsFuture {
// Use the `then` method to schedule two callbacks, one for the
// resolved value and one for the rejected value. These two callbacks
// will be connected to oneshot channels which feed back into our
// future.
// This may not be the speediest option today but it should work!
let (tx1, rx1) = oneshot::channel();
let (tx2, rx2) = oneshot::channel();
let mut tx1 = Some(tx1);
let resolve = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |val| {
}) as Box<FnMut(_)>);
let mut tx2 = Some(tx2);
let reject = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |val| {
}) as Box<FnMut(_)>);
js.then2(&resolve, &reject);
JsFuture {
resolved: rx1,
rejected: rx2,
callbacks: Some((resolve, reject)),
impl Future for JsFuture {
type Item = JsValue;
type Error = JsValue;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<JsValue, JsValue> {
// Test if either our resolved or rejected side is finished yet. Note
// that they will return errors if they're disconnected which can't
// happen until we drop the `callbacks` field, which doesn't happen
// till we're done, so we dont need to handle that.
if let Ok(Async::Ready(val)) = self.resolved.poll() {
return Ok(val.into())
if let Ok(Async::Ready(val)) = self.rejected.poll() {
return Err(val)
/// Converts a Rust `Future` into a JavaScript `Promise`.
/// This function will take any future in Rust and schedule it to be executed,
/// returning a JavaScript `Promise` which can then be passed back to JavaScript
/// to get plumbed into the rest of a system.
/// The `future` provided must adhere to `'static` because it'll be scheduled
/// to run in the background and cannot contain any stack references. The
/// returned `Promise` will be resolved or rejected when the future completes,
/// depending on whether it finishes with `Ok` or `Err`.
/// # Panics
/// Note that in wasm panics are currently translated to aborts, but "abort" in
/// this case means that a JavaScript exception is thrown. The wasm module is
/// still usable (likely erroneously) after Rust panics.
/// If the `future` provided panics then the returned `Promise` **will not
/// resolve**. Instead it will be a leaked promise. This is an unfortunate
/// limitation of wasm currently that's hoped to be fixed one day!
pub fn future_to_promise<F>(future: F) -> Promise
where F: Future<Item = JsValue, Error = JsValue> + 'static,
// Implementation of actually transforming a future into a JavaScript `Promise`.
// The only primitive we have to work with here is `Promise::new`, which gives
// us two callbacks that we can use to either reject or resolve the promise.
// It's our job to ensure that one of those callbacks is called at the
// appropriate time.
// Now we know that JavaScript (in general) can't block and is largely
// notification/callback driven. That means that our future must either have
// synchronous computational work to do, or it's "scheduled a notification" to
// happen. These notifications are likely callbacks to get executed when things
// finish (like a different promise or something like `setTimeout`). The general
// idea here is thus to do as much synchronous work as we can and then otherwise
// translate notifications of a future's task into "let's poll the future!"
// This isn't necessarily the greatest future executor in the world, but it
// should get the job done for now hopefully.
fn _future_to_promise(future: Box<Future<Item = JsValue, Error = JsValue>>) -> Promise {
let mut future = Some(executor::spawn(future));
return Promise::new(&mut |resolve, reject| {
Package::poll(&Arc::new(Package {
spawn: RefCell::new(future.take().unwrap()),
notified: Cell::new(State::Notified),
struct Package {
// Our "spawned future". This'll have everything we need to poll the
// future and continue to move it forward.
spawn: RefCell<Spawn<Box<Future<Item = JsValue, Error = JsValue>>>>,
// The current state of this future, expressed in an enum below. This
// indicates whether we're currently polling the future, received a
// notification and need to keep polling, or if we're waiting for a
// notification to come in (and no one is polling).
notified: Cell<State>,
// Our two callbacks connected to the `Promise` that we returned to
// JavaScript. We'll be invoking one of these at the end.
resolve: Function,
reject: Function,
// The possible states our `Package` (future) can be in, tracked internally
// and used to guide what happens when polling a future.
enum State {
// This future is currently and actively being polled. Attempting to
// access the future will result in a runtime panic and is considered a
// bug.
// This future has been notified, while it was being polled. This marker
// is used in the `Notify` implementation below, and indicates that a
// notification was received that the future is ready to make progress.
// If seen, however, it probably means that the future is also currently
// being polled.
// The future is blocked, waiting for something to happen. Stored here
// is a self-reference to the future itself so we can pull it out in
// `Notify` and continue polling.
// Note that the self-reference here is an Arc-cycle that will leak
// memory unless the future completes, but currently that should be ok
// as we'll have to stick around anyway while the future is executing!
// This state is removed as soon as a notification comes in, so the leak
// should only be "temporary"
// No shared memory right now, wasm is single threaded, no need to worry
// about this!
unsafe impl Send for Package {}
unsafe impl Sync for Package {}
impl Package {
// Move the future contained in `me` as far forward as we can. This will
// do as much synchronous work as possible to complete the future,
// ensuring that when it blocks we're scheduled to get notified via some
// callback somewhere at some point (vague, right?)
// TODO: this probably shouldn't do as much synchronous work as possible
// as it can starve other computations. Rather it should instead
// yield every so often with something like `setTimeout` with the
// timeout set to zero.
fn poll(me: &Arc<Package>) {
loop {
match me.notified.replace(State::Polling) {
// We received a notification while previously polling, or
// this is the initial poll. We've got work to do below!
State::Notified => {}
// We've gone through this loop once and no notification was
// received while we were executing work. That means we got
// `NotReady` below and we're scheduled to receive a
// notification. Block ourselves and wait for later.
// When the notification comes in it'll notify our task, see
// our `Waiting` state, and resume the polling process
State::Polling => {
State::Waiting(_) => panic!("shouldn't see waiting state!"),
let (val, f) = match me.spawn.borrow_mut().poll_future_notify(me, 0) {
// If the future is ready, immediately call the
// resolve/reject callback and then return as we're done.
Ok(Async::Ready(value)) => (value, &me.resolve),
Err(value) => (value, &me.reject),
// Otherwise keep going in our loop, if we weren't notified
// we'll break out and start waiting.
Ok(Async::NotReady) => continue,
drop(f.call1(&JsValue::undefined(), &val));
impl Notify for Package {
fn notify(&self, _id: usize) {
match self.notified.replace(State::Notified) {
// we need to schedule polling to resume, so we do so
// immediately for now
State::Waiting(me) => Package::poll(&me),
// we were already notified, and were just notified again;
// having now coalesced the notifications we return as it's
// still someone else's job to process this
State::Notified => {}
// the future was previously being polled, and we've just
// switched it to the "you're notified" state. We don't have
// access to the future as it's being polled, so the future
// polling process later sees this notification and will
// continue polling. For us, though, there's nothing else to do,
// so we bail out.
// later see
State::Polling => {}