use std::iter::FromIterator; use backend; use heck::SnakeCase; use proc_macro2::{self, Ident}; use syn; use webidl; fn is_rust_keyword(name: &str) -> bool { match name { "abstract" | "alignof" | "as" | "become" | "box" | "break" | "const" | "continue" | "crate" | "do" | "else" | "enum" | "extern" | "false" | "final" | "fn" | "for" | "if" | "impl" | "in" | "let" | "loop" | "macro" | "match" | "mod" | "move" | "mut" | "offsetof" | "override" | "priv" | "proc" | "pub" | "pure" | "ref" | "return" | "Self" | "self" | "sizeof" | "static" | "struct" | "super" | "trait" | "true" | "type" | "typeof" | "unsafe" | "unsized" | "use" | "virtual" | "where" | "while" | "yield" | "bool" | "_" => true, _ => false, } } // Create an `Ident`, possibly mangling it if it conflicts with a Rust keyword. pub fn rust_ident(name: &str) -> Ident { if is_rust_keyword(name) { Ident::new(&format!("{}_", name), proc_macro2::Span::call_site()) } else { raw_ident(name) } } // Create an `Ident` without checking to see if it conflicts with a Rust // keyword. pub fn raw_ident(name: &str) -> Ident { Ident::new(name, proc_macro2::Span::call_site()) } fn simple_path_ty(segments: I) -> syn::Type where I: IntoIterator, { let segments: Vec<_> = segments .into_iter() .map(|i| syn::PathSegment { ident: i, arguments: syn::PathArguments::None, }) .collect(); syn::TypePath { qself: None, path: syn::Path { leading_colon: None, segments: syn::punctuated::Punctuated::from_iter(segments), }, }.into() } pub fn ident_ty(ident: Ident) -> syn::Type { simple_path_ty(Some(ident)) } fn shared_ref(ty: syn::Type) -> syn::Type { syn::TypeReference { and_token: Default::default(), lifetime: None, mutability: None, elem: Box::new(ty), }.into() } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum TypePosition { Argument, Return, } pub fn webidl_ty_to_syn_ty(ty: &webidl::ast::Type, pos: TypePosition) -> Option { // nullable types are not yet supported (see issue #14) if ty.nullable { return None; } Some(match ty.kind { // `any` becomes `::wasm_bindgen::JsValue`. webidl::ast::TypeKind::Any => { simple_path_ty(vec![rust_ident("wasm_bindgen"), rust_ident("JsValue")]) } // A reference to a type by name becomes the same thing in the // bindings. webidl::ast::TypeKind::Identifier(ref id) => ident_ty(rust_ident(id)), // Scalars. webidl::ast::TypeKind::Boolean => ident_ty(raw_ident("bool")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::Byte => ident_ty(raw_ident("i8")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::Octet => ident_ty(raw_ident("u8")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::RestrictedDouble | webidl::ast::TypeKind::UnrestrictedDouble => { ident_ty(raw_ident("f64")) } webidl::ast::TypeKind::RestrictedFloat | webidl::ast::TypeKind::UnrestrictedFloat => { ident_ty(raw_ident("f32")) } webidl::ast::TypeKind::SignedLong => ident_ty(raw_ident("i32")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::SignedLongLong => ident_ty(raw_ident("i64")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::SignedShort => ident_ty(raw_ident("i16")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::UnsignedLong => ident_ty(raw_ident("u32")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::UnsignedLongLong => ident_ty(raw_ident("u64")), webidl::ast::TypeKind::UnsignedShort => ident_ty(raw_ident("u16")), // `DOMString -> `&str` for arguments webidl::ast::TypeKind::DOMString if pos == TypePosition::Argument => { shared_ref(ident_ty(raw_ident("str"))) } // `DOMString` is not supported yet in other positions. webidl::ast::TypeKind::DOMString => return None, // Support for these types is not yet implemented, so skip // generating any bindings for this function. webidl::ast::TypeKind::ArrayBuffer | webidl::ast::TypeKind::ByteString | webidl::ast::TypeKind::DataView | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Error | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Float32Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Float64Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::FrozenArray(_) | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Int16Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Int32Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Int8Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Object | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Promise(_) | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Record(..) | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Sequence(_) | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Symbol | webidl::ast::TypeKind::USVString | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Uint16Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Uint32Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Uint8Array | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Uint8ClampedArray | webidl::ast::TypeKind::Union(_) => { return None; } }) } fn simple_fn_arg(ident: Ident, ty: syn::Type) -> syn::ArgCaptured { syn::ArgCaptured { pat: syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent { by_ref: None, mutability: None, ident, subpat: None, }), colon_token: Default::default(), ty, } } fn webidl_arguments_to_syn_arg_captured<'a, I>( arguments: I, kind: &backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind, ) -> Option> where I: Iterator, { let estimate = arguments.size_hint(); let len = estimate.1.unwrap_or(estimate.0); let mut res = if let backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ty, kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Normal, .. } = kind { let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(len + 1); res.push(simple_fn_arg(raw_ident("self_"), shared_ref(ty.clone()))); res } else { Vec::with_capacity(len) }; for (name, ty, variadic) in arguments { if variadic { warn!("Variadic arguments are not supported yet",); return None; } match webidl_ty_to_syn_ty(ty, TypePosition::Argument) { None => { warn!("Argument's type is not yet supported: {:?}", ty); return None; } Some(ty) => res.push(simple_fn_arg(rust_ident(&name.to_snake_case()), ty)), } } Some(res) } pub fn create_function<'a, I>( name: &str, arguments: I, kind: backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind, ret: Option, mut attrs: Vec, ) -> Option where I: Iterator, { let rust_name = rust_ident(&name.to_snake_case()); let name = raw_ident(name); let arguments = webidl_arguments_to_syn_arg_captured(arguments, &kind)?; let js_ret = ret.clone(); if let backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { .. } = kind { attrs.push(backend::ast::BindgenAttr::Method); } let opts = backend::ast::BindgenAttrs { attrs }; let shim = { let ns = match kind { backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal => "", backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref class, .. } => class, }; raw_ident(&format!("__widl_f_{}_{}", rust_name, ns)) }; Some(backend::ast::ImportFunction { function: backend::ast::Function { name, arguments, ret, opts, rust_attrs: vec![], rust_vis: syn::Visibility::Public(syn::VisPublic { pub_token: Default::default(), }), }, rust_name, js_ret, kind, shim, }) } pub fn create_basic_method( arguments: &[webidl::ast::Argument], name: Option<&String>, return_type: &webidl::ast::ReturnType, self_name: &str, kind: backend::ast::MethodKind, ) -> Option { let name = match name { None => { warn!("Operations without a name are unsupported"); return None; } Some(ref name) => name, }; let kind = backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { class: self_name.to_string(), ty: ident_ty(rust_ident(self_name)), kind, }; let ret = match return_type { webidl::ast::ReturnType::Void => None, webidl::ast::ReturnType::NonVoid(ty) => match webidl_ty_to_syn_ty(ty, TypePosition::Return) { None => { warn!("Operation's return type is not yet supported: {:?}", ty); return None; } Some(ty) => Some(ty), }, }; create_function( &name, arguments .iter() .map(|arg| (&*, &*arg.type_, arg.variadic)), kind, ret, Vec::new(), ) } pub fn wrap_import_function(function: backend::ast::ImportFunction) -> backend::ast::Import { backend::ast::Import { module: None, version: None, js_namespace: None, kind: backend::ast::ImportKind::Function(function), } }